basic use of jQuery:
What to notice is that $('p') selects all 'p' tags.We can use $('p.test') to select all 'p' tags with 'class="test" '. Use id to select is OK as well.
$(document).ready(function () { ... })
This will prevent jQuery to run before document is ready .And it's same as :
$( function (){...} )
-If u want to find elements with certain attributes , for example, select every elements with ' href="..." ', u can :
$("[ href ]")
-If some 'input' tags with ' type = " text " ' ,and u want 2 select them :
$("input [type="text"]")
-If want to select elements with same type (e.g. type = "button" ):
$(" :button ")
-dbclick() : double click
-mouseenter() : when mouse entered what u selected. For example : when slice mouse to '<p> hide this </p> ' then hide:
$("p").mouseenter(function (){
-hover() :When enter , run first function , and when leave, run second function :
$("p").hover (
function () {
alert (' you enter <p>')
function () {
alert (' you left <p>')
-focus() : When click or select elements through 'Tab', this element is focused and we can change its style or run function.
hide && show && toggle
-speed : 'slow' or 'fast' or how many ms ;
-callback : function here will run immediately , instead of running after 'hide' or 'show' or 'toggle' .Else , if u selected several elements , callback will run several times.
-Toggle means 'switch' here . When it's hidden , you can use 'toggle ' to show it ,and when shown you can use 'toggle' to hide it.
-fadeIn() : fade in what is hidden
-fadeOut() : fade out what can be seen
-fadeToggle() : fadeIn()+fadeOut()
-fadeTo() : can change opacity (between 0~1)
jQuery HTML
-text() : get text in selected element
-html() : get html in selected element
-val() : get what user inputs in selected element
-attr() : get or set attribute of the selected element ,for example ,we select img tag's attribute, 'src' :
alert( $("#selectById").attr("src") );
basic use :
$("selector").attr( "attribure" : " ... " );
$("selector").attr( "attribure" , function () { ... } );
$("selector").attr({"attribure1" : " ... " ,
"attribure2" : "..." });
function : what the function returns will change the attribute you want to set by ' attr() ' method.
jQuery HTML -- add elements && delete elements && css()
-append() : insert info in the end of selected element
-prepend() : insert at the beginning
-after() : insert info after selected element
All of these four can add new elements to html , for e.g. ,add <tr></tr> to table:
function addtotable(){
let newtr = ` <tr><td> new row to table</td></tr>`;
-remove() : delete selected elements (& what belongs to them )
-empty() : delete what belongs to it
jQuety css()
jQuery - AJAX
- load() : load data from server , and put the data into selected element.
callback parameter contains:
-responseTxt : show contains when success
-statusTxt : status
-xhr : XMLHttpRequest object
alert("Error: "+xhr.status+": "+xhr.statusText);
- get()
$.get(URL,function (data, status));
- post()
'Data' will be sent as request , and we can use what the server responses in callback .
Thank u for reading ~XD