

JUNFENG Inc and Third Party Software Application Developers (“Application Partners”) that provide the JUNFENG Sharing Outlets, JUNFENG Explore Feed and JUNFENG Promotional Feed (collectively the “JUNFENG Enabled Service”) in their software applications (“JUNFENG Enabled Applications”), provide several software applications on the Apple App Store, Google Play/Android Store and Windows/Windows Phone Store (the “Applications”) for download and use in connection with photographs, images and/or videos taken by the User (“Content”). The Applications and the JUNFENG Enabled Service in JUNFENG Enabled Applications also interact with certain social media platforms (each a “Platform”) that allows users of the Application (“Users”) to interact with the applicable Platform to modify, distribute, share, and store their Content (“Sharing”). It is JUNFENG Inc’s policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect while using one of these Applications.

Gathering Non-Identifiable or Aggregated Data

When using any Application created by JUNFENG Inc and/or the JUNFENG Enabled Service in JUNFENG Enabled Applications, JUNFENG Inc may receive and store certain personally non-identifiable information, for example device operating system version, device type, and crash logs. Such information, which is gathered using various technologies such as third-party analytics tools, cannot be used to specifically identify a user. JUNFENG Inc only collects such information to better undersJUNFENGd users of its Applications and the JUNFENG Enabled Service in JUNFENG Enabled Applications and how to better serve them. JUNFENG Inc may also gather personally-identifying information which is described below.

Gathering of Personally-Identifying Information

When using any Application created by JUNFENG Inc and/or the JUNFENG Enabled Service in JUNFENG Enabled Applications, users may interact with an Application and/or the JUNFENG Enabled Service in JUNFENG Enabled Applications in ways that may require the user to send personally-identifying information to JUNFENG Inc. The amount and type of information gathered depends on the nature of the interaction. For example, you might contact JUNFENG Inc by sending an email, and JUNFENG Inc will use that data to provide an answer to your question or resolve your specific issue. In each case, JUNFENG Inc collects personally-identifying information only insofar as is necessary or appropriate to fulfill the purpose of an interaction. A user can always refuse to apply such personally-identifying information, but that may prevent them from resolving an issue or using features of an Application and/or the JUNFENG Enabled Service in JUNFENG Enabled Applications.

Information Collected via Technology

Our Application and the JUNFENG Enabled Service in JUNFENG Enabled Applications may also collect the following information: Log Files. As is true of most websites, JUNFENG Inc gathers certain information automatically and store it in log files. This information includes IP addresses, browser type, Internet service provider (“ISP”), referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp, and clickstream data. JUNFENG Inc uses this information to analyze trends, administer the Application, track Users’ movements around the Application, gather demographic information about our User base as a whole, and better tailor our Applications to our Users’ needs. Cookies. Like many online services, JUNFENG Inc may use cookies to collect information. “Cookies” are small pieces of information that are sent to your Device’s hard drive. JUNFENG Inc may use both session Cookies (which expire once a User closes the Application) or persistent Cookies (which stay on the hard drive until deleted) to provide you with a more personal and interactive experience on our Site. This type of information is collected to make the Site more useful to you and to tailor the experience with us to meet your special interests and needs.

Sharing Content

Certain functions of the Application and the JUNFENG Enabled Service in JUNFENG Enabled Applications may allow Sharing of Content on Platforms. Users should be aware that this involves two different types of data than are covered above. First, in order to access and integrate with your Platform, the User will need to be logged into his or her Platform account (e.g. Facebook account, Twitter Account, Vine Account, Instagram account, etc) and will need to authorize JUNFENG Inc., to access the account by collecting Oauth Tokens, handles, or device identifiers that are used by the Platform to uniquely identify the User. Any information that we collect may depend on the privacy settings the User has set with the Platform. An Application and/or the JUNFENG Enabled Service in JUNFENG Enabled Applications may ask you to provide your username and password for the relevant Platform. Users may control and change their settings by logging into their accounts with each Platform. Second, any personal information (e.g., name, email address, personal photographs) that you voluntarily disclose in any Content may be collected and used by any persons that have access to your public pages on the applicable Platform. If you post personal information in any Content, you acknowledge that we have no control over this use of your personal information and, as such, cannot be responsible for it. Please remember that the manner in which a Platform uses, stores, and discloses your information is governed solely by the applicable privacy policy posted at such Platform. JUNFENG Inc shall have no liability or responsibility for the privacy practices or other actions of any Third Party Service that may be enabled within an Application and/or the JUNFENG Enabled Service in JUNFENG Enabled Applications. Your use of any Platform is subject to the privacy policies and terms governing such Platform (“Third Party Policies”) and you agree to abide by such Third Party Policies.

Disclosure of Personally-Identifying Information

JUNFENG Inc does not rent or sell any of your personally-identifying information it collects to anyone. JUNFENG Inc does disclose potentially personally-identifying information only to those of its employees, contractors, and affiliated organizations that need to know that information in order to process it on JUNFENG Inc’s behalf, and have agreed not to disclose it. Other than its employees, contractors, and affiliated organizations, JUNFENG Inc will only disclose personally-identifying information when required to do so by law or when JUNFENG Inc believes in good faith that it is reasonably necessary to protect the rights or property of JUNFENG Inc, urgent circumsJUNFENGces to protect the safety of users of its Applications and the JUNFENG Enabled Service in JUNFENG Enabled Applications or the public, or to protect against legal liability.

Integrating Third Party Services

An Application created by JUNFENG Inc and the JUNFENG Enabled Service in JUNFENG Enabled Applications may offer the ability to share content created with an Application to online third party services, such as social networking services (“Third Party Services”). An Application and the JUNFENG Enabled Service in JUNFENG Enabled Applications may ask you to provide your username and password for the relevant Third Party Services. By providing this information you are allowing an Application and the JUNFENG Enabled Service in JUNFENG Enabled Applications to pass your log-in information to a service to share content created with an Application and/or the JUNFENG Enabled Service in JUNFENG Enabled Applications. When you enable a Third Party Service account in an Application and/or in the JUNFENG Enabled Service in JUNFENG Enabled Applications, it will collect your login information and other relevant information necessary to enable an Application and/or the JUNFENG Enabled Service in JUNFENG Enabled Applications to access that Third Party Service and your data contained within that Third Party Service. Please remember that the manner in which Third Party Services use, store, and disclose your information is governed solely by the policies of such third parties, and JUNFENG Inc shall have no liability or responsibility for the privacy practices or other actions of any Third Party Service that may be enabled within an Application and/or the JUNFENG Enabled Service in JUNFENG Enabled Applications.

Privacy Policy Changes

JUNFENG Inc may change its Privacy Policy from time to time, and at JUNFENG Inc’s sole discretion. JUNFENG Inc encourages users to check this web page for any changes to its Privacy Policy periodically. Your continued use of any Application created by JUNFENG Inc and the JUNFENG Enabled Service in JUNFENG Enabled Applications will constitute accepJUNFENGce of such change.

California Users: Your California Privacy Rights

California’s “Shine the Light” law, Civil Code section 1798.83, requires certain businesses to respond to requests from California customers asking about the businesses’ practices related to disclosing personal information to third parties for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes. Alternatively, such businesses may have in place a policy not to disclose personal information of customers to third parties for the third parties’ direct marketing purposes if the customer has exercised an option to opt-out of such information sharing. JUNFENG Inc has such a policy in place. Despite any indicated preferences opt-out, JUNFENG Inc may still send service related communications.

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