设计模式课程给我的感受是:理清各种平时固定用的 API 的背后的原理或思路,尤其是写代码时候反复去审视开发框架和思路都有一定的帮助。
11. 层次结构
- 对象之间关系
- 允许一组相互协作的对象当成单⼀对象处理
- 无需⼦类化,实现⾃定义
- 降低 parents class 复杂度
- 使用 tree 结构,⽅便数据的存储,操作和搜索

Layers associated with a window

View Hierarchy in Xcode
@interface UIView(UIViewHierarchy)
@property(nonatomic,readonly) UIView *superview;
@property(nonatomic,readonly,copy) NSArray *subviews;
@property(nonatomic,readonly) UIWindow *window;
- (void)removeFromSuperview;
- (void)insertSubview:(UIView *)view atIndex:(NSInteger)index;
- (void)exchangeSubviewAtIndex:(NSInteger)index1 withSubviewAtIndex:(NSInteger)index2;
- (void)addSubview:(UIView *)view;
- (void)insertSubview:(UIView *)view belowSubview:(UIView *)siblingSubview;
- (void)insertSubview:(UIView *)view aboveSubview:(UIView *)siblingSubview;
- (void)bringSubviewToFront:(UIView *)view;
- (void)sendSubviewToBack:(UIView *)view;
- (void)didAddSubview:(UIView *)subview;
- (void)willRemoveSubview:(UIView *)subview;
- (void)willMoveToSuperview:(UIView *)newSuperview;
- (void)didMoveToSuperview;
- (void)willMoveToWindow:(UIWindow *)newWindow;
- (void)didMoveToWindow;
- (BOOL)isDescendantOfView:(UIView *)view; // returns YES for self.
- (UIView *)viewWithTag:(NSInteger)tag; // recursive search. includes self
// Allows you to perform layout before the drawing cycle happens. -layoutIfNeeded forces layout early
- (void)setNeedsLayout;
- (void)layoutIfNeeded;
iOS rendering tree:
- UIView 负责界⾯显示和事件处理
- CALayer 负责屏幕渲染(Layer Tree)
- View/Layer 的变化需要通过渲染器实时渲染到屏幕上
- layer.presentationLayer

The layer trees for a window
12. 响应链(Responder Chain)

The responder chain on iOS
节选自 UIResponder.h
NS_CLASS_AVAILABLE_IOS(2_0) @interface UIResponder : NSObject {
- (UIResponder*)nextResponder;
- (BOOL)canBecomeFirstResponder; // default is NO
- (BOOL)becomeFirstResponder;
- (BOOL)canResignFirstResponder; // default is YES
- (BOOL)resignFirstResponder;
- (BOOL)isFirstResponder;
// Generally, all responders which do custom touch handling should override all four of these methods.
// Your responder will receive either touchesEnded:withEvent: or touchesCancelled:withEvent: for each
// touch it is handling (those touches it received in touchesBegan:withEvent:).
// *** You must handle cancelled touches to ensure correct behavior in your application. Failure to
// do so is very likely to lead to incorrect behavior or crashes.
- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;
- (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;
- (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;
- (void)touchesCancelled:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;
- (void)motionBegan:(UIEventSubtype)motion withEvent:(UIEvent *)event NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(3_0);
- (void)motionEnded:(UIEventSubtype)motion withEvent:(UIEvent *)event NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(3_0);
- (void)motionCancelled:(UIEventSubtype)motion withEvent:(UIEvent *)event NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(3_0);
- (void)remoteControlReceivedWithEvent:(UIEvent *)event NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(4_0);
- (BOOL)canPerformAction:(SEL)action withSender:(id)sender NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(3_0);
// Allows an action to be forwarded to another target. By default checks -canPerformAction:withSender: to either return self, or go up the responder chain.
- (id)targetForAction:(SEL)action withSender:(id)sender NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(7_0);

UIKit Inheritance
13. Prototype
如 UITableView 的 Prototype Cells:
- 原型对象的基本特征是可以被复制 NSCopy 和 NSCoding 协议
- 可以利用界面⼯具和支持复制的类确保互操作性
- 原型对象使用深复制
- 利用 NSKeyedArchiver 和 NSKeyedUnarchiver 实现深复制
- MVC,target-action
- 两步创建,模版模式
- 委托模式,观察者模式,消息通知,KVC/KVO
- 归档和解档(Serialization),复制模式
- 层次结构,响应链
- prototype