有效的线上学习策略究竟有什么? Effective online learning strategies

As we get into our first month of online teaching, I’ve been keeping track of a couple of really unique ways that my teachers are conducting their online classes and would love to share some fruitful ideas with you. I hope to post more practical what I see ideas as we move along in this virus period.

线上教学第一个月,我的老师们用了许多独一无二的策略。我一直在追踪他们的实践, 现跟大家分享一些行之有效的策略。希望这些策略对抗疫期间的线上教学有所裨益。

Storytelling: Storytelling is a way to really make students remember boring data and convert it into interesting to listen to information. It also helps to make it easier for learners to remember the subject matter. Take for instance, an English class which was being conducted today by one of my teachers, she told the Lord of the Flies story by taking passages and using it to build student’s understanding of plot and character as she told the story. She also got her students to come up with their own stories that related to the characters if they imagined the ending otherwise differently (poor Piggie). Storytelling thus helps to connect the learner to the subject and enables learners to get emotionally involved with the subject.


An example of teacher delivering an online live stream storytelling session for Lord of the Flies, have to say it's pretty engaging and can be quite impactful depending on how the story is told.

Guided learning (avatars): Another strategy that you could use is having character represented by real or vector images to act as guides for learners throughout the course. This takes on the role of a virtual instructor in the absence of a physical one. Here, I’d bring the example of using a “DNA” as the main avatar for the story on how it gets replicated in the body (for biology class). You could do a physical cut-out to illustrate this and livestream this OR consider using a digital animation (although this takes time) on moving through a journey in the body. If you want to make it simple, you can definitely do this by using online whiteboards such as Explain everything or if you’re more advanced, you could even create a whole Adobe Flash to illustrate this.

指导性学习(化身):另一种策略是用实像或矢量图像表示角色,以作为学习者在课程学习中的指导。 让虚拟的老师代替真实的老师。在这里,我将举生物课中使用“ DNA”作为主要化身的案例,来讲述如何演绎DNA在体内的复制。您可以做一个裁纸来代表DNA,然后进行直播,或者使用数字动画模拟它在体内的演变历程(尽管这需要时间)。如果您想简化它,可以借用诸如解释一切之类的在线白板,如果您想让它看起来更高级,可以创建一个完整的Adobe Flash。

This bio class involved just a few cutouts (including the RNA polymer and DNAs) by the teacher and a drawing on a piece of paper to demonstrate how the DNA replication process.

Case studies: Case studies are strategies to help learners relate the subject and understand how it is related to real-world issues. Think about it for a second, if we were going through a coronavirus period, what better way to teach a computer science class about viruses, than to simulate with data how viruses might spread across campus. Have a look at this video to get an idea of how you could do this for class.


This was a particularly fun case study on how the coronavirus could spread within your school, you will just need to create a subset of data and get students to simulate the movements to understand how it could impact them if they return to school too soon (plus get them to bump up their math modeling skills).

Scenario-based learning: Scenarios are another way to teach learners about the instructional tasks that they need to fulfill to achieve mastery. In a lot of our school cases, that could mean whether or not they can achieve the standards of writing new narrative plot points, reading critically for understanding, analyzing economic concepts, designing their own art pieces, etc. Scenarios should then be designed by teacher to help students achieve the standards which they want them to. Here, teachers can conduct scenarios through hypothetical problems OR in actuality give them a scenario to role play different characters on. Take for instance, the classic Romeo and Juliet – whereby students can roleplay these two characters in order to demonstrate their understanding of tragedy. They will be assigned to develop scripts and roleplay their characters to illustrate the scenario of a tragedy (to make it more fun, you can make it a comedy as well.) Remember all of this can be done online through collaborative documents such as Shimo or Ding Documents.

基于场景的学习:场景是另一种能将学习者带入教学任务以实现掌握技能目的的方法。在许多学校案例中,我们希望学习者达到编写新的叙事情节、批判性阅读以理解、分析经济概念、设计自己的艺术品等目标。而情景是由教师设计帮助学生达到这些目标的手段。在这里,教师可以设置假设的问题来进行场景练习,或者直接设置一个情景并让学生扮演不同角色。以经典的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》为例,学生可以扮演这两个角色,以呈现他们对悲剧的理解。他们还可以重新编排剧本并扮演新的角色,以说明悲剧的情节( 您也可以把剧本改为喜剧让扮演更有趣)。请记住,所有这些都可以通过Shimo文档或钉钉文件来完成。

The classic "Romeo & Juliet" storyline can be twisted in so many forms in scenario based learning. It's also a good tool for you to get creative with students for writing and roleplaying online.

Watch-Try-Do simulations: Lastly, this approach demonstrates the process by inviting the learners to try and perform the required skill/task with some guidance, finally allowing them to do the process all by themselves. In our online PE classes, we are doing just that, as we want our students to be able to master the basics of kickboxing from the basic stances to the actual indoor kickbox. In our non-physical classes (academic) though, we strongly encourage our students to complete learning tasks from learning about economic theory to simulating an actual economic situation such as in Sims or using virtual mindmaps such as Xmind.


This is SimCity 4 which is the ultimate economics simulation for you to design your own community and learn how to budget the cost/benefits for building homes.

These are just a handful of instructional strategies I hope you can turn into action within your classes! Lots more to come.


Ps: Special thanks to my new writer Bridget Huang for giving such incredible translations! 非常感谢我的新搭档黄春华,没有她我也写不出这么好的一篇文章!

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