1. English
Listening: 3b & peppa pig & magic tree house
Video: 3b U3 & Curious George
Reading: oxford reading tree level 7 & little critter
Games: Kevin prepared some stickers like candy shop and fruit shop to classify the different food in his shop. I came to buy something, including candy, kiwi fruit, apple, mango, nuts, milk, and cookies. He calculate the total price for me. Then we exchanged to play it again.
2. PD实践
今天晚上玩英语游戏的时候,他想准备一些标签来分类食品,开始问我fruit怎么写,我告诉他之后,因为也学了一点自然拼读,我鼓励他自己试着写shop,过了一会儿,特别开心的跑过来说“妈妈,我写出来了。”接着还写了candy shop。我问他是不是特别开心,为自己感到骄傲呢,他很开心的点头表示同意。