阳光心霖英语笔记    Animals1

20171022 Jeremy

Part 1

Words: Noun(名词) n.

1. names of animals:

cat dog bunny rabbit frog snake giraffe fox deer(发音同dear亲爱的) horse(注意发音与house区别) monkey kangaroo elephant pig cow panda zebra penguin goat lion donkey sheep tiger camel(骆驼) bear wolf(狼) flamingo(火烈鸟) hedgehog(刺猬) fish hippo(全称为hippopotamus [hipəpɔtəməs]) dolphin(海豚) mule(骡子[mju: l]) lamb(小羊,羊肉[læm]) bull(公牛[bʌl]) leopard(豹子[lepərd]) ostrich(鸵鸟[ɔ: stritʃ]) baboon(狒狒[bæbu: n]) gorilla(大猩猩[gərilə]) ape(猿[eip])

2.about places that animals live关于动物住的地方:

in--zoo mountain ocean tree wild(野外) rainforest(雨林)

on--farm land(陆地) underground(地下的)

3. food of animals grass meat leaf(leaves) bamboo bone(骨头) fish banana everything soup

4. activities of animals: verb v. stomp(跺脚) jump swing(荡) climb trees sleep

5.others nouns:

food-eating grass-eating meat-eating tall cute scary chubby fat special(特别的) sound(声音) stripe(条纹)

verbs: draw(画) guess(猜) feed(喂) play with

Part 2: 句型

What animals do you know? I know penguin. I know leopard. I know kangaroo. I know hedgehog. I know hippopotamus.

What animals do you like best? I like horse best. I like flamingo best. I like wolf best. I like donkey best. I like camel best.

What is your favorite animal? My favorite animal is ape. My favorite animal is lion. My favorite animal is lamb. My favorite animal is zebra.

Where can you see an ape/dog/monkey/dolphin leopard? I can see an ape in a zoo. I can see a dog on a farm. I can see a monkey in the mountain. I can see a dolphin in the ocean. I can see a leopard in the wild. I can see a/an animal name in/on a/the place.

Part 3: 6 questions about animals:

1)尺寸: Is it/this animal big or small? Is it/this animal tall or short? It is big. It is short.

2)体格: Is it/this animal strong? Is it/this animal cute? Is it/this animal scary? Yes. It is. No. It isn't. It is weak.

3)身体特征:(抓住特征说something special,不要什么都说) What does it/this animal have? It/ This animal has + number + adj. + body parts. It has 2 long ears. The rabbit has 2 long ears. The giraffe has a long neck. The cow has a black and white body. The panda has a black and white body, too. The zebra has a black and white body, too. The penguin has a black and white body, too. They all have black and white bodies. What does the lion have? the lion has pentagon-shaped hair. What does a zebra have? A zebra has black and white stripes on its body.

4)食物:Let's feed the animals. What does it/this animal like to eat? It/This animal likes to eat....... What does a giraffe like to eat? A giraffe likes to eat leaves. It is a kind of grass-eating animal. What does a goat like to eat? A goat likes to eat grass. It is a kind of grass-eating animal. What does a horse like to eat? A horse likes to eat hay(干草,发音hei). It is a kind of grass-eating animal,too. A panda likes to eat bamboo. What does a lion like to eat? A lion likes to eat meat. It is a kind of meat-eating animal. What does a pig like to eat? A pig likes to eat fruits, vegetables, meat, corn and so on. It likes to eat everything. It is an everything-eating animal. What do you like to eat? I like to eat everything. I am an everything-eating animal. soup of bone 骨头汤 soup of fish soup of vegetable soup of tomato

5)活动:Let's play with the animals. What does it/this animal like to do? It/This animal likes to do sth. What does a monkey like to do? A monkey likes to climb trees. What does a pig like to do? A pig likes to roll over in the mud. What does an elephant like to do? An elephant likes to stomp. What does a gorilla like to do? A gorilla likes to swing. What does a deer like to do? A deer likes to jump.

6)住所:Let's go home. Where does it/this animal live? It/this animal lives in/on the/a place. Where does a frog live? A frog lives in the pond. Where does a turtle live? A turtle lives on the beach. Where does a deer live? A deer lives in the forest. Where does a fish live? A fish lives in the water. Where does a worm live? A worm lives underground(==under the ground). Where does a child live? A child lives in the house. Where does a dolphin live? A dolphin lives in the ocean. Where does the chickens live? The chickens live on the farm.

This is a big animal. It is very strong. It has a chubby body and 4 large short legs. Its skin is very thick. This animal likes to eat grass and apples. It can eat a lot of foods each meal. It likes to swim in the water. It lives in the river. Guess! What is it?---Hippopotamus.

It is not big nor small.( 不大也不小)It is very clever. It has a long body and a curly fin(鱼鳍) on its back. Its skin is very soft. This animal likes to eat fishes. It likes to jump on the sea. It lives in the ocean. Guess! What is it?---Dolphin.

This is a small animal. It is cute. Some people thinks it is scary. It has a gray furry(毛茸茸的)body and a triangle-shaped mouth. It seems like to eat everything. It likes to go out to find food in the night. It lives in the hole(洞). Guess! What is it?---Mouse.

This is a kind of big bird. It is beautiful. It has a long neck, 2 thin long legs and a pink body. It likes to eat little fishes and shrimps(虾). It likes to stand in the water and catch tiny fishes. Guess! What is it?---Flamingo.

Can you describe a kind of animal like that? monkey cat deer bear wolf lion....

sounds of animals: Dogs bark. Cats meow. Cows moo. Pigs oink. Birds chirp. Duckw quack. Snakes hiss. Bees buzz. Lions roar. wolves(狼) roar. Bears roar.

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