今天一觉醒来已经8点多了,跟着一天的忙碌打乱了早晨就阅读分享的计划。不过还是趁着中午吃过饭啃了十页书,我明天一定要早晨早起就阅读进行分享。今天的部分读到了Sethe和好友Paul D的对话中,引发出了Sethe对未来的畅想,极不情愿之下的一同出游,让Sethe对live a life有了更深的思考。在上一次和Denver的对话中,Sethe提到了自己对时间思考和过去做过的事情所留下的记忆和产生的影响,让她自己对某些事情无法释怀,而这次Paul D 的话,让自己仿佛对未来重新有了再定义的可能性。
at bay
To Sethe, the future was a matter of keeping the past at bay.
我们知道bay是海湾的意思,一开始我也误以为at bay应该就是在海湾,那应该是安全、稳定相关的意思。但是今天阅读Eric的文章,阅读中每次重要的词汇和语言点往往不是生词,而是自己认识却可能并不能准确知道的语言点。比如这里,at bay指控制住、使远离的意思。
在free dictionary中也有这样的解释:
keep (someone or something) at bay
To keep something at a distance from oneself, especially that which is harmful or unpleasant; to control something in order to keep it from doing harm to oneself.
During my college years, the only things I had to keep hunger at bay were beans, rice, and plain pasta.
You have to start meeting your minimum monthly repayments if you want to keep your creditors at bay.
These tree frogs have a powerful poison on their backs that helps keep predators at bay.