"Boys, Boys, Look, Look at this."
"Look, Look, He's marking his territory."
"He's peeing on the furniture."
"Yeah. Yeah, but he's showing Ryan who's boss."
"That's why it's called a pissing contest when two men try and stake out their turf."
"I don't love it when men do that either."
"Dean, seventh president."
"Hint... two after Monroe."
"Jaskson.. Andrew Jaskson."
"Gordie, where was he from?"
"Let's talk Yankees."
"Cause you don't know. Don't switch the subject."
"I do know."
"Prove it."
"There was no Seattle back then, idiot."
"I bet I'll get it on the next guess."
"Bet you don't. "
"How much?"
"10 push-ups"
"Deal. "
"Border areas near the Carolinas."
"You can't fall for that every time, Dean."
"See, he knows his customer, and he sets your up."
"He's willing to look foolish short-term to win long-term."
"And, Gordie, don't sucker your brother."
"All right, come on, Pay your bet."