#地球online#,202310220707。有的人的自我脆弱似薄纸,一吹就破。有的人的自我坚若磐石,风吹雨打若等闲。内在自我秩序的构建,就像原子和原子之间的链接,有的松散混乱,有的密集有序。内在秩序的链接,是需要有意识构建和强化训练的。# Earth online , 202310220707. Some people's egos are as fragile as thin paper, which can be broken by blowing. Some people's ego is as firm as a rock, and the wind and rain are easy. The construction of internal self-order is like the links between atoms, some of which are loose and chaotic, some of which are dense and orderly. The link of internal order requires conscious construction and intensive training.