


// negotiateInboundProtocol waits to receive a version message from the peer
// then sends our version message. If the events do not occur in that order then
// it returns an error.
func (p *Peer) negotiateInboundProtocol() error {
    if err := p.readRemoteVersionMsg(); err != nil {
        return err

    return p.writeLocalVersionMsg()


  1. 等待并读取、处理Peer发过来的Version消息;
  2. 向Peer发送自己的Version消息;



// handleRemoteVersionMsg is invoked when a version bitcoin message is received
// from the remote peer.  It will return an error if the remote peer's version
// is not compatible with ours.
func (p *Peer) handleRemoteVersionMsg(msg *wire.MsgVersion) error {
    // Detect self connections.
    if !allowSelfConns && sentNonces.Exists(msg.Nonce) {
        return errors.New("disconnecting peer connected to self")

    // Notify and disconnect clients that have a protocol version that is
    // too old.
    if msg.ProtocolVersion < int32(wire.MultipleAddressVersion) {
        // Send a reject message indicating the protocol version is
        // obsolete and wait for the message to be sent before
        // disconnecting.
        reason := fmt.Sprintf("protocol version must be %d or greater",
        rejectMsg := wire.NewMsgReject(msg.Command(), wire.RejectObsolete,
        return p.writeMessage(rejectMsg)

    // Updating a bunch of stats.
    p.lastBlock = msg.LastBlock
    p.startingHeight = msg.LastBlock
    // Set the peer's time offset.
    p.timeOffset = msg.Timestamp.Unix() - time.Now().Unix()

    // Negotiate the protocol version.
    p.advertisedProtoVer = uint32(msg.ProtocolVersion)
    p.protocolVersion = minUint32(p.protocolVersion, p.advertisedProtoVer)
    p.versionKnown = true
    log.Debugf("Negotiated protocol version %d for peer %s",
        p.protocolVersion, p)
    // Set the peer's ID. = atomic.AddInt32(&nodeCount, 1)
    // Set the supported services for the peer to what the remote peer
    // advertised. = msg.Services
    // Set the remote peer's user agent.
    p.userAgent = msg.UserAgent
    return nil


  1. 检测Version消息里的Nonce是否是自己缓存的nonce值,如果是,则表明该Version消息由自己发送给自己,在实际网络下,不允许节点自己与自己结成Peer,所以这时会返回错误;
  2. 检测Version消息里的ProtocolVersion,如果Peer的版本低于209,则拒绝与之相连;
  3. Nonce和ProtocolVersion检查通过后,就开始更新Peer的相关信息,如Peer的最新区块高度、Peer与本地节点的时间偏移等;
  4. 最后,更新Peer的版本号、支持的服务、UserAgent等信息,同时为其分配一个id。





// inHandler handles all incoming messages for the peer.  It must be run as a
// goroutine.
func (p *Peer) inHandler() {
    // Peers must complete the initial version negotiation within a shorter
    // timeframe than a general idle timeout.  The timer is then reset below
    // to idleTimeout for all future messages.
    idleTimer := time.AfterFunc(idleTimeout, func() {
        log.Warnf("Peer %s no answer for %s -- disconnecting", p, idleTimeout)

    for atomic.LoadInt32(&p.disconnect) == 0 {
        // Read a message and stop the idle timer as soon as the read
        // is done.  The timer is reset below for the next iteration if
        // needed.
        rmsg, buf, err := p.readMessage()


        atomic.StoreInt64(&p.lastRecv, time.Now().Unix())
        p.stallControl <- stallControlMsg{sccReceiveMessage, rmsg}

        // Handle each supported message type.
        p.stallControl <- stallControlMsg{sccHandlerStart, rmsg}
        switch msg := rmsg.(type) {
        case *wire.MsgVersion:

            p.PushRejectMsg(msg.Command(), wire.RejectDuplicate,
                "duplicate version message", nil, true)
            break out

        case *wire.MsgGetAddr:
            if p.cfg.Listeners.OnGetAddr != nil {
                p.cfg.Listeners.OnGetAddr(p, msg)

        case *wire.MsgAddr:
            if p.cfg.Listeners.OnAddr != nil {
                p.cfg.Listeners.OnAddr(p, msg)

        case *wire.MsgPing:
            if p.cfg.Listeners.OnPing != nil {
                p.cfg.Listeners.OnPing(p, msg)

        case *wire.MsgPong:
            if p.cfg.Listeners.OnPong != nil {
                p.cfg.Listeners.OnPong(p, msg)
        case *wire.MsgBlock:
            if p.cfg.Listeners.OnBlock != nil {
                p.cfg.Listeners.OnBlock(p, msg, buf)

            log.Debugf("Received unhandled message of type %v "+
                "from %v", rmsg.Command(), p)
        p.stallControl <- stallControlMsg{sccHandlerDone, rmsg}

        // A message was received so reset the idle timer.

    // Ensure the idle timer is stopped to avoid leaking the resource.

    // Ensure connection is closed.

    log.Tracef("Peer input handler done for %s", p)


  1. 设定一个idleTimer,其超时时间为5分钟。如果每隔5分钟内没有从Peer接收到消息,则主动与该Peer断开连接。我们在后面分析pingHandler时将会看到,往Peer发送ping消息的周期是2分钟,也就是说最多约2分钟多一点(2min + RTT + Peer处理Ping的时间,其中RTT一般为ms级)需要收到Peer回复的Pong消息,所以如果5min没有收到回复,可以认为Peer已经失去联系;
  2. 循环读取和处理从Peer发过来的消息。当5min内收到消息时,idleTimer暂时停止。请注意,消息读取完毕后,inHandler向stallHandler通过stallControl channel发送了sccReceiveMessage消息,并随后发送了sccHandlerStart,stallHandler会根据这些消息来计算节点接收并处理消息所消耗的时间,我们在后面分析stallHandler分详细介绍。
  3. 在处理Peer发送过来的消息时,inHandler可能先对其作处理,如MsgPing和MsgPong,也可能不对其作任何处理,如MsgBlock等等,然后回调MessageListener的对应函数作处理。
  4. 在处理完一条消息后,inHandler向stallHandler发送sccHandlerDone,通知stallHandler消息处理完毕。同时,将idleTimer复位再次开始计时,并等待读取下一条消息;
  5. 当主动调用Disconnect()与Peer断开连接后,消息读取和处理循环将退出,inHandler协和也准备退出。退出之前,先将idleTimer停止,并再次主动调用Disconnect()强制与Peer断开连接,最后通过inQuit channel向stallHandler通知自己已经退出。



// outHandler handles all outgoing messages for the peer.  It must be run as a
// goroutine.  It uses a buffered channel to serialize output messages while
// allowing the sender to continue running asynchronously.
func (p *Peer) outHandler() {
    for {
        select {
        case msg := <-p.sendQueue:
            switch m := msg.msg.(type) {
            case *wire.MsgPing:
                // Only expects a pong message in later protocol
                // versions.  Also set up statistics.
                if p.ProtocolVersion() > wire.BIP0031Version {
                    p.lastPingNonce = m.Nonce
                    p.lastPingTime = time.Now()

            p.stallControl <- stallControlMsg{sccSendMessage, msg.msg}
            if err := p.writeMessage(msg.msg); err != nil {

            p.sendDoneQueue <- struct{}{}

        case <-p.quit:
            break out


    // Drain any wait channels before we go away so we don't leave something
    // waiting for us. We have waited on queueQuit and thus we can be sure
    // that we will not miss anything sent on sendQueue.
    for {
        select {
        case msg := <-p.sendQueue:
            if msg.doneChan != nil {
                msg.doneChan <- struct{}{}
            // no need to send on sendDoneQueue since queueHandler
            // has been waited on and already exited.
            break cleanup
    log.Tracef("Peer output handler done for %s", p)

可以看出,outHandler主要是从sendQueue循环取出消息,并调用writeMessage()向Peer发送消息。当消息发送前,它向stallHandler发送sccSendMessage消息,通知stallHandler开始跟踪这条消息的响应是否超时;消息发成功后,通过sendDoneQueue channel通知queueHandler发送下一条消息。需要注意的是,sendQueue是buffer size为1的channel,它与sendDoneQueue配合保证发送缓冲队列outputQueue里的消息按顺序一一发送。当Peer断开连接时,p.quit的接收代码会被触发,从而让循环退出。通过queueQuit同步,outHandler退出之前需要等待queueHandler退出,是为了让queueHandler将发送缓冲中的消息清空。最后,通过outQuit channel通知stallHandler自己退出。



// queueHandler handles the queuing of outgoing data for the peer. This runs as
// a muxer for various sources of input so we can ensure that server and peer
// handlers will not block on us sending a message.  That data is then passed on
// to outHandler to be actually written.
func (p *Peer) queueHandler() {
    pendingMsgs := list.New()
    invSendQueue := list.New()
    trickleTicker := time.NewTicker(trickleTimeout)
    defer trickleTicker.Stop()

    // We keep the waiting flag so that we know if we have a message queued
    // to the outHandler or not.  We could use the presence of a head of
    // the list for this but then we have rather racy concerns about whether
    // it has gotten it at cleanup time - and thus who sends on the
    // message's done channel.  To avoid such confusion we keep a different
    // flag and pendingMsgs only contains messages that we have not yet
    // passed to outHandler.
    waiting := false

    // To avoid duplication below.
    queuePacket := func(msg outMsg, list *list.List, waiting bool) bool {          (1)
        if !waiting {
            p.sendQueue <- msg
        } else {
        // we are always waiting now.
        return true
    for {                                                                          (2)
        select {
        case msg := <-p.outputQueue:                                               (3)
            waiting = queuePacket(msg, pendingMsgs, waiting)

        // This channel is notified when a message has been sent across
        // the network socket.
        case <-p.sendDoneQueue:                                                    (4)
            // No longer waiting if there are no more messages
            // in the pending messages queue.
            next := pendingMsgs.Front()
            if next == nil {
                waiting = false

            // Notify the outHandler about the next item to
            // asynchronously send.
            val := pendingMsgs.Remove(next)
            p.sendQueue <- val.(outMsg)

        case iv := <-p.outputInvChan:                                              (5)
            // No handshake?  They'll find out soon enough.
            if p.VersionKnown() {

        case <-trickleTicker.C:                                                    (6)
            // Don't send anything if we're disconnecting or there
            // is no queued inventory.
            // version is known if send queue has any entries.
            if atomic.LoadInt32(&p.disconnect) != 0 ||
                invSendQueue.Len() == 0 {

            // Create and send as many inv messages as needed to
            // drain the inventory send queue.
            invMsg := wire.NewMsgInvSizeHint(uint(invSendQueue.Len()))
            for e := invSendQueue.Front(); e != nil; e = invSendQueue.Front() {
                iv := invSendQueue.Remove(e).(*wire.InvVect)

                // Don't send inventory that became known after
                // the initial check.
                if p.knownInventory.Exists(iv) {                                   (7)

                if len(invMsg.InvList) >= maxInvTrickleSize {
                    waiting = queuePacket(                                         (8)
                        outMsg{msg: invMsg},
                        pendingMsgs, waiting)
                    invMsg = wire.NewMsgInvSizeHint(uint(invSendQueue.Len()))

                // Add the inventory that is being relayed to
                // the known inventory for the peer.
                p.AddKnownInventory(iv)                                            (9)
            if len(invMsg.InvList) > 0 {
                waiting = queuePacket(outMsg{msg: invMsg},                         (10)
                    pendingMsgs, waiting)

        case <-p.quit:
            break out

    // Drain any wait channels before we go away so we don't leave something
    // waiting for us.
    for e := pendingMsgs.Front(); e != nil; e = pendingMsgs.Front() {              (11)
        val := pendingMsgs.Remove(e)
        msg := val.(outMsg)
        if msg.doneChan != nil {
            msg.doneChan <- struct{}{}
    for {                                                                          (12)
        select {
        case msg := <-p.outputQueue:
            if msg.doneChan != nil {
                msg.doneChan <- struct{}{}
        case <-p.outputInvChan:
            // Just drain channel
        // sendDoneQueue is buffered so doesn't need draining.
            break cleanup
    close(p.queueQuit)                                                             (13)
    log.Tracef("Peer queue handler done for %s", p)


  1. 代码(1)处定义了一个函数值,它的主要逻辑为: 当从outputQueue接收到待发送消息时,如果有消息正在通过outHandler发送,则将消息缓存到pendingMsgs或invSendQueue;
  2. 代码(2)处开始循环处理channel消息。请注意,这里的select语句没有定义default分支,也就是说管道中没有数据时,循环将阻塞在select语句处;
  3. 当有发送消息的请求时,发送方向outputQueue写入数据,代码(3)处的接收代码将会被触发,并调用queuePacket(),要么立即发向outHandler,要么缓存起来排队发送;
  4. 当outHandler发送完一条消息时,它向sendDoneQueue写入数据,代码(4)处的接收代码被触发,queueHandler从缓存在pendingMsgs中的待发送消息取出一条发往outHandler;
  5. 当要发送Inventory时,发送方向outputInvChan写入数据,代码(5)处的接收代码被触发,待发送的Inventory将被缓存到invSendQueue中;
  6. 代码(6)处trickleTicker 10s被触发一次,它首先从invSendQueue中取出一条Inventory,随后验证它是否已经向Peer发送过,如代码(7)处所示;如果是新的Inventroy,则将各个Inventory组成Inventory Vector,通过inv消息发往Peer。需要注意的是,代码(8)处限制每个inv消息里的Inventory Vector的size最大为1000,当超过该限制时,invSendQueue中的Inventory将分成多个inv消息发送。代码(9)处将发送过的Inventory缓存下来,以防后面重复发送;
  7. 当调用Peer的Disconnect()时,p.quit的接收代码会被触发,循环退出;同时代码(11)处将pendingMsgs中的待发送消息清空,代码(12)处将管道中的消息清空,随后代码(12)处通过queueQuit channel通知outHandler退出。

queueHandler()通过outputQueue和outputInvChan这两上带缓冲的channel,以及pendingMsgs和invSendQueue两个List,实现了发送消息列队;而且,它通过缓存大小为1的channel sendQueue保证待发送消息按顺序串行发送。inHandler,outHandler和queueHandler在不同goroutine中执行,实现了异步收发消息。然而正如我们在inHandler中所了解的,消息的接收处理也是一条一条地串行处理的,如果没有超时控制,假如某一时间段内发送队列中有大量待发送消息,而且inHandler中处理某些消息太耗时导致后续消息无法读取时,Peer之间的消息交换将发生严重的“拥塞”。为了防止这种情况,stallHandler中作了超时处理:


// stallHandler handles stall detection for the peer.  This entails keeping
// track of expected responses and assigning them deadlines while accounting for
// the time spent in callbacks.  It must be run as a goroutine.
func (p *Peer) stallHandler() {
    // These variables are used to adjust the deadline times forward by the
    // time it takes callbacks to execute.  This is done because new
    // messages aren't read until the previous one is finished processing
    // (which includes callbacks), so the deadline for receiving a response
    // for a given message must account for the processing time as well.
    var handlerActive bool
    var handlersStartTime time.Time
    var deadlineOffset time.Duration

    // pendingResponses tracks the expected response deadline times.
    pendingResponses := make(map[string]time.Time)

    // stallTicker is used to periodically check pending responses that have
    // exceeded the expected deadline and disconnect the peer due to
    // stalling.
    stallTicker := time.NewTicker(stallTickInterval)
    defer stallTicker.Stop()

    // ioStopped is used to detect when both the input and output handler
    // goroutines are done.
    var ioStopped bool
    for {
        select {
        case msg := <-p.stallControl:
            switch msg.command {
            case sccSendMessage:                                           (1)
                // Add a deadline for the expected response
                // message if needed.

            case sccReceiveMessage:                                        (2)
                // Remove received messages from the expected
                // response map.  Since certain commands expect
                // one of a group of responses, remove
                // everything in the expected group accordingly.
                switch msgCmd := msg.message.Command(); msgCmd {
                case wire.CmdBlock:
                case wire.CmdMerkleBlock:
                case wire.CmdTx:
                case wire.CmdNotFound:
                    delete(pendingResponses, wire.CmdBlock)
                    delete(pendingResponses, wire.CmdMerkleBlock)
                    delete(pendingResponses, wire.CmdTx)
                    delete(pendingResponses, wire.CmdNotFound)

                    delete(pendingResponses, msgCmd)                       (3)

            case sccHandlerStart:                                          (4)
                // Warn on unbalanced callback signalling.
                if handlerActive {
                    log.Warn("Received handler start " +
                        "control command while a " +
                        "handler is already active")

                handlerActive = true
                handlersStartTime = time.Now()

            case sccHandlerDone:                                           (5)
                // Warn on unbalanced callback signalling.
                if !handlerActive {
                    log.Warn("Received handler done " +
                        "control command when a " +
                        "handler is not already active")

                // Extend active deadlines by the time it took
                // to execute the callback.
                duration := time.Since(handlersStartTime)
                deadlineOffset += duration
                handlerActive = false

                log.Warnf("Unsupported message command %v",

        case <-stallTicker.C:                                              (6)
            // Calculate the offset to apply to the deadline based
            // on how long the handlers have taken to execute since
            // the last tick.
            now := time.Now()
            offset := deadlineOffset
            if handlerActive {
                offset += now.Sub(handlersStartTime)                       (7)

            // Disconnect the peer if any of the pending responses
            // don't arrive by their adjusted deadline.
            for command, deadline := range pendingResponses {
                if now.Before(deadline.Add(offset)) {                      (8)

                log.Debugf("Peer %s appears to be stalled or "+
                    "misbehaving, %s timeout -- "+
                    "disconnecting", p, command)

            // Reset the deadline offset for the next tick.
            deadlineOffset = 0

        case <-p.inQuit:                                                   (9)
            // The stall handler can exit once both the input and
            // output handler goroutines are done.
            if ioStopped {
                break out
            ioStopped = true

        case <-p.outQuit:                                                  (10)
            // The stall handler can exit once both the input and
            // output handler goroutines are done.
            if ioStopped {
                break out
            ioStopped = true

    // Drain any wait channels before going away so there is nothing left
    // waiting on this goroutine.
    for {                                                                  (11)
        select {
        case <-p.stallControl:
            break cleanup
    log.Tracef("Peer stall handler done for %s", p)


  1. 当收到outHandler发来的sccSendMessage时,将为已经发送的消息设定收到响应消息的超时时间deadline,并缓存入pendingResponses中,如代码(1)处所示;
  2. 当收到inHandler发来的sccReceiveMessage时,如果是响应消息,则将对应消息命令和其deadline从pendingResponses中移除,不需要再跟踪该消息响应是否超时,如代码(2)、(3)处所示。请注意这里只是根据消息命令或者类型来匹配请求和响应,并没有通过序列号或请求ID来严格匹配,这一方面是由于节点对收和发均作了串行化处理,另一方面是由于节点同步到最新区块后,Peer之间的消息交换并不是非常频繁;
  3. 当收到inHandler发来的sccHandlerStart时,说明inHandler开始处理接收到的消息,为了防止下一条响应消息因为当前消息处理时间过程而导致超时,stallHandler将在收到sccHandlerStart和sccHandlerDone时,计算处理当前消息的时间,并在检测下一条响应消息是否超时时将前一条消息的处理时间考虑进去;
  4. 代码(5)处收到inHandler发来的sccHandlerDone时,表明当前接收到的消息已经处理完毕,用当前时间减去开始处理消息的时点,即得到处理消息所花费的时间deadlineOffset,这个时间差将被用于调节下一个响应消息的超时门限;
  5. 代码(6)处stallTicker每隔15s触发,用于周期性地检查是否有消息的响应超时,如果有响应已经超时,则主动断开该Peer连接。如果在当前检查时点与上一个检查时点之间有一条接收消息正在处理或者刚处理完毕,则超时门限延长前一条接收消息的处理时长,如代码(7)、(8)处所示,以免因前一条消息处理太耗时而导致下一条响应消息超时。然而,如果某一条消息的处理时间过长,导致有多于1条响应消息被延迟读取和处理,则下一条消息之后的响应消息大概仍然会超时,所以要避免在处理接收消息的回调函数中作耗时操作;如果网络延时大,导致inHandler读取下一条响应消息时等待时间过长,也会导致超时;
  6. 代码(9)、(10)处保证当inHandler和outHandler均退出后,stallHandler才结束处理循环,准备退出;
  7. 代码(11)处stallHandler将stallControl channel中的消息清空,并最后退出;



// pingHandler periodically pings the peer.  It must be run as a goroutine.
func (p *Peer) pingHandler() {
    pingTicker := time.NewTicker(pingInterval)
    defer pingTicker.Stop()

    for {
        select {
        case <-pingTicker.C:
            nonce, err := wire.RandomUint64()
            if err != nil {
                log.Errorf("Not sending ping to %s: %v", p, err)
            p.QueueMessage(wire.NewMsgPing(nonce), nil)

        case <-p.quit:
            break out




// readMessage reads the next bitcoin message from the peer with logging.
func (p *Peer) readMessage() (wire.Message, []byte, error) {
    n, msg, buf, err := wire.ReadMessageN(p.conn, p.ProtocolVersion(),
    atomic.AddUint64(&p.bytesReceived, uint64(n))
    if p.cfg.Listeners.OnRead != nil {
        p.cfg.Listeners.OnRead(p, n, msg, err)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err


    return msg, buf, nil

// writeMessage sends a bitcoin message to the peer with logging.
func (p *Peer) writeMessage(msg wire.Message) error {
    // Don't do anything if we're disconnecting.
    if atomic.LoadInt32(&p.disconnect) != 0 {
        return nil


    // Write the message to the peer.
    n, err := wire.WriteMessageN(p.conn, msg, p.ProtocolVersion(),
    atomic.AddUint64(&p.bytesSent, uint64(n))
    if p.cfg.Listeners.OnWrite != nil {
        p.cfg.Listeners.OnWrite(p, n, msg, err)
    return err


// AssociateConnection associates the given conn to the peer.   Calling this
// function when the peer is already connected will have no effect.
func (p *Peer) AssociateConnection(conn net.Conn) {
    // Already connected?
    if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&p.connected, 0, 1) {

    p.conn = conn
    p.timeConnected = time.Now()


    go func() {
        if err := p.start(); err != nil {
            log.Debugf("Cannot start peer %v: %v", p, err)



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  • 文/潘晓璐 我一进店门,熙熙楼的掌柜王于贵愁眉苦脸地迎上来,“玉大人,你说我怎么就摊上这事。” “怎么了?”我有些...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 164,133评论 0 354
  • 文/不坏的土叔 我叫张陵,是天一观的道长。 经常有香客问我,道长,这世上最难降的妖魔是什么? 我笑而不...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 58,532评论 1 293
  • 正文 为了忘掉前任,我火速办了婚礼,结果婚礼上,老公的妹妹穿的比我还像新娘。我一直安慰自己,他们只是感情好,可当我...
    茶点故事阅读 67,585评论 6 392
  • 文/花漫 我一把揭开白布。 她就那样静静地躺着,像睡着了一般。 火红的嫁衣衬着肌肤如雪。 梳的纹丝不乱的头发上,一...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 51,462评论 1 302
  • 那天,我揣着相机与录音,去河边找鬼。 笑死,一个胖子当着我的面吹牛,可吹牛的内容都是我干的。 我是一名探鬼主播,决...
    沈念sama阅读 40,262评论 3 418
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我猛地睁开眼,长吁一口气:“原来是场噩梦啊……” “哼!你这毒妇竟也来了?” 一声冷哼从身侧响起,我...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 39,153评论 0 276
  • 序言:老挝万荣一对情侣失踪,失踪者是张志新(化名)和其女友刘颖,没想到半个月后,有当地人在树林里发现了一具尸体,经...
    沈念sama阅读 45,587评论 1 314
  • 正文 独居荒郊野岭守林人离奇死亡,尸身上长有42处带血的脓包…… 初始之章·张勋 以下内容为张勋视角 年9月15日...
    茶点故事阅读 37,792评论 3 336
  • 正文 我和宋清朗相恋三年,在试婚纱的时候发现自己被绿了。 大学时的朋友给我发了我未婚夫和他白月光在一起吃饭的照片。...
    茶点故事阅读 39,919评论 1 348
  • 序言:一个原本活蹦乱跳的男人离奇死亡,死状恐怖,灵堂内的尸体忽然破棺而出,到底是诈尸还是另有隐情,我是刑警宁泽,带...
    沈念sama阅读 35,635评论 5 345
  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
    茶点故事阅读 41,237评论 3 329
  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 31,855评论 0 22
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 32,983评论 1 269
  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 48,048评论 3 370
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 44,864评论 2 354


  • 前面的系列文章中我们介绍了Bitcoin网络中节点对区块的存取机制,本文开始我们将介绍Btcd节点如何组成P2P网...
    oceanken阅读 1,593评论 0 5
  • Spring Cloud为开发人员提供了快速构建分布式系统中一些常见模式的工具(例如配置管理,服务发现,断路器,智...
    卡卡罗2017阅读 134,656评论 18 139
  • 国家电网公司企业标准(Q/GDW)- 面向对象的用电信息数据交换协议 - 报批稿:20170802 前言: 排版 ...
    庭说阅读 10,967评论 6 13
  • 清明节,陪爸妈回老家上坟。 一大早,爸妈就装好了麦子,准备拉去邻村磨面。因为我们走的时候要带面粉的。我问爸妈:自家...
    梨雪阅读 965评论 0 0
  • 我接到过很多保险的面试电话,有太平,有人寿,有泰康,有平安,这些电话都是带有真切的温暖让我感到,他们此时的关注正是...
    ef053e4d2a28阅读 187评论 0 0