Day 13: That He would open your eyes to the joy of doing sex His way.
Song of Solomon 8:4
“Do not arouse or awaken love until the right time.”
What if we were to say “yes” to sex.
God-honoring sex, that is.
As a Christian single, when you think of sex your typical thought process surrounding it is most likely something like this: don’t do it before marriage. Like I often say, as a church at large, we tend to treat sex like a “say no to drugs campaign”, focusing on all the NO’s rather than all the YES’s. We fixate on the consequences of sex done wrong, without giving enough attention to the joys and the blessings of sex done in God’s way and in God’s time.
But you see, it’s one thing to avoid pre-marital sex out of fear and guilt, yet it’s a whole other thing to choose to save sex for marriage because we truly know and believe that it’s in our best interest. It’s what’s good for us! In fact, not only is it what’s good for us, it’s actually God’s BEST for our lives. What a different conversation that brings, and with it, a renewed motivation!
Sex is powerful. Sex is binding. Sex is intimate. Sex is healing. Sex is a mingling of the physical, spiritual, psychological and emotional parts of who you are with the life of another. It’s an incredibly sacred experience, and God wants us to partake in it’s limitless pleasures within the context of a lifelong commitment - because He knows what’s good for our hearts.
As you are praying over your love life today, ask God to give you an increased desire and motivation to pursue sex in His way and in His timing. Ask Him to replace any bitterness you might be feeling with the ability to trust Him more with this unfulfilled longing in your life. Ask Him to reveal to you any baggage you might be holding on to that taints your view of sex and sexuality.
This baggage may have come from your past or from doing things outside of God’s best for your life. Or maybe you carry baggage from the “guilt-driven” way that sex has been presented to you throughout your life. Either way, ask God to free you from the guilt and shame surrounding this subject, and open your eyes to the joys of doing sex in His way and in His time.
*If you’re currently facing sexual struggles of any kind, I highly recommend you tune into this 40 minute audio lesson I recorded called Sex and the Single Life: What To Do With Desires While You Wait. Equip yourself with as much knowledge and information as you can, because the more you know, the better you do. Begin taking steps toward freedom TODAY!
PRAYER: Jesus, open my eyes to the blessing of sex done in Your way and in Your time. Give me the insight to filter out the wrong messages I receive from the world around me, and help me tune into Your plan. I want to trust and believe that You know what’s best for my life, but more so, I want to live that way. Forgive me of the mistakes of my past, and free me from the baggage I hold on to. Give me a new desire to pursue my relationships in a way that honors You.