差不多是一口气读完the moon and sixpence的,虽然读的是英文版,但很久没这种不读完就放不下的感觉了。经典就是经典,天才就是天才。作者以第一人称的身份进行陈述,像是小说,又像是给读者讲了一个故事。一个四十岁的成功证券经纪人抛弃美丽的妻子和两个孩子追求艺术的故事,我感觉他是一个只醉心于艺术的cynicism(犬儒主义者),不关心身外的一切事物。在巴黎,他穷困潦倒,但是另一个画家的妻子还爱上了他,结果他在给她画完画以后就对她没感觉了,她只能自杀。后面他又为了艺术逃到南太平洋的一个岛上,在那直至为艺术献身。
常人对生活的态度:The great majority are perfectly content to do the ordinary thing.It is not true that suffering ennobles the character,happiness does that sometimes ,but suffering,for the most part, makes men petty and vindictive.
那位出轨的女人是这样的:Perhaps Stroeve's passion excited without satisfying that part of her nature,and she hated Strickland because she felt in him the power to give her what she needed.
对于爱情:Love is absorbing,it takes the lover out of himself.it gives body to what he knows is illusion,and ,knowing it is nothing else,he loves it better than reality.
大家玩牌下棋的时候要注意了:Those who think that a man betrays his character nowhere more clearly than when he is playing a game might on this draw subtle inferences.
关于女人为爱自杀:Women are constantly trying to commit suicide for love,but generally they take care not to succed. It's generally a gesture to arause pity or terror in their lover.
还有好多,语言很美很有哲理,太难打字就不打啦。超级喜欢结尾那句“He remembered the days when you could get thirteen Royal Natives for a shilling”,压缩了多少信息和无奈。最后,翻译里面一句也很经典的句子。
“为什么讨人喜欢的女人总是嫁给蠢物啊?” “因为有脑子的男人是不娶讨人喜欢的女人的。”哈哈!