1.N-UNCOUNTHebrewis a language that was spoken by Jews in former times. A modern form of Hebrew is spoken now in Israel. 希伯来语
He is a fluent speaker of Hebrew.
2.ADJHebrewmeans belonging to or relating to the Hebrew language or people. 希伯来语的; 希伯来人的
...the respected Hebrew newspaper Haarez.
2.scarcely/ˈskɛəslɪ/CET4 TEM4
1.ADVYou usescarcelyto emphasize that something is only just true or only just the case. 几乎不; 简直不强调
He could scarcely breathe.
2.ADVYou can usescarcelyto say that something is not true or is not the case, in a humorous or critical way. 决不
It can scarcely be coincidence.
3.ADVIf you sayscarcelyhadone thing happened when something else happened, you mean that the first event was followed immediately by the second. 刚…就…
Scarcely had the votes been counted, when the telephone rang.
3.considerable/kənˈsɪdərəbəl/CET4 TEM4
1.ADJConsiderablemeans great in amount or degree. 相当多的; 相当大的
To be without Pearce would be a considerable blow.
2.ADV相当多地; 相当大地 considerably
Children vary considerably in the rate at which they learn these lessons.
4.portion/ˈpɔːʃən/CET4 TEM4
1.N-COUNTAportion ofsomething is a part of it. 部分
Damage was confined to a small portion of the castle.
2.N-COUNTAportionis the amount of food that is given to one person at a meal.
Desserts can be substituted by a portion of fresh fruit.
5.defile (defiling,defiled,defiles)
1.V-TTodefilesomething that people think is important or holy means to do something to it or say something about it which is offensive. 亵渎
He had defiled the sacred name of the Holy Prophet.
2.Vto make foul or dirty; pollute 玷污; 弄脏
3.N-COUNTAdefileis a very narrow valley or passage, usually through mountains. 山中狭径
6.perch/pɜːtʃ/ (perching,perched,perches)
1.V-IIf youperch onsomething, you sit down lightly on the very edge or tip of it. 轻坐在; 轻落在 (边上或顶上)
He lit a cigarette and perched on the corner of the desk.
2.V-IToperchsomewhere means to be on the top or edge of something. 坐落于 (某物顶部或边缘)
...the vast slums that perch precariously on top of the hills around which the city was built.
3.V-TIf youperchsomethingonsomething else, you put or balance it on the top or edge of that thing. 把…稳置于 (某物顶部或边缘)
The use of steel and concrete has allowed the builders to perch a light concrete dome on eight slender columns.
4.V-IWhen a birdperchesonsomething such as a branch or a wall, it lands on it and stands there. (鸟) 栖息
A blackbird flew down and perched on the parapet outside his window.
5.N-COUNTAperchis a short rod for a bird to stand on. (鸟的) 栖木
A small, yellow bird in a cage sat on its perch outside the house.
6.N-COUNTAperchis an edible fish. There are several kinds of perch. 河鲈
1.ADJAninaccessibleplace is very difficult or impossible to reach. 难到达的; 不可及的
...people living in remote and inaccessible parts of China.
2.ADJIf something isinaccessible, you are unable to see, use, or buy it. 看不到的; 不可使用的; 买不到的
Ninety-five percent of its magnificent collection will remain inaccessible to the public.
3.ADJSomeone or something that isinaccessibleis difficult or impossible to understand or appreciate. 难懂的; 无法理解的表不满
...language that is inaccessible to working people.
1.N-COUNTAcragis a steep rocky cliff or part of a mountain. 悬崖; 峭壁
Its very existence on the twin peakedcragis awe-inspiring, as are the six well-preserved dry-built beehive-shaped cells that were once inhabited by monks.
1.N-UNCOUNTSustenanceis food or drink which a person, animal, or plant needs to remain alive and healthy. 食物
The state provided a basic quantity of food for daily sustenance, but little else.
10.prevent/prɪˈvɛnt/ (preventing,prevented,prevents)
1.V-TTopreventsomething means to ensure that it does not happen. 预防
These methods prevent pregnancy.
2.N-UNCOUNT预防 prevention
...the prevention of heart disease.
3.V-TTopreventsomeonefromdoing something means to make it impossible for them to do it. 阻止
He said this would prevent companies from creating new jobs.
11.rival/ˈraɪvəl/ (rivalling,rivalled,rivals)
1.N-COUNTYourrivalis a person, business, or organization who you are competing or fighting against in the same area or for the same things. 对手
The world champion finished more than two seconds ahead of his nearest rival.
2.N-COUNTIf you say that someone or something hasnorivalsor iswithoutrival, you mean that it is best of its type. 可匹敌者
The area is famous for its wonderfully fragrant wine which has no rivals in the Rhone.
3.V-TIf you say that one thingrivalsanother, you mean that they are both of the same standard or quality. 与…相匹敌
Cassette recorders cannot rival the sound quality of CDs.
12.scanty/ˈskæntɪ/ (scantier,scantiest)
1.ADJYou describe something asscantywhen there is less of it than you think there should be. 缺乏的; 不足的
So far, what scanty evidence we have points to two suspects.
2.ADJIf someone is wearingscantyclothing, he or she is wearing clothes which are sexually revealing. (衣着)暴露的
...a model in scanty clothing.
...a troupe of scantily-clad dancers.
13.strip/strɪp/ (stripping,stripped,strips)
1.N-COUNTAstripofsomething such as paper, cloth, or food is a long, narrow piece of it. (纸、布或食物的) 条
...a new kind of manufactured wood made by pressing strips of wood together and baking them.
2.N-COUNTAstripofland or water is a long narrow area of it. 狭长 (地带或水域)
The coastal cities of Liguria sit on narrow strips of land lying under steep mountains.
3.N-COUNTAstripis a long street in a city or town, where there are a lot of stores, restaurants, and hotels. 商业街
...Goff's Charcoal Hamburgers on Lover's Lane, a busy commercial strip in North Dallas.
4.V-IIf youstrip, you take off your clothes. 脱衣服
They stripped completely, and lay and turned in the damp grass.
Strip off. 脱衣服
The children were brazenly stripping off and leaping into the sea.
5.V-TTostripsomething means to remove everything that covers it. 剥离
After Mike left for work I stripped the beds and vacuumed the carpets.
6.V-TIf youstripan engine or a piece of equipment, you take it to pieces so that it can be cleaned or repaired. 拆卸
Volvo's three-man team stripped the car and treated it to a restoration.
Strip down means the same as . 拆卸
7.V-TTostripsomeoneoftheir property, rights, or titles means to take those things away from them. 剥夺 (财产、权利); 撤销 (头衔)
The soldiers have stripped the civilians of their passports, and every other type of document.
8.N-COUNTIn a newspaper or magazine, astripis a series of drawings which tell a story. The words spoken by the characters are often written on the drawings. 连环画
14.territory/ˈtɛrɪtərɪ/CET4 TEM4
1.N-VARTerritoryis land which is controlled by a particular country or ruler. 领土
The government denies that any of its territory is under rebel control.
2.N-COUNTAterritoryis a country or region that is controlled by another country. 属地
He toured some of the disputed territories now under UN control.
3.N-UNCOUNTYou can useterritoryto refer to an area of knowledge or experience. 领域
Following the futuristic "The Handmaid's Tale," Margaret Atwood's seventh novel, "Cat's Eye," returns to more familiar territory.
4.N-VARAn animal'sterritoryis an area which it regards as its own and which it defends when other animals try to enter it. (动物的) 地盘
The territory of a cat only remains fixed for as long as the cat dominates the area.。
5.N-UNCOUNTTerritoryis land with a particular character. (具有某种特征的) 地带
...mountainous territory.
1.Nan ancient region between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean, corresponding roughly to Israel: the Promised Land of the Israelites 迦南: 约旦河与地中海之间的古老地区,大致相当于今天的以色列:以色列人祖先的“应许之地”
雅典(希腊首都)[希腊语 Athenai]
18.philosophic speculation哲学思考
19.outpost/ˈaʊtˌpəʊst/CET6 TEM8
1.N-COUNTAnoutpostis a small group of buildings used for trading or military purposes, either in a distant part of your own country or in a foreign country. (设在国内边远地区或国外的) 军事基地; 贸易基地
...a remote mountain outpost, linked to the outside world by the poorest of roads.
2.N-COUNTAnoutpostis a small settlement or community that is situated in a remote part of a country. 边远居民点
This rural outpost, 400 miles northeast of Helena, has one stoplight.
1.N-UNCOUNTCommerceis the activities and procedures involved in buying and selling things. 商业
They have made their fortunes from industry and commerce.
1.ADJMaritimeis used to describe things relating to the sea and to ships. 海事的
...the largest maritime museum of its kind.
1.N-COUNTAmerchantis a person who buys or sells goods in large quantities, especially one who imports and exports them. 商人
Any knowledgeable wine merchant would be able to advise you.
2.N-COUNTAmerchantis a person who owns or runs a shop, or other business. 店主
The family was forced to live on credit from local merchants.
3.ADJMerchantseamen or ships are involved in carrying goods for trade. 商船的
There's been a big reduction in the size of the merchant fleet in recent years.
23.harbour/ˈhɑːbə/ (harbouring,harboured,harbours)
1.N-COUNT/N-IN-NAMESAharbouris an area of the sea at the coast which is partly enclosed by land or strong walls, so that boats can be left there safely. 港口
She led us to a room with a balcony overlooking the harbour.
2.V-TIf youharbouran emotion, thought, or secret, you have it in your mind over a long period of time. 长期怀有
He might have been murdered by a former client or someone harbouring a grudge.
3.V-TIf a person or countryharbourssomeone who is wanted by the police, they let them stay in their house or country and offer them protection. 窝藏
Accusations of harbouring suspects were raised against the former Hungarian leadership.
1.N-COUNTTheboundaryofan area of land is an imaginary line that separates it from other areas. 边界
The Bow Brook forms the western boundary of the wood.
2.N-COUNTTheboundariesofsomething such as a subject or activity are the limits that people think that it has. 界限
The boundaries between history and storytelling are always being blurred and muddled.
25.frontier/ˈfrʌntɪə, frɒn-/
1.N-COUNTWhen you are talking about the western part of America before the twentieth century, you usefrontierto refer to the area beyond the part settled by Europeans. (20世纪前美国) 西部边疆
...a far-flung outpost on the frontier.
2.N-COUNTThefrontiersof something, especially knowledge, are the limits to which it extends. (尤指知识的) 前沿
...pushing back the frontiers of science.
3.N-COUNTAfrontieris a border between two countries. 国界
It wasn't difficult then to cross the frontier.
n.【历史】 巴比伦王国(亚洲西南部的古代奴隶制国家,首都巴比伦)
27.throw off
Vto free oneself of; discard 摆脱; 抛弃
1.N-SINGIf you say that people are under theyokeofa bad thing or person, you mean they are forced to live in a difficult or unhappy state because of that thing or person. 羁绊; 枷锁
People are still suffering under the yoke of slavery.
2.N-COUNTAyokeis a long piece of wood tied across the necks of two animals such as oxen, in order to make them walk close together when they are pulling a plow. 轭; 牛轭
3.V-TIf two or more people or thingsare yokedtogether, they are forced to be closely linked with each other. 使强行结合; 把…硬拼凑在一起
The introduction attempts to yoke the pieces together.
1.Nan inhabitant of ancient Assyria 古亚述国居民
2.ADJof, relating to, or characteristic of the ancient or modern Assyrians, their language, or culture 亚述国的; 和亚述国有关的
1.N-UNCOUNTIf you showmasteryofa particular skill or language, you show that you have learned or understood it completely and have no difficulty using it. 掌握
He doesn't have mastery of the basic rules of grammar.
1.NHeaven 耶路撒冷
2.Nany ideal city 任何理想的城市
1.ADJIn something such as an election or a war, if someone isunopposed, there are no opponents competing or fighting against them. 无竞争的; 没有对手的
Mark Johnston was running unopposed for mayor in Saco, Maine.
1.N-COUNT/N-PROPERApharaohwas a king of ancient Egypt. 法老 (古埃及国王)
...Rameses II, Pharaoh of All Egypt.
1.Na member of the group of Caucasoid peoples who speak a Semitic language, including the Jews and Arabs as well as the ancient Babylonians, Assyrians, and Phoenicians 闪族人
36.inborn/ˈɪnˈbɔːn/CET6 TEM8
1.ADJInbornqualities are natural ones that you are born with. 天生的
He had an inborn talent for languages.
1.ADJIf one thing isakintoanother, it is similar to it in some way. 相似的
Listening to his life story is akin to reading a good adventure novel.
1.ADJBerbermeans belonging or relating to a particular Muslim people in North Africa, or to their language or customs. 柏柏尔的; 柏柏尔人的; 柏柏尔语的
2.N-COUNTABerberis a person from the Berber community. 柏柏尔人
1.N-COUNT-COLLTribeis sometimes used to refer to a group of people of the same race, language, and customs, especially in a developing country. Some people disapprove of this use. 部落
...three-hundred members of the Xhosa tribe.
1.Na member of an ancient people of Anatolia, who built a great empire in N Syria and Asia Minor in the second millenniumbc希泰族人
2.ADJof or relating to this people, their civilization, or their language 希泰族的; 希泰语的
42.descend/dɪˈsɛnd/ (descending,descended,descends)
1.V-T/V-IIf youdescendor if youdescenda staircase, you move downward from a higher to a lower level. 下 (楼梯等); 下来
Things are cooler and more damp as we descend to the cellar.
2.V-IIf a large group of people arrive to see you, especially if their visit is unexpected or causes you a lot of work, you can say that theyhave descendedonyou. 突然到访
Some 3,000 city officials will descend on Capitol Hill on Tuesday to lobby for more money.
3.V-IWhen you want to emphasize that the situation that someone is entering is very bad, you can say that theyare descending intothat situation. 陷入强调
He was ultimately overthrown and the country descended into chaos.
4.V-IIf you say that someonedescends tobehaviour which you consider unacceptable, you are expressing your disapproval of the fact that they do it. 堕落表不满
We're not going to descend to such methods.
1.N-UNCOUNTTaurusis one of the twelve signs of the zodiac. Its symbol is a bull. People who are born between approximately the 20th of April and the 20th of May come under this sign. 金牛座
2.N-SINGA Taurusis a person whose sign of the zodiac is Taurus. 金牛座的人
44.fling/flɪŋ/ (flinging,flung,flings)
1.V-TIf youflingsomething somewhere, you throw it there using a lot of force. 猛掷
The woman flung the cup at him.
2.V-TIf youflingyourselfsomewhere, you move or jump there suddenly and with a lot of force. 突然移向; 突然跳到
He flung himself to the floor.
3.V-TIf youflinga part of your body in a particular direction, especially your arms or head, you move it there suddenly. 猛然移动 (臂、头等身体部位)
She flung her arms around my neck and kissed me.
4.V-TIf youflingsomeone to the ground, you push them very roughly so that they fall over. 推倒
The youth got him by the front of his shirt and flung him to the ground.
5.V-TIf youflingsomething into a particular place or position, you put it there in a quick or angry way. 扔
Peter flung his shoes into the corner.
6.V-TIf youflingyourself intoa particular activity, you do it with a lot of enthusiasm and energy. 投身于
She flung herself into her career.
7.Flingcan be used instead of "throw" in many expressions that usually contain "throw." 在许多短语中可以替代(throw)
8.N-COUNTIf two people haveafling, they have a brief sexual relationship. 短暂的风流韵事
She claims she had a brief fling with him 30 years ago.
1.ADJIf you arehostiletoanother person or an idea, you disagree with them or disapprove of them, often showing this in your behaviour. 反对的; 敌对的
Many people felt he would be hostile to the idea of foreign intervention.
2.ADJSomeone who ishostileis unfriendly and aggressive. 怀敌意的
Drinking may make a person feel relaxed and happy, or it may make her hostile, violent, or depressed.
3.ADJHostilesituations and conditions make it difficult for you to achieve something. (环境和条件等) 不利的
...some of the most hostile climatic conditions in the world.
4.ADJAhostiletakeover bid is one that is opposed by the company that is being bid for. (收购投标) 恶意的
Soon after he arrived, Kingfisher launched a hostile bid for Dixons.
5.ADJIn a war, you usehostileto describe your enemy's forces, organizations, weapons, land, and activities. (战争中) 敌方的
The city is encircled by a hostile army.
46.massacre/ˈmæsəkə/ 4(massacring,massacred,massacres)
1.N-VARAmassacreis the killing of a large number of people at the same time in a violent and cruel way. 大屠杀
Maria lost her 62-year-old mother in the massacre.
2.V-TIf peopleare massacred, a large number of them are attacked and killed in a violent and cruel way. 大规模屠杀
300 civilians are believed to have been massacred by the rebels.
1.N-COUNTInvadersare soldiers who are invading a country. 侵略者
The city was destroyed by foreign invaders.
2.N-COUNTYou can refer to a country or army that has invaded or is about to invade another country as aninvader. 侵略国; 侵略军
...action against a foreign invader.
48.intermingle/ˌɪntəˈmɪŋɡəl/ (intermingling,intermingled,intermingles)
1.V-RECIPWhen people or thingsintermingle, they mix with each other. 搀和; 混合; 交织
This allows the two cultures to intermingle without losing their separate identities.
1.ADJAcaptiveperson or animal is being kept imprisoned or enclosed. 被囚禁的; 被圈养的
Her heart had begun to pound inside her chest like a captive animal.
2.N-COUNTAcaptiveis someone who is captive. 被囚禁者
He described the difficulties of surviving for four months as a captive.
3.ADJAcaptiveaudience is a group of people who are not free to leave a certain place and so have to watch or listen. Acaptivemarket is a group of people who cannot choose whether or where to buy things. (观众) 不能随意离开的; (市场) 被垄断的
We all performed action songs, sketches, and dances before a captive audience of parents and patrons.
4.PHRASEIf youtakesomeonecaptiveorholdsomeonecaptive, you take or keep them as a prisoner. 囚禁某人
Richard was finally released on February 4, one year and six weeks after he'd been taken captive.
1.Nthe fourth son of Jacob, one of whose descendants was to be the Messiah (Genesis 29:35; 49:8–12) 犹大; 雅各的第四个儿子,其后代之一成为复国救世的弥赛亚
51.countenance/ˈkaʊntɪnəns/ (countenancing,countenanced,countenances)
1.V-TIf someone will notcountenancesomething, they do not agree with it and will not allow it to happen. 赞同
Jake would not countenance Janis's marrying while still a student.
2.N-COUNTSomeone'scountenanceis their face. 面孔
1.N-UNCOUNTIntermarriageis marriage between people from different social, racial, or religious groups. 通婚
...intermarriage between members of the old and new ruling classes.
1.N-UNCOUNTGenealogyis the study of the history of families, especially through studying historical documents to discover the relationships between particular people and their families. 系谱学
2.ADJ家谱的 genealogical
He had engaged in genealogical research on his family shortly before the War.
1.ADJRacialdescribes things relating to people's race. 种族的
...the protection of national and racial minorities.
2.ADV种族地 racially
We are both children of racially mixed marriages.
1.N-COUNTAnenterpriseis a company or business. 公司; 企业
There are plenty of small industrial enterprises.
2.N-COUNTAnenterpriseis something new, difficult, or important that you do or try to do. 事业
Horse breeding is indeed a risky enterprise.
3.N-UNCOUNTEnterpriseis the activity of managing companies and businesses and starting new ones. 创业
He is still involved in voluntary work promoting local enterprise.
4.N-UNCOUNTEnterpriseis the ability to think of new and effective things to do, together with an eagerness to do them. 开创力; 开拓精神表赞许
...the spirit of enterprise worthy of a free and industrious people.
1.N-VARAprophecyis a statement in which someone says they strongly believe that a particular thing will happen. 预言
Will the teacher's prophecy be fulfilled?
57.shepherd/ˈʃɛpəd/ (shepherding,shepherded,shepherds)
N-COUNTAshepherdis a person, especially a man, whose job is to take care of sheep. 牧羊人
2.V-TIf youare shepherdedsomewhere, someone takes you there to make sure that you arrive at the right place safely. 护送
She was shepherded by her guards up the rear ramp of the aircraft.
1.N-SINGIf there is anexodusofpeoplefroma place, a lot of people leave that place at the same time. 大批离开
The medical system is facing collapse because of an exodus of doctors.
1.N-UNCOUNTIntercourseis the act of having sex. 性交
...sexual intercourse.
2.N-UNCOUNTSocialintercourseis communication between people as they spend time together. 交际
There was social intercourse between the old and the young.
60.keen/kiːn/ (keener,keenest)
1.ADJIf you say that someone has akeenmind, you mean that they are very clever and aware of what is happening around them. 敏锐的
They described him as a man of keen intellect.
2.ADV敏锐地 keenly
They're keenly aware that whatever they decide will set a precedent.
3.ADJIf you have akeeneye or ear, you are able to notice things that are difficult to detect. 灵敏的
...an amateur artist with a keen eye for detail.
4.ADV灵敏地 keenly
Charles listened keenly.
5.ADJAkeeninterest or emotion is one that is very intense. 强烈的
He had retained a keen interest in the progress of the work.
keen on doing 渴望的;热衷的
61.glean/ɡliːn/ (gleaning,gleaned,gleans)
1.V-TIf yougleansomething such as information or knowledge, you learn or collect it slowly and patiently, and perhaps indirectly. 慢慢地收集
At present we're gleaning information from all sources.
1.N-UNCOUNTThechronologyofa series of past events is the times at which they happened in the order in which they happened. 大事记
She gave him a factual account of the chronology of her brief liaison.
2.N-COUNTAchronologyis an account or record of the times and the order in which a series of past events took place. 年表
The second part of Duffy's book is a detailed chronology of the Reformation.
63.illuminate/ɪˈluːmɪneɪt/ (illuminating,illuminated,illuminates)
1.V-TToilluminatesomething means to shine light on it and to make it brighter and more visible. 照亮
No streetlights illuminated the street.
2.V-TIf youilluminatesomething that is unclear or difficult to understand, you make it clearer by explaining it carefully or giving information about it. 阐明
1.N-COUNTAnexcavatoris a large machine that is used for digging, for example, when people are building something. 挖掘机
65.decipher/dɪˈsaɪfə/ (deciphering,deciphered,deciphers)
1.V-TIf youdeciphera piece of writing or a message, you work out what it says, even though it is very difficult to read or understand. 破译
I'm still no closer to deciphering the code.
3.(古代写在纸莎草纸上的) 古文稿;古抄本
1.N-MASSClayis a kind of earth that is soft when it is wet and hard when it is dry. Clay is shaped and baked to make things such as pots and bricks. 黏土
...the heavy clay soils of Georgia.。
2.N-UNCOUNTIn tennis, matches played onclayare played on courts whose surface is covered with finely crushed stones or brick. 红土网球场
Most tennis is played on hard courts, but a substantial amount is played on clay.