The virus cell that sneezed into your lungs is sneaky. Pretending to be a friend, it attaches to a projection on the cell membrane and the cell brings it through the cell membrane and inside. When the virus gets through, the cell recognizes its mistake – an enemy is inside. Special enzymes arrive at the scene and chop the virus to pieces. They then send one of the pieces back through the cell membrane where the cell displaces it to warn neighboring cells about the invaders. A nearby cell sees the warning and immediately goes into action. It needs to make antibodies, proteins that will attack and kill the invading virus. This process starts in the nucleus.
sneaky 狡猾的
pretending to be 假装是
attach to 附着在……上
chop the virus to pieces
neighboring 临近的;周围的
antibody 抗体
The nucleus contains our DNA, the blueprint that tells our cells how to make everything our bodies need to function. A certain section of our DNA contains instructions that tell us how to make antibodies. Enzymes in the nucleus find the right section of the DNA, and then create a copy of these instructions, called messenger RNA. The messenger RNA leaves the nucleus to carry out its orders. The messenger RNA travels to a ribosome. There can be as many as ten million ribosome in a human cell, all started along a ribbon-like structure called the endoplasmic reticulum.
a certain section of
a ribbon-like structure