
Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-Lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta.
She was Lo, plain Lo, in the morning, standing four feet ten in one sock. She was Lola in slacks. She was Dolly at school. She was Dolores on the dotted line. But in my arms she was always Lolita.

Loin n.腰,腰部
Sin n.罪恶,罪孽,过失
Palate n.上颚
Tap v. 轻敲
In slacks 穿着宽松的裤子
sign on the dotted line 在虚线上签名

Did she have a precursor? She did, indeed she did. In point of fact, there might have been no Lolita at all had I not loved, one summer, a certain initial girl-child. In a princedom by the sea. Oh when? About at many years before Lolita was born as my age was at that summer. You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, exhibit the number one is what the seraphs, the misinformed, simple, noble-winged seraphs, envied. Look at this tangle of thorns.

Precursor n.先驱,前导
Princedom n.君王的地位或头衔,王子的领土
Prose n.散文,单调
Seraphs n.六翼天使
Misinform vt.误传,提供错误消息
Tangle n.缠结,混乱,纷乱
Thorn n.刺,荆棘

I was born in 1910, in Pairs. My father was a gentle, easy-going person, a salad of racial genes: a Swiss citizen, of mixed France and Austrian descent, with a dash of Danube in his veins. I am going to pass around in a minute some lovely, glossy-blue picture-postcards. He owned a luxurious hotel on the Riviera. His father and two grandfathers had sold wine, jewels and silk, respectively. At thirty he married an English girl, daughter of Jerome Dunn, the alpinist, and granddaughter of two Dorset parsons, expert in obscure subjects--paleopedology and Aeolian harps, respectively.

Racial adj. 种族的,人种的
Swiss adj. 瑞士的,瑞士人的,瑞士风格的
Austrian adj.奥地利的,奥地利人的
Descent n.血统,下降,袭击
Dash n.少量,些许,猛冲
Danube n. 多瑙河
Vein n.血管,叶脉
Glossy adj.光滑的,有光泽的
Riviera n.南欧沿地中海一地区
Alpinist n.登山家,登山运动员
Parson n.牧师,神职人员
Paleopedology n.古土壤学
Aeolian harps n.风弦琴

My very photogenic mother died in a freak accident (picnic, lightning) when I was three, and , save for a pocket of warmth in the darkest past, nothing of her subsists within the hollows and hells of memory, over which, if you can still stand my style (I am writing under observation) , the sun of infancy had set: surely, you all know those redolent remnants of day suspended, with the midges, about some hedge in bloom or suddenly entered and traversed by the rambler, at a bottom of a hill, in the summer dusk: a furry warmth, golden midges.

Photogenic n.上照的,适于摄影的
Freak adj.奇异的,反常的
Subsist vi.存在,维持生活
Hollow n.窟窿,洞,山谷
Redolent adj.芬芳的,香的,有……的强烈气味,使人联想起
Remnant n.剩余
Suspend vt.使悬浮,使暂停,延缓,推迟
Midge n.蚊子
Hedge n.树篱,障碍,模糊措辞,防损失的手段
Traverse v.穿过,来回移动,反驳,阻挠,详细研究,旋转
Rambler n.攀缘蔷薇,漫步者,漫谈者
Furry adj.毛皮的,盖着毛皮的,似毛皮的

My mother's elder sister, Sybil, whom a cousin of my father's had married and then neglected, served in my immediate family as a kind of unpaid governess and housekeepers. Somebody told me later that she had been in love with my father, and he had lightheartedly taken advantage of it one rainy day and forgotten it by the time the weather cleared.
Governess n.女家庭教师
Lightheartedly adv.自由自在地,无忧无虑地

I was extremely fond of her, despite the rigidity--the fatal rigidity--of some of her rules. Perhaps she wanted to make of me, in the fullness of time, a better widower than my father. Aunt Sybil had pink-rimmed azure eyes and a waxen complexion. She wrote poetry. She was poetically superstitious. She said she knew she would die soon after my sixteenth birthday, and did. Her husband, a great traveler in perfumes, spend most of his time in America, where eventually he founded a firm and acquired a bit of real estate.

Rigidity n.严格,刻板,僵化,坚硬,硬度
Fatal adj.致命的,重大的,毁灭性的,命中注定的
In the fullness of time 在适当的时候
Rim v.作……的边,装边于 n.边缘
Azure adj.蔚蓝色的,天蓝色的 n.天蓝色
Waxen adj.苍白的,蜡质的,柔软的
Complexion n.肤色,面色,情况,局面
Poetically adv.有诗意的,用韵文
Superstitious adj.迷信的
Estate n.房地产,财产,身份

I grew, a happy, healthy child in a bright would of illustrated books, clean sand, orange trees, friendly dogs, sea vistas and smiling faces. Around me the splendid Hotel Mirana revolved as a kind of private universe, a whitewashed cosmos within the blue greater one that blazed outside. From the aproned pot-scrubber to the flanneled potentate, everybody liked me, everybody petted me. Elderly American ladies leaning in their canes listed towards me like towers of Pisa.

Vista n.远景,狭长的街道
Revolve v.旋转,循环出现,反复考虑
Cosmos n.大波斯菊,宇宙,和谐,秩序
Blaze v.发光,燃烧
Aproned adj.穿围裙的
Pot-scrubber n.洗碗机
Flanneled adj.穿法兰绒衣服的
Potentate n.统治者,君主,有权势的人
Canes n.手杖

Ruined Russian princesses who could not pay my father, bought me expensive bonbons. He, mon cher peit papa, took me out boating and biking, taught me to swim and dive and water-ski, read to me Don Quixote and Les Miserables, and I adored and respected him and felt glad for him whenever I overheard the servants discuss his various lady-friends, beautiful and kind beings who made much of me and cooed and shed precious tears over my cheerful motherlessnesss.

Bonbon n.夹心软糖,(法)小糖果,棒棒糖
Mon cher peit papa 亲爱的小爸爸
Water-ski v.滑水
Adore v.崇拜,爱慕,喜欢,极喜欢
Overheard v.无意间听到,偶尔听到,偷听
Make much of 极为重视,充分利用,理解
Coo v.柔声地说
Shed v.流出,脱落,散发,倾吐

I attended an English day school a few miles from home, and there I played rackets and fives, and got excellent marks, and was on perfect terms with schoolmates and teachers alike. The only definite sexual events that I can remember as having occurred before my thirteenth birthday ( that is, before I first saw my Annabel) were: a solemn, decorous and purely theoretical talk about pubertal surprises in the rose garden of the school with an American kid, the son of a then celebrated motion-picture actress whom he seldom saw in the three-dimensional world: and some interesting reactions on the part of my organism to certain photographs, pearl and umbra, with infinitely soft partings, in Pichon's sumptuous La Beautè Humaine that I had filched from under a mountain of marble-bound Graphics in the hotel library. Later, in his delightful debonair manner, my father gave me all the information he thought I needed about sex : this was just before sending me, in the autumn of 1923, to a lycèe in Lyon (where we were to spend three winters): but alas, in the summer of that year, he was touring Italy with Mme de R. and her daughter, and I had nobody to complain to, nobody to consult.

Rackets and fives 网球和手球训练
Definite adj.一定的,确切的
Sexual adj.性的,性别的,有性的
Solemn adj.庄严的,严肃的,隆重的,郑重的
Decorous adj.有礼貌的,高雅的,端正的
Pubertal adj.青春期的,发育期的
Pearl n. 珍珠
Umbra n.暗影
Infinitely adv.无限地,极其
Sumptuous adj.华丽的,豪华的,奢侈的
La Beautè Humaine (法)人类之美
Filch v.窃取,偷取
A mountain of 大量的,很多的
Marble-bound Graphics 大理石镶边的画
Debonair adj.(通常指男人)温文尔雅的,潇洒的

Annabel was, like the writer, of mixed parentage: half-English, half-Dutch, in her case. I remember her features far less distinctly today than I did a few years ago, before I knew Lolita. There are two kinds of visual memory: one when you skillfully recreate an image in the laboratory of your mind, with your eyes open (and then I see Annabel in such general term as: "honey-colored skin", "thin arms", "brown bobbled hair, "long lashes", "big bright mouth"); and the other when you instantly evoke, with shut eyes, on the dark inner side of your eyelids, the objective, absolutely optical replica of a beloved face, a little ghost in natural colors (and this is how I see Lolita).

Parentage n.出身,亲子关系,门第,起源
Distinctly adv.明显的,确实地,无疑地
Visual adj.视觉的,视力的,栩栩如生的
Instantly adv.立即地,马上地,即刻地 conj.一……就……
Evoke v.引起,唤起,博得
Eyelid n.眼皮
Replica n.复制品,仿制品,模型,摹本

Let me therefor primly limit myself, in describing Annabel, to saying she was a lovely child a few months my junior. Her parents were old friends of my aunt's, and as stuffy as she. They had rent a villa not far from Hotel Mirana. Bald brown Mr. Leigh (born Vanessa van Ness). How I loathed them! At first, Annabel and I talked of peripheral affairs. She kept lifting handfuls of fine sand and letting it pour through her fingers. Our brains were turned the way those of intelligent European preadolescents were in our day and set, and I doubt if much individual genius should be assigned to our interest in the plurality of inhabited worlds, competitive tennis, infinity, solipsism and so on.

Primly adv.拘谨地
Stuffy adj.闷热的,古板的,不通气的
Villa n.别墅,郊区住宅
Loathe v.讨厌,厌恶
Peripheral adj.外围的,次要的
Preadolescent n.青春期前的儿童
Assign v.分配,指派
Plurality n.兼职,复数
Inhabited adj.有人居住的
Infinity n.无限
Solipsism n.唯我论

The softness and fragility of baby animals caused us the same intense pain. She wanted to be a nurse in some famished Asiatic country: I wanted to be a famous spy.
All at once we were madly clumsily, shamelessly, agonizingly in love with each other: hopelessly, I should add, because that frenzy of mutual possession might have been assuaged only by our actually imbibing and assimilating every particle of each other's soul and flesh: but there we were, unable to mate as slum children would have so easily found an opportunity to do.

Fragility n.脆弱
Intense adj.强烈的,紧张的,非常的,热情的
Famished v.极饥饿的
Asiatic adj.亚洲的
Clumsily adv.笨拙的,简陋的
Shamelessly adv.不知羞耻地,厚着脸皮地
Agonizingly adv.苦闷地,使人烦恼地
Frenzy n.狂怒,暴怒
Mutual adj.共同的,相互的,彼此的
Assuage v.平息,缓和,减轻
Imbibe v.吸入,吸取
Assimilate v.使同化
Mate v.使配对,使一致,结伴
Slum n.贫民窟

After one wild attempt we made to meet at night in her garden (of which more later), the only privacy we were allowed was to be out of earshot but not out of sight on the populous part of the plage. There, on the soft sand, a few feet away from our elders, we would sprawl all morning, in a petrified paroxysm of desire, and take advantage of every blessed quirk in space and time to touch each other: her hand, half-hidden in the sand, would creep toward me, its slender brown fingers sleepwalking nearer; then her opalescent knee would starts on a long cautious journey; Sometimes a chance rampart built by younger children granted us sufficient concealment to graze each other's salty lips; these incomplete contacts drove our healthy and inexperienced young bodies to such a state of exasperation that not even the cold blue water, under which we still clawed at each other, could bring relief.

Earshot n.听力所及之范围
Plage n.海滨
Sprawl v.伸开四肢(坐或躺)
Petrified adj.惊呆的,目瞪口呆的
Paroxysm n.(疾病周期性)发作,突发
Quirk n.接口,怪癖,急转
Creep v.爬行,蔓延,慢慢地移动,起鸡皮疙瘩
Slender adj.细长的,苗条的,微薄的
Opalescent adj.乳白色的,发乳白光的
Rampart n.壁垒
Concealment n.隐匿处
Exasperation n.恼怒,惹人恼怒的事

Among some treasures I lost during the wandering of my adult years, there was a snapshot taken by my aunt which showed Annabel, her parents and the staid, elderly, lame gentleman, a Dr. Cooper, who that same summer courted my aunt, grouped around a table in a sidewalk glacè. Annabel did not come out well, caught as she was in the act of bending over her chocolate glace, And her thin bare shoulders and the parting in her hair were about all that could be identified (as I remember that picture) amid the sunny blur into which her lost loveliness graded;

Snapshot n.快照
Staid adj.沉稳的,古板的,保守的
Lame adj.跛足的
Court v.向……献殷勤,设法获得
Parting n.分界点,分离
Amid prep.四周是,在……的气氛中
Blur v.使……模糊不清,变模糊,使暗淡,玷污
Loveliness n.爱,爱情,心爱之人,钟爱之物
Grade n.等级,阶段

But I, sitting somewhat apart from the rest, came out with a kind of dramatic conspicuousness: a moody, beetle-browed boy in a dark sport shirt and well-tailored white shorts, his legs crossed, sitting in profile, looking away. That photograph was taken on the last day of our fatal summer and just a few minutes before we made our second and final attempt to thwart fate.

Dramatic adj.戏剧的,急剧的,引人瞩目的,激动人心的
Conspicuousness adj.显而易见,惹人注目,突出
Moody adj.郁郁寡欢的,喜怒无常的,易怒的
Beetle-browed adj.粗眉毛的,浓眉的,皱眉头的
Profile n.侧面,轮廓,简况
Fatal adj.命中注定的,重大的,毁灭的,致命的
Thwart adj.固执的,横放的 vt.挫败,反对,阻碍,横过

Under the flimsiest of pretexts (this was our very last chance, and nothing really mattered) we escaped from the café to the beach, and found a desolate stretch of sand, and there, in the violet shadow of some red rocks forming a kind of cave, had a brief session of avid caresses, with somebody's lost pair of sunglasses for only witness. I was on my knees, and on the point of possessing my darling, when two bearded bathers, the old man of the sea and his brother, came out of the sea with exclamations of ribald encouragement, and four months later she died of typhus in Corfu.

Flimsiest adj.浮夸的,没有价值的
Pretext n.接口,托辞
Violet adj.紫色的,紫罗兰色的 n.紫罗兰,堇菜
Session n.会议
Avid adj.渴望的,贪婪的,热心地
Caresses n& v.爱抚,拥抱,接吻
Bather n.入浴者,游泳者
Exclamation n.感叹,惊叫,惊叹词
Ribald adj.下流的,言谈粗鲁的
Typhus n.斑疹伤寒症

I leaf again and again through these miserable memories, and keep asking myself, was it then, in the glitter of that remote summer, that the rift in my life began: or was my excessive desire for that child only the first evidence of an inherent singularity? When I try to analyze my own cravings movies, actions and so forth, I surrender to a sort of retrospective imagination which feeds the analytic faculty with boundless alternatives and which causes each visualized route to fork and re-fork without end in the maddeningly complex prospect of my past. I am convinced, however, that in a certain magic and fateful way Lolita began with Annabel.

Leaf v.翻……的页,匆匆翻阅
Glitter n.闪光,灿烂,华而不实,(眼中的)光亮
Rift n.裂缝
Inherent adj.固有的,内在的,与生俱来的,遗传的
Singularity n.奇异,奇点,突出,稀有
Crave v.渴望,渴求
Forth adv.自……以后
Surrender v.放弃,听任,交出,使投降
Retrospective adj.回鹘的,怀旧的,可追溯的
Visualized adj.直观的,直视的
Maddeningly adv.使人恼火地,令人发狂地

I also know that the shock of Annabel's death consolidated the frustration of that nightmare summer, made of it a permanent obstacle to any further romance throughout the cold years of my youth. The spiritual and the physical had been blended in us with a perfection that must remain incomprehensible to the matter-of-fact, crude, standard-brained youngsters of today. Long after her death I felt her thoughts floating through mine. Long before we met we had the same dreams. We prepared notes. We found strange affinities. The same June of the same year (1919) a stray canary had fluttered into her house and mine, in two widely separated countries. Oh, Lolita, had you loved me thus!

Consolidate v.巩固,使固定,加强
Frustration n.挫折
Obstacle n.障碍,干扰,妨碍,障碍物
Blend v.混合
Incomprehensible adj.费解的,无限的,不可思议的
Matter of fact n.事实
Crude adj.粗糙的,天然的,未加工的,粗鲁的
Standard-brained 思想教条的
Affinity n.密切关系,吸引力,姻亲关系,类同
Stray adj.走失的,离群的
Canary n.金丝雀
Flutter v.飘动,(鸟或昆虫)鼔翼,飞来飞去,(心脏等)怦怦乱跳,(人)奔忙

I have reserved for the conclusion of my "Annabel" phase the account of our unsuccessful first tryst. One night, she managed to deceive the vicious vigilance of her family. In a nervous and slender-leaved mimosa grove at the back of their villa we found a perch on the ruins of a stone wall. Through the darkness and the tender trees we could see the arabesques of lighted windows which, touched up by the colored inks of sensitive memory, appear to me now like playing cards-presumably because a bridge game was keeping the enemy busy.

Reserve v.留出,用于,把……专门留给,预订(座位),储备,拥有(某种权利)
Reserve for 为……而保留
Conclusion n.结局,结论
Phase n.时期,阶段
Tryst n.幽会,约会
Deceive v.欺骗,行骗
Vicious adj.恶毒的,堕落的,品行不端的
Vigilance n.失眠症,警戒
Mimosa n.含羞草
Nervous adj.强健有力的,紧张不安的,神经的
Grove n.小树林,果园
Villa n.别墅,郊区住宅
Perch n.杆,栖木,高位,鲈鱼
Tender adj.(植物)脆弱的;食物(柔软的),疼痛的,温柔的,棘手的
Arabesque n.藤蔓花纹
Touch up 润色,修改
Presumably adv.大概,推测起来

She trembled and twitched as I kissed the corner of her parted lips and the hot lobe of her ear. A cluster of stars palely glowed above us, between the silhouettes of long thin leaves; that vibrant sky seemed as naked as she was under her light frock. I saw her face in the sky, strangely distinct, as if it emitted a faint radiance of its own. Her legs, her lovely live legs, were not too close together, and when my hand located what it sought, a dreamy and eerie expression, half-pleasure, half-pain, came over those childish features.

Twitch v.抽搐
Lobe n.耳垂
Cluster n.群,簇,丛,串
Silhouette n.轮廓,剪影
Vibrant adj. 充满生机的,生气勃勃的,鲜艳的,醒目的,洪亮的,颤抖的
Naked adj.裸体的,无装饰的,无证据的,直率的
Frock n.连衣裙
Emit v.发出,放射,发行,发表
Faint adj.模糊的,头晕的,虚弱的
Eerie adj.可怕的,怪异的
Childish adj.幼稚的,孩子气的

She sat a little higher than I, and whenever in her solitary ecstasy she was led to kiss me, her head would bend with a sleepy, soft, drooping movement that was almost woeful, and her bare knees caught and compressed my wrist, and slackened again: and her quivering mouth, distorted by the acridity of some mysterious potion, with a sibilant intake of breath came near to my face. She would try to relieve the pain of love by first roughly rubbing her dry lips against mine: then my darling would draw away with a nervous toss of her hair, and then again come darkly near and let me feed on her open mouth, while with a generosity that ready to offer her everything, my heart, my throat, my entrails, I have her to hold her awkward fist the scepter of my passion.

Solitary adj.孤独的,独居的
Ecstasy n.狂喜,入迷,忘形
Droop v.下垂,萎靡,凋萎
Woeful adj.悲哀的,悲惨的,遗憾的,不幸的
Slacken v.松劲,使松弛,变缓慢
Quiver v.颤抖,震动
Acridity n.辛辣,苦,尖刻的批评
Potion n.饮剂
Sibilant adj.咝咝作声的
Intake n.摄取量,通风口,引入量
Rub v.摩擦,惹怒
Draw away 引开,离开,拉开
Toss v.抛,投
Entrails n.内脏,肠,(物体的)内部
Scepter n.(象征君权的)节杖,王权

I recall the scent of some kind of toilet power-- I believe she stole it from her mother's Spanish maid-- a sweetish, lowly, musky perfume. It mingled with her own biscuity odor, and my senses were suddenly filled to the brim: a sudden commotion in a nearby bush prevented them from overflowing-- and as we drew away from each other, and with aching veins attended to what was probably a prowling cat, there came from the house her mother's voice calling her, with a rising frantic note-- and Dr. Cooper ponderously limped out into the garden.

Scent n.气味,嗅觉,痕迹,察觉能力
Toilet power 爽身粉
Maid n.女仆,少女
Sweetish adj. 有点甜的,过甜的,有点可爱的
Musky adj.麝香的,有麝香味的
Mingle v.混合,交往
Biscuity adj.(在质地,香味,颜色等上)像饼干的
Odor n.气味,名声
Brim n.边,边缘
Commotion n.骚动,暴乱
Bush n.灌木,矮树丛
Aching adj.疼痛的,心痛的
Vein n.血管,叶脉
Prowling v.潜行,徘徊,搜寻
Frantic adj.狂乱的,疯狂的
Ponderously adv.笨重地,生硬地
Limp v.跛行,一瘸一拐地走,缓慢费力地前进 adj.柔软的,无力的,软弱的

But that mimosa grove-- the haze of stars, the tingle, the honey-dew, and the ache remained with me, and that little girl with her seaside limbs and ardent tongue haunted me ever since-- until at last, twenty-four years later, I broke her spell by incarnating her in another.

Mimosa n.含羞草
Grove n.小树林,果园
Haze n.阴霾,薄雾
Tingle n.刺痛感,激动
Honeydew n.蜜露,蜜汁,甘汁
Limb n.肢,臂,分支,枝干
Ardent adj.热情的,热心的,激烈的,燃烧般的
Tongue n.舌头,语言
Haunt v.萦绕于……,常出没于……,经常去……
Incarnate v.化身为,使具体化,使人格化,体现

At first, I planned to take a degree in psychiatry and many manquè talents do; but I was even more manquè than that; a peculiar exhaustion, I am so oppressed, doctor, set in; and I switched to English literature, where so many frustrated poets end as pipe-smoking teachers in tweeds. Pairs suited me. I discussed Soviet movies with expatriates. I sat with uranists in the Deux Magots. I published tortuous essays in obscure journals. I composed pastiches:
. . . Frãulen von Kulp
may turn, her hand upon the door;
I will not follow her. Nor Fresca. Nor
that Gull.

Psychiatry n.精神病学,精神病治疗法
Peculiar adj.特殊的,独特的,奇怪的,罕见的
Frustrated adj.失意的,不得志的,懊恼的,沮丧的,无效的
Tweed n.花呢,花呢服装
Soviet n.苏维埃,苏联人
Expatriate n.侨民,移居国外者,被流放者
Tortuous adj.拐弯抹角的,冗长费解的,弯弯曲曲的,曲折的
Compose v.写作,构成,排……的版,使平静
Pastiche n.模仿画,混成曲
Gull n.欧,笨人,易受骗之人

A paper of mine entitled "The Proustian theme in a letter from Keats to Benjiamin Baily" was chuckled over by the six or seven scholars who read it. I launched upon an "Histoire abregèe de la poèsie anglaise" for a prominent publishing firm, and then started to compile that manual of French literature for English-speaking students (with comparisons drawn from English writers) which was to occupy me throughout the forties-- and the last volume of which was almost ready for press by the time of my arrest.

Chuckle over 笑
Launch v.发射(导弹、火箭等);发起,发动,使……下水,开始
Prominent adj.突出的,显著的 ,接触的,卓越的
Compile v.编译,编制,编辑
Manual n.说明书,小册子
Occupy v.占据,占领,居住,使忙碌
Volume n.册
Press n.出版社,报刊杂志

I found a job-- teaching English to a group of adults in Auteuil. Then a school for boy employed me for a couple of winters. Now and then I took advantage of the acquaintances I had formed among social workers and psychotherapists to visit in their company various institutions, such as orphanages and reform schools, where pale pubescent girls with matted eyelashes could be stared at in perfect impunity remindful of that granted one in dreams.

Now and then 偶尔,有时,不时
Psychotherapist n.精神治疗医师
Orphanage n.孤儿院,孤儿身份
Pubescent adj.青春期的,有软毛的
Matted adj.暗淡的,无光泽的,纠缠的
Eyelash n.睫毛
Impunity n.不受惩罚,无患
Remindful 提醒的,留意的

Now I wish to introduce the following idea. Between the age limits of nine and fourteen there occur maidens who, to certain bewitched travelers, twice or many times older than they, reveal their true nature which is not human, but nymphic ( that is, demoniac): and these chosen creatures I propose to designate as "nymphets".

Maiden n.少女,处女,未婚女子
Bewitch v.施魔法于,蛊惑,使着迷
Nymphic n.女神,居于山林水泽的仙女,美丽的少女,蛹
Demoniac adj.魔鬼的,魔鬼似的
Designate v.指定,指派,标出,把……定名为
Nymphet n.早熟的少女,放荡的少妇,仙女般的少女

It will be marked that I substitute time terms for spatial ones. In fact, I would have the reader see "fourteen" as the boundaries-- the mirrory beaches and rosy rocks-- of an enchanted island haunted by those nymphets of mine and surrounded by a vast, misty sea. Between those age limits, are all girl-children nymphets? Of course not. Otherwise, we who are in the know, we lone voyagers, we nympholepts, would have long gone insane. Neither are good looks any criterion; and vulgarity, or at least what a given community terms so, dose not necessarily impair certain mysterious characteristic, the elusive, shifty, soul-shattering, insidious charm that separates the nymphet from such coevals of hers as are incomparably more dependent on the spatial world of synchronous phenomena than on that intangible island of entranced time where Lolita plays with her likes.

Substitute v.代替
Spatial adj.空间的
Enchanted adj. 被施魔法的
Nympholept n.狂热者
Insane adj.疯狂的,精神病的,极愚蠢的
Criterion n.(批评判断的)标准,准则,规范,准据
Vulgarity n.粗俗,粗俗语,粗野的动作
Impair v.损害,削弱,减少
Elusive adj.难懂的,易忘的,逃避的,难捉摸的
Shifty adj.变化的,诡诈的,机智的
Soul-shattering 销魂的
Insidious adj.阴险的,隐伏的,暗中危害的,狡猾的
Coeval n.同时代的人
Incomparable adj.无比的,无可匹敌的,不能比较的
Incomparably adv.无比地,无敌地
Synchronous adj.同步的,同时的
Intangible adj.无形的,触摸不到的,难以理解的

Within the same age limits the number of true nymphets is trickingly inferior to that of provisionally plain, or just nice, or "cute", or "sweet" and "attractive", ordinary, plumpish, formless, cold-skinned essentially human little girls, with tummies and pigtails who may or may not turn into adults of great beauty (look at the ugly dumplings in black stockings and white hats that are metamorphosed into stunning stars of the screen).

Trick v.戏弄
Inferior adj. 下级的,下等的,自卑的
Provisionally adv. 暂时地,临时地
Plain adj.平的,简单的,朴素的,清晰的
Plumpish adj.较丰满的
Formless adj.没有形状的,无定形的,形体不明的
Essentially adv.本质上,本来
Tummies n.肚子,胃
Pigtail n.辫子
Dumpling n.矮胖的人,水果布丁,面团,汤团
Stocking n.长筒女袜
Metamorphose v.变态(尤指变成熟)
Stunning adj.极好的,使人晕倒的,震耳欲聋

A normal man given a group photoshop of school girls or Girl Scouts and to point out the comeliest one will not necessarily choose the nymphet among them. You have to be an artist and a madman, a creature of infinite melancholy, with a bubble of hot poison in your loins and a super-voluptuous flame permanently aglow in your subtle spine (oh, how you have to cringe and hide!), in order to discern at once, by ineffable signs-- the slightly feline outline of a cheekbone, the slenderness of a downy limb, and other indices which despair and shame and tears of tenderness forbid me to tabulate-- the little deadly demon among the wholesome children; she stands unrecognized by them and unconscious herself of her fantastic power.

Comely adj.清秀的,标致的
Melancholy n.忧郁,悲哀,愁思 adj.忧郁的,使人悲伤的
Voluptuous adj.(女子)丰满性感的,奢侈隐逸的,满足感官的,风骚的
Aglow adj.(兴奋得)容光焕发的,通红的,发(柔和的)光的
Subtle adj.微妙的,精细的,敏感的,狡猾的,稀薄的
Spine n.脊柱,脊椎,刺,书脊
Cringe v.畏缩,奉承,阿谀
Discern v.觉察出,识别,了解,隐约可见
Ineffable adj.不可言喻的,不应说出的,难以形容的
Feline adj.猫一样的,猫科的,狡猾的
Cheekbone n.颧骨,颊骨
Slenderness n.细长,苗条
Downy adj.柔和的,绒毛的,多丘岗的
Indices ( index 的复数) n.指数,目录
Tabulate v.使成平面,把……制成表格 adj.平板状的,有平面的
Demon n.恶魔,魔鬼,精力充沛的人,邪恶的事物
Wholesome adj.健全的,有益健康的,合乎卫生的,审慎的

Furthermore, since the idea of time plays such a magic part in the matter, the student should not be surprised to learn that there must be a gap of several years, never less than ten I should say, generally thirty or forty, and as many as ninety in a few cases, between maiden and man to enable the latter to come under a nymphet's spell. It is a question of focal adjustment, of a certain distance that the inner eye thrills to surmount, and a certain contrast that the mind perceives with a gasp of perverse delight.

Spell n.魅力,魔力,符咒,一段时间
Focal adj.焦点的,病灶的
Inner adj.内部的,内心的,精神的
Thrill n.激动,震颤,紧张 v.颤抖,感到兴奋紧张
Surmount v.克服,越过,战胜
Perceive v.察觉,感觉,理解,认知
Gasp n.喘气
Perverse adj.倔强的,不通清理的,一意孤行的,有悖常理的,违反常情的

When I was a child and she is a child, my little Annabel was no nymphet to me; I was her equal, a faunlet in my own right, on that same enhanced island of time: but today, in September 1952, after twenty-nine years have elapsed, I think I can distinguish in her the initial fateful elf in my life. We loved each other with a premature love, marked by a fierceness that
so often destroys adult lives. I was a strong lad and survived; but the poison was in the wound, and the wound remained ever open, and soon I found myself maturing amid a civilization which allows a man of twenty-five to court a girl of sixteen but not a girl of twelve.

Elapse v.消逝,时间过去
Fateful adj.重大的,决定性的,宿命的
Elf n.小精灵,淘气鬼
Premature adj.不成熟的,早产的,比预期早的
Lad n.少年,小伙子,家伙
Mature v.成熟,到期
Amid prep.在……过程中,四周是,在……气氛中
Court v.向……献殷勤,设法获得,求爱

No wonder, then, that my adult life during the European period of my existence proved monstrously twofold. Overtly, I had so-called normal relationships with a number of terrestrial women having pumpkins or pears for breasts; inly, I was consumed by a hell furnace of localized lust for every passing nymphet whom as a law-abiding poltroon I never dared approach. The human females I was allowed to wield were but palliative agents.

Monstrously adv.可怕地,荒唐地,强烈地
Twofold adj.双重的,两倍的,由两部分的
Overtly adv.明显地,公开地,公然地
Terrestrial adj.地球的,陆地的
Inly adv.由衷地,在内心深处,亲密地
Consume v.消耗,使……着迷,挥霍,消费
Furnace n.火炉,熔炉
Localized adj.局部的,地区的,小范围的
Lust n.性欲,强烈的欲望
Abide v.人手,容忍,停留,遵守
Poltroon n.胆小鬼,懦夫
Wield v.使用,行使,挥舞
Palliative adj.治标的,减轻痛苦的,缓解的 n.缓和剂,权宜之计

I am ready to believe that the sensations I derived from natural fornication were the same as those known to normal big males consorting with their normal big mates in that routine which shakes the world. The trouble was that those gentlemen had not, and I had, caught glimpse of an incomparably more poignant bliss. The dimmest of my pollutive dreams was a thousand times more dazzling than all the adultery the most virile writer of genius or the most talented impotent might imagine. My world was split.

Sensation n.感觉,轰动,感动
Derive v.源于,得自,获得,起源
Fornication n.通奸,乱伦
Consort v.厮混,(别人反对的)结交,陪伴啊,符合
Poignant adj.尖锐的,辛酸的,深刻的,切中要害的
Bliss n.极乐,天赐的福
Dim adj.暗淡的,昏暗的,模糊的,看不清的,悲观的,怀疑的
Pollutive adj.造成污染的
Dazzling adj.耀眼的,眼花缭乱的
Adultery n.通奸,通奸行为
Virile adj.男性的,有男子气概的,刚健的
Impotent adj.无力的,无效的,虚弱的,阳痿的
Split adj.劈开的

The fact that to me the only object of amorous tremor were sisters of Annabel's, her handmaids and girl-pages, appeared to me at times as a forerunner of insanity. At other times I would tell myself that it was all a Question of attitude, that there was really nothing wrong in being moved to distraction by girl-children. Let me remind my reader that in England, with the passage of the Children and Young Person Act in 1933, the term "girl-child" is defined as "a girl who is over eight but under fourteen years" (after that, from fourteen to seventeen, the statutory definition is "young person").

Amorous adj.多情的,恋爱的,热情的,色情的
Tremor n.[医]震颤,颤动
Forerunner n.先驱,先驱者,预兆
Insanity n.疯狂,精神错乱,精神病,愚顽
Distraction n.心烦意乱,消遣,注意力分散
Passage n.一段(文章)

In Massachusetts, U.S., on the other hand, a "wayward child" is, technically, one "between seven and seventeen years of age" (who, moreover, habitually associates with vicious or immoral persons). Hugh
Broughton, a writer of controversy in the reign of James the First, has proved that Rahab was a harlot at ten years of age. This is all very interesting, and I daresay you see me already fronting at the mouth in a fit; but no, I am not; I am just winking happy thoughts into a little tiddle cup. Here are some more pictures.

Wayward adj.任性的,不规则的,刚愎的
Vicious adj.恶毒的,恶意的,品行不端的,堕落的,有错误的,剧烈的
Immoral adj.不道德的,邪恶的,淫荡的
Reign n.君主统治时期,任期
Harlot n.娼妓
Daresay v.猜想,料想
Front v.面对,朝向,对付
Wink v.眨眼,使眼色,闪烁

Here is Virgil who could the nymphet sing in a single tone, but probably preferred a lad's perineum. Here are two of King Akhnaten's and Queen Nefertiti's pre-nubile Nile daughters (that royal couple had a litter of six), wearing nothing but many necklaces of bright beads, relaxed on cushions, intact after three thousand years, with their soft brown puppybodies, cropped hair and long ebony eyes. Here are some brides of ten compelled to seat themselves on the fascinum, the virile ivory in the temples of classical scholarship. Marriage and cohabitation before the age of puberty are still not uncommon in certain East Indian provinces.

Perineum n.[解剖]会阴
Pre-nubile n.婚前
Litter n.垃圾,一窝(动物的幼崽)
Necklace n.项链
Bead n.珠子,滴,念珠
Cushion n.垫子
Intact adj.完整的,原封不动的,未受损伤的
Crop v.修剪,剪短,种植,收割
Ebony adj.乌黑色的,黑檀木制的,乌木制的
Bride n.新娘
Compel v.强使发生,强迫,迫使
Fascinum n.符咒
Virile adj.男性的,有男子气概得,刚健的
Ivory n.象牙,长牙,乳白色
Temple n.庙宇,四元,神殿,太阳穴
Cohabitation n.同居,共栖
Puberty n.青春期,开花期

Lepcha old men of eighty copulate with girls of eight, and nobody minds. After all, Dante fell madly in love with Beatrice when she was nine, a sparkling girleen, painted and lovely, and bejeweled, in a crimson frock, and this was in 1274, in Florence, at a private feast in the merry month of May. And when Petrarch fell madly in love with his Laureen, she was a fair-haired nymphet of twelve running in the wind, in the pollen and dust, a flower in flight, in the beautiful plain as descried from the hills of Vaucluse.

Copulate v.交配,交媾
Painted adj.悲痛的,受痛苦的
Bejeweled adj.用宝石来装饰的
Crimson adj.深红的,(脸)通红的
Frock n.女装,连衣裙,僧袍
Merry adj.愉快的,微醉的,嬉戏作乐的
Fair-haired adj.金发的,受宠的
Pollen n.花粉
Descry v.看见,发现,查看

But let us be prim and civilized. Humbert tried hard to be good. Really and truly, he id. He had the utmost respect for ordinary children, with their purity and vulnerability, and under no circumstances would he have interfered with the innocence of a child, if there was the least risk of a row. But how his heart beat when, among the innocent throng, he espied a demon child, "enfant charmante et fourbe," dim eyes, bright lips, ten years in jail if you only show her you are looking at her. So life went. Humbert was perfectly capable of intercourse with Eve, but it was Lilith he longed for.

Prim adj.拘谨的,整洁的,呆板的
Row n.吵闹
Throng n.人群,众多
Espy v.看到,认出,发现
Demon n.恶魔,魔鬼,精力充沛的人,邪恶的事物
Enfant n.法国小孩,儿童
enfant charmante et fourbe
Intercourse n.性交,交往,交流

The bud-stage of breast development appears early (10.7 years) in the sequence of somatic changes accompanying pubescence. And the next maturational item available is the first appearance of pigmented public hair (11.2years). My little cup brims with tiddles.
A shipwreck. An atoll. Alone with a drowned passenger's shivering child. Darling, this is only a game! How marvelous were my adventures as I sat on a hard park bench pretending to be immersed in a trembling book. Around the quiet scholar, nymphets played freely, as if he were a familiar statue or part of an old tree's shadow and sheen.(老教兽了)

Somatic adj.躯体的,肉体的,体壁的
Pubescence n.软毛,青春期
Maturational adj.成熟的,精子形成的
Pigmented adj.有颜色的,着色的
Brim v.满溢,溢出
Tiddler n.小鱼,小孩儿
Atoll n.[海洋]环礁,[地理]环状珊瑚岛
Shiver v.颤抖,哆嗦,打碎
Marvelous adj.了不起的,非凡的,令人惊异的,不平常的

Once a perfect little beauty in a tartan frock, with a clatter put her heavily armed foot near me upon the bench to dip her slim bare arms into me and righten the strap of her roller skate, and I dissolved in the sun, with my book for fig leaf, as her auburn ringlets fell all over her skinned knee, and the shadow of leaves I shared pulsated and melted on her radiant limb next to my chameleonic cheek. Another time a red-haired school girl hung over me metro, and a revelation of axillary russet I obtained remained in my blood for weeks. I could list a great number of these one-sided diminutive romances. Some of them ended in a rich flavor of hell.

Tartan adj.格子呢的
Frock n.连衣裙
Clatter n.哗啦声,嘈杂的谈笑声,喀嚓声
Dip v.浸,蘸,(使)下降,下沉,减少
Strap v.用带捆绑,用带固定,金属带,鞭打
Roller skate 四轮滑冰鞋,轮式溜冰鞋
Fig n.无花果,无花果树,少许,一些,无价值的东西,服装
Auburn adj.赤褐色的,赭(zhě)色的
Ringlet n.小圈,长卷发
Pulsate v.搏动,悸动,有规律地跳动
Limb n.肢,臂,分支,枝干
Chameleonic adj.想变色龙的,反复无常的,轻浮的
Metro n.地铁,大都市,伦敦地下铁道
Revelation n.启动,揭露,出乎意料的事,被揭露的真相
Axillary adj.腋窝的 n.腋羽
Russet n.黄褐色,土布
Diminutive adj.小的,小型的,微小的

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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 48,897评论 3 376
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 45,500评论 2 359