This module provides a number of queryparsers:
classic:一个简单的用javacc实现的Lucene queryparser
QueryParser that passes Fuzzy-, Prefix-, Range-, and WildcardQuerys through the given analyzer.
处理fuzzy- prefix- range- wildcardquerys的queryparsercomplex phrase
处理复杂的query语法 例如(john jon jonathan~) peters*
Extendable QueryParser provides a simple and flexible extension mechanism by overloading query field names.
通过复写query field names 来提供一个简单灵活的扩展机制的queryparserflexible 后面单开文章翻译讲解
This project contains the new Lucene query parser implementation, which matches the syntax of the core QueryParser but offers a more modular architecture to enable customization.
此项目包含新的Lucene query parser 实现,匹配核心queryparser语法但是提供了额外的模块化结构来支持自定义。
It's currently divided in 2 main packages:
{@link org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.core}: it contains the query parser API classes, which should be extended by query parser implementations.
包含query parser api classes,可通过query parser 实现扩展。
{@link org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.standard}: it contains the current Lucene query parser implementation using the new query parser API.surround
A QueryParser that supports the Span family of queries as well as pre and infix notation.
一个 QueryParser 支持span系列查询例如pre和infix符号。xml
A QueryParser that produces Lucene Query objects from XML streams.
产生Lucene query objects xml 流。