interval:the period of time between two events, activities etc
study: a room in a house that is used for work or study
boom:[T] to say something in a loud deep voice
sinewy:/'sɪnjuːi,ˋsɪnjəwɪ/ adj.a sinewy person has a thin body and strong muscles
directory:a book or list of names, facts etc, usually arranged in alphabetical order〔通常按字母顺序排列的〕姓名地址录,名录,电话簿
obstinate:/'ɒbstɪnɪt,'ɒbstənət,ˋɑbstənɪt/ adj.1.determined not to change your ideas, behaviour, opinions etc, even when other people think you are being unreasonable固执的,顽固的,倔强的;2.[only before noun,仅用于名词前] difficult to deal with or get rid of难以对付的;难以去除的;难治的
arrogant:behaving in an unpleasant or rude way because you think you are more important than other people傲慢的,趾高气扬的,目中无人的,妄自尊大的
smock:a long loose shirt or a loose dress宽松式长衬衫;宽松式连衣裙
pinch:[T] to press a part of someone’s skin very tightly between your finger and thumb, especially so that it hurts捏,掐,夹
thigh: /θaɪ,θaɪ/ n. [C ] 大腿
encase:to cover or surround something completely把…包住;把…围住;encase sth in sth
breeches:n. 马裤(裤脚束紧长及膝部的裤子)
coarse: /kɔːs,kɔrs/ adj.having a rough surface that feels slightly hard粗的,粗糙的
sport:v. to have or wear sth in a proud way
calf: /kɑːf,kæf/ n. [C ] 小腿
brogue: /brəʊɡ,brog/ n. [C ] 粗革厚底皮鞋;拷花皮鞋
eccentric: /ɪk'sentrɪk,ɪkˋsɛntrɪk/ adj.behaving in a way that is unusual and different from most people〔行为〕怪异的,古怪的
bloodthirsty:eager to kill and wound, or enjoying killing and violence嗜杀成性的;耽于暴力的
stag-hound:/ˈstæɡˌhaʊnd/ 猎犬;狩鹿用猎犬;猎鹿犬
scowling:adj. 愁眉不展的;闷闷不乐的
flushed:adj. excited because you have achieved something
flustered:adj. confused and nervous
spitball:a small piece of paper that children roll into a ball and then spit or throw at each other〔儿童互相投掷的〕唾沫湿纸团
pillar:n. 柱子 pillar of society/the community/the church etc somebody who is an important and respected member of a group, and is involved in many public activities社会/社区/教会等的栋梁[中坚分子]
brat:a badly behaved child 顽劣儿童
wart: /wɔːt,wɔrt/ n. [C ] 肉赘;讨厌的人
darn:spoken,informal 【口,非正式】used to emphasize how bad, stupid, unfair etc someone or something is
stink-bomb:臭气弹(等于stench bomb)stink:to have a strong and very unpleasant smell散发恶臭,发臭味 pt: stank pp: stunk
sewer: /'sjuːə, 'suːə,ˋsuɚ/ n. [C ] 下水道;阴沟;污水管
bound:be bound to:to be very likely to do or feel a particular thing I’ll be bound 我敢肯定
squash:[T] informal to use your power or authority to stop something镇压,压制
barmy:/ˈbɑːmi,ˋbɑrmɪ/ adj. informal slightly crazy
browbeat:v. 恐吓,威胁
brute: /bruːt,brut/ n. [C ] a man who is cruel, violent, and not sensitive;畜生;残暴的人
knickers: /'nɪkəz,ˋnɪkɚz/ n. [plural 复数]灯笼裤;女用灯笼裤型的扎口短裤
piffle: /'pɪf ə l,ˋpɪfḷ/ n. [U ]old-fashioned,informal nonsense废话,无聊话;胡说
twerp:/twɜːp,twɝp/ n. [C ] informal a person who you think is stupid or annoying蠢人;讨厌鬼
form:[C] a class in a school 年级
wretched:/'retʃɪd,'retʃəd,ˋrɛtʃɪd/ adj. someone who is wretched is very unhappy or ill, and you feel sorry for them;if you feel wretched, you feel guilty and unhappy because of something bad that you have done
plot:a secret plan by a group of people to do something harmful or illegal密谋,阴谋,秘密计划
brigand:/ˈbrɪɡənd,ˋbrɪgənd/ n. [C ] a thief, especially one of a group that attacks people in mountains or forests
bellow:[I,T] to shout loudly in a deep voice咆哮,大声吼叫
viper:n. 毒蛇;毒如蛇蝎的人,阴险的人
take on:If you take someone on, you fight them or compete against them, especially when they are bigger or more powerful than you are. 与 (尤指强于自己的人) 较量
emerge from:自…出现;从…显露出来
be off your rocker:spoken,informal to be crazy =out of your mind
for once:只这一次
by no means:绝不
to say the least:至少可以说
have one’s say: 发表意见
Great Scott:天啊!