from lintcode
Given n books( the page number of each book is the same) and an array of integer with size k means k people to copy the book and the i th integer is the time i th person to copy one book). You must distribute the continuous id books to one people to copy. (You can give book A[1],A[2] to one people, but you cannot give book A[1], A[3] to one people, because book A[1] and A[3] is not continuous.) Return the number of smallest minutes need to copy all the books.
Given n = 4, array A = [3,2,4], .
Return 4( First person spends 3 minutes to copy book 1, Second person spends 4 minutes to copy book 2 and 3, Third person spends 4 minutes to copy book 4. )
As explained in the code comments.
package ladders.copyBooksII.dynamicProgramming;
public class Solution {
* @param allBooks: an integer
* @param times: an array of integers
* @return: an integer
public int copyBooksII(int allBooks, int[] times) {
// number of people
int numOfPeople = times.length;
// f[2 states][0 to n books]
// why 2 states? current person and previous person
// we move from first person, some books, next person, some books...
// until N books, we know that
// from the first person to the previous person, N - x books have been processed
// where x is the one who minimizes the path time bound
// term explain: "path time bound" means the total time consumed for processing all books,
// which is determined by just one person who consumes most time, namely "time bound".
// "path" means there is a path from the first person to this person.
// e.g. for 5 books with people [4, 2, 3]
// {1 * 4 + 2 * 2 + 3 * 2} is one path for previous 5 books
// {1 * 4 + 2 * 2 } is one path for previous 3 books
int[][] minPathBound = new int[2][allBooks+1];
// f: minimum "path time bound"
// initialization:
// the path is unique for the first person given a number of books
for (int prevNBooks = 0 ; prevNBooks <= allBooks; prevNBooks++) {
minPathBound[0][prevNBooks] = prevNBooks * times[0];
// from 1st-indexed person to kth-indexed person (second person to last person)
for (int personI = 1; personI < numOfPeople; personI++) {
// from 1 book to n books
for (int assignedBooks = 1; assignedBooks <= allBooks; assignedBooks++) {
// current person position
int currentPerson = personI % 2;
// previous person position
int prevPerson = (personI - 1) % 2;
// from first person to previous person, totally processed N - x books,
// to this person, will process n books
// iterate each possibility of x, pick the minimum path bound
minPathBound[currentPerson][assignedBooks] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int xBookNum = 0; xBookNum <= assignedBooks; xBookNum++) {
// previous person already handle j-l books
// and consume a greater time than current person
int finishedBooks = assignedBooks - xBookNum;
int pathBound =
Math.max(minPathBound[prevPerson][finishedBooks], times[personI] * xBookNum);
// update the minimum in the iteration
minPathBound[currentPerson][assignedBooks] =
Math.min(minPathBound[currentPerson][assignedBooks], pathBound);
// we want minimum only
// now that times[personI] * bookNum already exceeds original path bound
// more books for this person only leads to more time consumption
// so, we can just break
if (minPathBound[prevPerson][finishedBooks] <= times[personI] * xBookNum) {
// f[last person][all books]
return minPathBound[(numOfPeople-1)%2][allBooks];