你我不过都是世间的passing things,追求什么样的人生,此刻开始,before it is too late.
在metaphysics的过程中体会快乐,让哲学发生在你身上,HERE IS A PLEASURE.
^当大多数人在世俗中浑浑噩噩时,还是有一些人会抬头仰望星空."We all live in the gutter, but some still look up at the stars."—Oscar Wilde.
^人类为了证明自己的存在,终其一生都在寻找生命的意义."Life has meaning, to find its meaning is my meat and drink." —Browning.而哲学便是追求这意义过程中一条苦却快乐的路径.
^我们在各种情绪中挣扎,自我否定,犹豫,无用感,为了去除这些无用的情绪,有些人甚至走上了一条追求纯理性的道路,而鄙视或忽略内心的感受.'So much of our lives is meaningless, a self-cancelling vacillation and futility;'这一切都是因为 'we would believe all the while that there is something vital and significant in us.我们坚信我们生而有意义.
^我们苦苦追求一个答案,"one of those who don't want millions, but an answer to their questions"—Mitya in The Brothers Karamazov.渴望在这短暂的生命过程,成为更好的自己,向宇宙证明你我曾经来过.