


Happy new year to you all!


岁月不居,时节如流Time stops for no one, and the seasons keep changing

1000万农村贫困人口摆脱贫困lift 10 million people in the country’s rural areas out of poverty

重要改革举措important reform measures


预选着陆区the preselected landing area

着陆在月球表面touch down on the far side of the moon

台湾问题是中国的内政,不容任何外来干涉the taiwan question is China’s internal affair and allows no external interference

中华民族伟大复兴the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation


间隔年gap years



China, as a country of people on the move, is energetically pursing prosperity. We are all running very hard. We are all dream chasers


China’s reforms will never stop, and its doors will only open ever wider


Our people are the country’s solid foundation and our main source of confidence to govern


And now, looking forward, despite the complexities and difficulties we may face on the road ahead, we shall always closely rely on the people and stick to self-reliance and hard work


和平发展仍是时代主题peace and development remain the call of the day

以联合国为核心的国际体系UN-entered international system

以规则为基础的多边主义rules-based multilateralism

促进世界和平是中国追求的长期目标promoting world peace is China’s consistent objective

相通则各进,相闭则各退countries make progress through exchanges and fall behind due to isolation


2019 will see both opportunities and challenges that will require us to work together shoulder to shoulder


No matter what these changes bring, China will remain resolute and confident in its defense of its national sovereignty and security. And China’s sincerity and goodwill to safeguard world peace and promote common development will remain unchanged.



The peaceful and stable development of cross-straits situations and the progress of cross-straits relations are the tide of the time that can never be stopped by anyone or any force


The fact that compatriots across the straits are all Chinese who share natural kinship and national identity can never be changed by anyone or any force


The historical and legal facts, that taiwan is part of China and the two sides across taiwan straits belong to one and the same China, can never be altered by anyone or any force.


北京城市副中心Beijing’s subsidiary center

扩大科研人员在技术路线选择、资金使用、成果转化等方面的自主权expand the decision-making rights of scientists and researchers in choosing technological routes, utilizing funds, and transforming their research achievements

强化企业创新主体地位,健全产学研一体化创新机制the need to strengthen the role of enterprises in innovation, and the integration of industries, universities and research institutes


Core indicator核心指标

数据传输速度data transmission speed

智慧家居smart home


获得感、幸福感、安全感sense of fulfillment, happiness and security

占用应急车道emergency lane occupancy

正当防卫Justifiable defense


微型生态系统mini biosphere

商务英语证书business english certificate(BEC)

英语专业考试test for english majors, TEM

大学英语考试college english test, CET

全国英语等级考试public english test system, PETS

中国英语能力等级量表China’s standards of english language ability, CSE


Justifiable defense正当防卫

妨害公务罪crime of endangering public affairs

Causing disturbances寻衅滋事行为


Two bombs, one satellite achievement medal两弹一星勋章

State preeminent science and technology award国家最高科学技术奖


错峰休假Leave on non-public holidays/off-peak vacations

医疗、医保、医药medical services,health insurance, and the medicine industry

民办医疗机构private hospital







Creating account开卡

充值topping up

里程计价metered fare


辅助生殖技术assisted reproductive technology

季节性人口迁移seasonal migration of people

春运spring festival travel rush


世界民族之林among the nations of the world

与时俱进keep abreast of the times

第四次工业革命the fourth industrial revolution

构建全球架构shape a global architecture


IAEA(international atomic energy agency)国际原子能机构

GNP(gross national product)国民生产总值

Gini coefficient基尼系数

Carbon tax碳税,碳排放税;烟尘排放税

Resource recycling资源回收,资源回收再利用

Quantitative easing量化宽松政策

Genetically modified food转基因食品

Urbanization ratio城镇化率

Core competence; core competency核心竞争力

Resource allocation; the distribution of resource资源配置


三个代表three represents

菜篮子工程shopping basket program

带薪假期paid vacation; paid leave, paid holiday

豆腐渣工程jerry-built project

股市指数stock market(exchange)index

期货市场futures market; forward market

一体化进程integration process

可持续发展sustainable development

安全电子交易协议secure electronic transaction

多媒体短信服务MMS(multimedia messaging service)


Balance sheet 资产负债表

International arbitration 国际仲裁

Tax agent 税务代理人

Debenture 公司债券

Gross weight 毛重,总重量

Generalized system of preference 普惠制(GSP)

Fixed cost 固定成本

Stock listing 股票上市

Random access 随机存取

Profit before tax 税前利润



薄利多销small profits but quick returns


动产抵押chattel mortgage

进口报关单import entry, import declaration

房地产real estate



国民待遇national treatment

市场调查market research


value added tax:增值税

Annual financial report:年度财务报告

Bull market:牛市,旺市;(bear market,熊市)

Law of diminishing marginal utility/returns:边际收益递减规律

Angel investment:天使投资

Capital turnover:资金周转

Butterfly effect:蝴蝶效应

Calling center:呼叫中心

SWOT analysis:四点(优势,劣势,机会,威胁)分析

Business model:商业模式


1. 夏季奥运会: Summer Olympics

2. 冬季奥运会: Winter Olympics

3. 青奥会: Youth Olympic Games

4. 奥运会吉祥物: Olympic mascots

5. 国际奥委会: International Olympic Committee(IOC)

6. 奥林匹克精神: the Olympic spirit

7. 主办城市: host city

8. 交通强国: a country with strong transportation network

9. 铁路运营里程: mileage of operational railway

10. 轨道交通: rail traffic

11. 动车: bullet train

12. 城际列车: inter-city train

13. 绿皮火车: green train


新增项目: inclusion/addition of new sports

奥运会会歌: Olympic hymn/anthem


性别歧视: gender discrimination

性别平等: gender equality

婚育情况: marital (martial军事的)or childbearing status

就业歧视: employment discrimination

男女平权: equal rights for men and women

性别收入差距: gender pay gap

性别刻板印象: gender stereotype\ ˈster-ē-ə-ˌtīp\


Civil law民法

Mass transit公共交通

Wage theory工资理论

Mock epic讽刺史诗


High seas公海;远海


Irrigation and drainage农田水利,排灌


ILO国家劳工组织(international labor organization)


可行性报告feasibility report

中庸之道doctrine of the mean

民族危机national crisis

政治协商制度political consultation system

礼乐文化propriety and music culture; the ritual culture

可持续发展sustainable development

应试教育exam-oriented education

端午节dragon boat festival

暂住证temporary residential permit

知识产权intellectual property



中国特色社会主义socialism withChinese characteristics

公民人身权利rights of citizens; citizen’ s personal rights

低碳经济low-carbon economy

与时俱进advance with the times; keep pace with the times

同甘共苦share weal and woe; share sb’s joys/happiness and sorrows

优化产业结构optimize the industrial structure; modify the industrial structure

国际惯例international common practice

醉驾drunken driving

节能市场机制energy-saving market mechanism

新兴产业emerging industry; sunrise industry


民工migrant worker

脱口秀talk show

九五折a five percent discount

泥石流debris flow; detritus stream

低碳经济low-carbon economy

劳动密集型产业labor-intensive industry

金砖四国the BRICs; BRIC countries

人头税poll tax; capitation tax

联合国安理会(UN) security council



1. ISO(international standardization organization):国际标准化组织

2. Call off a meeting:取消会议

3. Marine engine noise muffler:船用发动机消声器

4. With one accord:全体一致

5. Port and starboard:左舷和右舷

6. Beauty is the eyes of the beholder:情人眼里出西施

7. Achilles’ heel:阿喀琉斯之踵

8. Bury the hatchet:摒弃前嫌,言归于好;和解,停战

9. Container terminal:集装箱码头【水运-装卸区】

10. As one door closes, another door opens:天无绝人之路(heaven will always leave a door open)


1. 点赞:give somebody thumbs up

2. 新常态:new normal

3. 转基因食品: genetically modified food

4. 反腐倡廉: combat corruption and build a clean government

5. 翻译主体: translation subject

6. 反倾销措施: anti-dumping measures

7. 改革攻坚: further reform in difficult areas

8. 动态对等: dynamic equivalence

9. 中国梦: theChinese dream

10. “一带一路”战略:one belt and one road strategy(西安科技大学2016年翻译硕士(MTI)真题)

11. APEC:亚太经贸合作组织(Asia-Pacific economic cooperation)

12. SC:联合国安全理事会(security council)

13. CPI:消费物价指数(consumer price index)

14. WHO:世界卫生组织(world health organization)

15. BRIC Countries:金砖四国(Brazil-世界原料基地, Russia-世界加油站, India-世界办公室,China-世界工厂)

16. Carbon tax:碳税;碳排放税,烟尘排放税

17. Sunrise industry:朝阳产业,新兴产业(指电子业、电脑制造业等无须用重型机械的工业)

18. Defense lawyer:辩护律师,被告律师

19. Transnational litigation:跨国诉讼

20. Corporate restructure:企业重组



Hundred days of reform百日维新

Nobel prize laureate诺贝尔奖得主

Spacecraft carrier航天器载体

Core socialist values社会主义核心价值观

Installment payment分期付款

Simultaneous interpretation同声传译

Beggar’s chicken叫花鸡

Beijing roast duck北京烤鸭

Accounting firm会记事务所

Taoist school道家

Faithful translation忠实翻译

Manned spaceship载人宇宙飞船


物业管理property management

安全生产safety in production

高新技术产品high-tech product

生态建设ecological construction

便民利民措施measures for benefiting all the people

财政赤字financial deficit

国债national debt

小康社会moderately prosperous society

三通direct links of mail, transport and trade

可再生能源renewable energy


1. 劳教: reeducation through labour【法】

2. 小康社会: a moderately prosperous society

3. 转基因食品;genetically modified food(GMF)

4. 退耕还林:return the grain plots to forestry

5. 山寨手机: emulational mobile phone

6. 水土流失: ( water loss and )soil erosion

7. 面子工程: face-saving project

8. 三农问题: issues relating to agriculture, rural areas, and rural people

9. 人肉搜索: human flesh search engine/ cyber manhunt

10. 购置财产: acquisition of assets


1. 工作作风:work style

2. 形式主义: formalism

3. 官僚主义: bureaucratism

4. 享乐主义: hedonism

5. 奢靡之风: extravagance

6. 群众路线: mass line

7. 自我净化: self-purification

8. 自我完善: self-perfection

9. 自我革新: self-renewal

10. 自我提高: self-progression

11. 全面从严治党:comprehensively strengthen Party discipline


1. 粤港澳大湾区:the Guang Dong - Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area

2. 珠三角the pearl river delta

3. 国际一流湾区international first-class bay area

4. 世界级城市群world-class city cluster

5. 战略性新兴产业strategic emerging industries

6. 开放型经济新体制new system of open economy

7. 不动产登记immovable property registration

8. 简政放权streamline administration and delegate powers

9. 双随机、一公开 an oversight model of random inspection and public release

10. 互联网+政务服务the internet plus government services model


1.外商投资foreign investment

2.外商直接投资foreign direct investment(FDI)

3.境外投资outbound investment

4.中外合作经营企业 Chinese-foreign contractual joint venture

5.中外合资经营企业Chinese-foreign equity joint venture

6.外商独资企业wholly foreign-owned enterprise

7.投资环境investment environment

8.营商环境business environment


直播平台标准standard for live streaming platforms

外币红包foreign currency red packet

春晚spring festival gala

旅游意外险travel accident insurance

修复不良信用记录repair bad credit records

互联网+护理服务internet plus nursing services

珠峰大本营mount qomolangma base camp

紫禁城上元之夜lantern festival night in the forbidden city

职业教育改革vocational education reform

中央一号文件No.1central document

食品监管部门food watchdogs

控制食品安全风险control food safety hazards

发霉食物moldy food

餐饮服务catering services

不符合标准的原料substandard materials

空巢老人empty-nest elderly

面谈one-on-one conversation

技术转让technology transfer

非关税壁垒non-tariff barriers

教育强国education power

师德teachers’ ethics

基本公共教育服务均等化equal access to basic public education services

照顾彼此合理关切accommodate each other’s legitimate concerns

APP布置作业assign homework on mobile apps

互释诚意show sincerity

猫爪杯cat-paw mug

生鲜电商平台e-commerce platform for fresh food items

资本结构优化optimize the capital structure

华人首富the wealthiestChinese

电商巨头e-commerce giant

人力资源市场human resources market

习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想Xi jinping thought on socialism with characteristics for a new era

脱贫攻坚战the tough battle against poverty

“三农”问题issues related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers

产教融合integration of enterprises with vocational schools and universities

“双一流”double first-class initiative

国际化水平level of internationalisation

创新要素key factors of innovation

世界级城市群a world-class city cluster


枪手a ghostwriter or paid test-taker

学霸straight A student

学渣study slacker

抗震设防烈度最高的大桥the most earth-resistant bridge

促进沿海地区产业融合promote the integration of coastal industries

抗震和防风级别高highly resistant to earthquakes and extreme wind

海上监测marine monitor

经济状况economic situation

GDP核算GDP calculation

核心指标core indicator

高质量发展high-quality development

工业产出industrial output

增长质量growth quality

国内生产总值增长GDP growth

财政赤字fiscal deficit

税收激励tax incentive

减税降费cut taxes and administration fees

房产税property tax

免税tax exemption


减税tax reduction/cut

增值税value-added tax

企业所得税enterprise income tax

免税tax exemption

收入分配distribution of income

避税地tax heaven

货币政策monetary stance

定向降准targeted RRR cut

注入流动性inject liquidity

货币政策工具monetary policy tools

公开市场操作open market operation, OMO

逆回购reverse repurchase agreement, reverse repo


创造就业job creation

大众创业、万众创新mass entrepreneurship and innovation

就业创业employment and entrepreneurship

慢就业delayed employment



就业压力employment pressure

扶贫poverty alleviation

精准扶贫targeted poverty alleviation

强制式扶贫compulsory poverty relief

脱贫get out of poverty/get rid of poverty/be lifted out of poverty

贫困线poverty threshold/poverty line/poverty limit

易地扶贫搬迁relocating the poor

扶贫基金poverty alleviation funds

开发式扶贫development-orientated poverty reduction


文献综述literature review

安居工程housing project for low-income families

合理调整就业结构to rationally readjust the employment structure

拆迁补偿款compensation for demolition

第三产业tertiary industry

消费者物价指数CPI(consumer price index)

华沙条约Warsaw pact【经】

国家原子能机构IAEA(international atomic energy agency)

招标invitation for bid

贫困地区poverty-stricken area

贸易增长trade growth

区域合作regional cooperation

经济增长economic growth

区域一体化regional integration


Herbal cuisine药膳

Shadow puppetry皮影戏

R. S.V.P敬请回复(来源于法文:(Répondez S'il Vous PlaÎt))

Associated press美联社

Red stars overChina红星照耀中国

Trade growth贸易增长

区域合作regional cooperation

经济增长economic growth

区域一体化regional integration

营商环境business environment

自由贸易港free trade port

房地产市场property market

首付down payment


房产估值assessed value

预售条款due-on-sale provision

固定利率贷款fixed-rate mortgage

房屋限购purchase limits for real estate

一国两制one country, two systems

希望工程the Hope Project

辛亥革命the Revolution of 1911


科创板science and technology innovation board

沪港通shanghai- hong kong stock connect

跨境资金流动cross-border capital flow

绩优股blue chip(蓝筹股(稳而值钱的股票),稳当可靠的财产)

成长股growth stock

交易所交易基金exchange traded fund, ETF



上市公司listed companies

外资foreign capital

外商投资foreign investment

投资环境investment environment

贸易便利化trade facilitation

贸易自由化trade liberalization

浮动汇率体系floating exchange rate system


1.平等互利,和平共处equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence

2.二十四节气the 24 solar terms


4.秦陵兵马俑Terracotta warriors and horses from the Qin mausoleum

5.中医TraditionalChinese Medicine

6.计划生育family planning

7.政协theChinese people’s political consultative conference(CPPCC)

8.香港特别行政区hong kong special administrative region(HKSAR)

9.春秋战国时期the spring and autumn period and the warring states period

10.教育部ministry of education

11.出入境管理exit and entry management

12.非法入境illegal entry

13.永久居留permanent residence


EQ情商(emotional quotient)

IQ智商(intelligence quotient)

IAEA国际原子能机构(international atomic energy agency)

HDTV高清电视(high definition(清晰度)television)

NMD国家导弹防御系统(national missile defense)

CBD中央商务区(central business district)

API空气污染指数(air pollution index)

OA办公自动化(office automation)

VOD视频点播(video on demand)

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development联合国家贸易与发展会议

Green card绿卡

Direct/Immediate relative直系亲属(【法】lineal relative)

Collateral relative旁系亲属(三代以内旁系血亲:collateral relatives within three generations)

近姻亲close relatives by marriage

By blood血亲;in-laws/relation by marriage姻亲

Non-immigrant visa非移民签证

Visa upon arrival落地签证


Food safety食品安全


我将无我,不负人民I am ready to give up the self to serve the people


北美自由贸易区north American free trade area

生活消费品,日用消费品consumer goods

濒危动物物种endangered animal species

基因工程genetic engineering

污水处理厂sewage treatmentplants(【植】植物;【工经]】工厂)

贸易顺差,贸易盈余trade surplus

非政府组织NGO non-governmental organization

软件开发software development

野生生物保护wildlife conservation

矿藏,矿产资源mineral resources

批发价wholesale price

食疗dietary therapy

营养干预nutrition intervention

膳食补充剂dietary supplement

均衡的饮食a well-balanced diet

非法食品添加剂illegal food additives

农药残留pesticide residues

餐厨垃圾kitchen waste



危险/有害废物hazardous waste

生态安全ecological security

高级别对话high-level dialogue


不友好行为unfriendly act

陷入僵局come to/reach an impasse

外交协商diplomatic negotiation

生态足迹ecological footprint

生态保护红线red lines for ecological protection

民营企业private enterprises

创新型企业innovative enterprises

货币政策monetary policy

存款准备金率/规定准备金率reserve requirement ratio,RRR【经】

傀儡政权puppet regime【法】

种族分划racial divisions

激进组织radical group


筹款/募款raising money

红色州(选民倾向于投票给共和党的州)red states

断崖式下跌drop dramatically

减轻家庭经济负担ease financial burdens on families

节日消费holiday spending

半托day care(for kids)

伴飞卫星accompanying satellite

傍大款find a sugar daddy

包干到户work contracted to households

包工头labor contractor

三包(包修包换包赔)three guarantees(for repair, replacement or compensation of faulty products)

保健品health care products

国际防盲机构international agency for the prevention of blindness

地区动荡regional turmoil

换届选举regular elections

救济行动relief operations


滥译abusive translation

归化翻译domesticating translation

表达型文本expressive text

诠释性翻译exegetic translation

语际翻译interlingual translation

工具型翻译instrumental translation

机助翻译MAT(machine-aided translation)


自主招生考试independent recruitment test

教育改革educational reform

录取分数admission score

文科liberal arts


招生简章recruitment brochure






中国人民志愿军theChinese people’s volunteers


朝鲜半岛和平机制a peace mechanism on the Korean peninsula

平行语料库parallel corpus

前瞻式翻译prospective translation

伪翻译pseudo translation

翻译普遍特征universals of translation


计算机科学computer science




中国文学Chinese literature

国际关系international relations



东南亚国家联盟(东盟)ASEAN:association of southeast Asian nations

纳斯达克指数 NASDAQ index

不可抗力force majeure


零排放zero release

朝鲜半岛Korean peninsula

和谈peace talk

朝鲜半岛形势the situation of the Korean peninsula

联合军演joint drill/exercise

半岛无核化denuclearization of the Korean peninsula

畜牧业animal husbandry

烹调技术culinary art


以德治国rule/run the country by virtue

科学发展观scientific outlook on development

房奴house slave;mortgage slave

三农问题issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers; issues of agriculture, farmers and rural area

传销pyramid selling; pyramid sales

服务型政府service-oriented government

经济适用房affordable housing, economically affordable housing

自主招生考试independent recruitment test

教育改革educational reform

录取分数admission score

文科liberal arts



以人为本people oriented; put people first

次贷危机sub-prime mortgage crisis; sub-prime crisis

廉政建设construction of a clean and honest administration; clean government building

精神文明cultural and ideological progress; spiritual civilization

中部崛起rise of centralChina

外交关系正常化normalization of diplomatic relations

劳动争议,劳资纠纷labor dispute

不可再生能源non-renewable energy

贫富差距wealth gap

网络恐怖主义cyber terrorism

常住人口population of long-term residents/permanent residents population

户籍人口household registered population

人口政策population policy

户口迁移政策household registration transfer policy


泡沫经济bubble economy

温室气体greenhouse gases

智囊团;智库think tank

知识产权intellectual property rights

石油换粮食计划;石油换食品计划oil-for-food program


太平洋周边地区;环太平洋(地区);太平洋沿岸(地区)pacific rim

软着陆soft landing

胡萝卜加大棒;威逼加利诱;软硬兼施the carrot and the stick

多边谈判multilateral negotiation

积分落户制points-based household registration system

居住证residential permit

流动人口migrant population

人口承载能力population capacity



低保minimum living standard; subsistence allowance

低碳经济low-carbon economy

人均收入per capita income

节能减排energy saving and emission reduction; energy conservation and emission reduction

法治社会society governed by law; society ruled by law

赈灾扶贫poverty and disaster relief; poverty alleviation and disaster relief

科教兴国develop the country through science and education

知识密集型产业knowledge-intensive industry

稳定就业stable employment

城镇人口urban population

农村人口rural population

城区urban area


信用风险防范机制credit risk prevention mechanism

国际核不扩散体系the international nuclear non-proliferation regime/system

中东和平进程the Middle East peace process

世界多极化world multi-polarization

国家主权和领土完整national sovereignty and territorial integrity

农副产品加工agricultural and sideline product processing

可支配收入disposal income

增值税value-added tax

引渡要求extradition request

领事保护consular protection

避难身份asylum status


视力不良poor vision

弱视vision impairment


朝阳产业sunrise industry

人才流失brain drain

大规模杀伤武器weapons of mass destruction

弱势群体vulnerable group

全球变暖global warming

无形资产转让transfer of intangible assets

批发和零售业务wholesale and retail business

国内生产总值GDP(gross domestic production)

东南亚国家联盟/东盟ASEAN(association of south east Asian nations)

可再生能源renewable energy

分期付款installment payments

消费者合法权益legal rights and interests of consumers

市场秩序market order

质量缺陷quality defects


农民工migrant rural workers

国际惯例international practice

睦邻友好合作(关系)good-neighborly and friendly cooperation

平等互利equality and mutual benefit

基础设施建设infrastructure construction

经济发展模式the model of economic development

择优录取recruit workers on a selective basis

务实合作practical cooperation; pragmatic cooperation

清洁能源clean energy

全球气候变化global climate change

示范项目/示范工程demonstration project

温室气体排放greenhouse gas emission

扶贫;扶贫工作poverty relief efforts

能力建设capacity building


互通有无exchange of needed goods

法治rule of law

古迹;名胜古迹place of historical interest

改善民生;改善人民生活improvement of the people’s livelihood

激励政策incentive policy

暂行条例provisional regulation

媒体宣传media publicity

和平共处peaceful co-existence


第三方检验检测third-party inspection and test

欺骗消费者consumer fraud

金融服务费financial service fee


少数民族地区minority area

农地保护rural land conservation


协调发展coordinated development

先进适用技术advanced and applicable technology

中部崛起rise of centralChina

平等互惠equality and mutual benefit; equality and reciprocity

中华民族伟大复兴the great rejuvenation of theChinese nation

探月工程lunar exploration program

非公有制经济non-public economy

宏观调控体系macro-control system

引渡要求extradition request

领事保护consular protection

物联网internet of things

智能电网smart grid

移动支付mobile payment


生活水平living standard

人大代表deputy to the NPC(national people’s congress)

爱国统一战线the patriotic united front

社会主义核心价值core socialist values

执政能力governing capacity

学习型社会learning society

以人为本people-oriented; people foremost; put people first

可再生能源renewable energy sources

生态环境承载力bearing capacity of the ecological environment

便衣警察plainclothes police

破解密码crack the password

机密信息classified information

“一带一路”倡议the belt and road initiative

务实合作practical cooperation



预测和预警系统forecasting and early warning system

应对全球气候变化address global climate change


虚拟现实(利用计算机虚拟的视觉、触觉环境、令人换若身临其境并可在里面活动)virtual reality

自动柜员机;自动取款机;自动提款机automated teller machine

铁人三项;铁人三项全能ironman triathlon

存钱储蓄实名制real-name savings deposit system

平均寿命预期值;平均预期寿命average life expectancy

空气污染指数air pollution index

有独立预算的直辖市(自治市)municipality with an independent budget

非处方药over-the-counter medicine

磁悬浮列车magnetic suspension train


白色污染white pollution; plastic pollution

城市热岛效应urban heat island effect

豆腐渣工程jerry-built project

固有领土inherent territory

智能电网smart grid

继往开来inherit the past and forge ahead into the future

单位国内生产总值能耗energy consumption per unit of GDP

总体战略total strategy

人民币汇率RMB exchange rate

占领华尔街Occupy Wall Street

叙利亚危机Syria crisis

保障性安居工程government-subsidized housing

中国农民扶贫China’s poverty alleviation in rural areas


公务接待official reception

南水北调South-to-North water diversion

大学毛入学率gross enrollment rate in universities

教育公平educational equality; educational fairness

九年免费义务教育nine-year free compulsory education

差额选举competitive election, multi-candidate election

依法治国law-based governance of the country; rule of law

不可再生资源nonrenewable resources

空气污染指数air pollution index

云计算cloud computing

云储存cloud storage

智慧城市smart city

数字货币digital currency



翻译后的意义translation after sense

欧亚大陆桥Eurasia Land Bridge

货币一体化monetary integration

欧洲主权债务危机Europe’s sovereign debt crisis

转变经济发展方式transforming the economic development mode

科教兴国战略the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education

中国2010上海世博会Expo 2010 shanghaiChina

2010年广州亚运会2010 Guangzhou Asian Games

中华人民共和国the People’s Republic ofChina

网络安全cyber security

网络攻击cyber attack



网络诈骗cyber fraud


广场舞public square dancing



丝路基金Silk Road Fund

量化宽松quantitative easing

创新增长innovative growth

阳光财政transparency of public finance

落地签证visa on arrival

国际原子能组织IAEA international atomic energy agency

极面;极锋polar front

提高首付higher down payment

能说会道;说奉承话have kissed the blarney stone


OPEC:石油输出国家组织(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

GNP:国民生产总值(Gross National Product)

ADB:亚洲开发银行(Asian Development Bank)

FDA:美国食品药品管理局(TheUnited States Food and Drug Administration) 

ISO:国际标准化组织(International Standardization/standards Organization)

WIPO:世界知识产权组织(World Intellectual Property Organization)

LDCs:最不/欠发达国家(Least/lesser Developed Countries) 

UNCTAD:联合国贸易和发展会议(United Nation Conference on Trade And Development) 

PLC:可编程逻辑控制器(Programmable Logic Controller)

补充:PLC:股份公开有限公司(Public Limited Company)


pre-job training:岗前培训,入职培训

补充:竟价投标competitive bidding  控股公司holding company

银发经济:silver economy

补充:熟龄市场(senior market)

网红经济:online celebrity economy

开放、融通、互利、共赢的合作观:open and inclusive cooperation for win-win outcomes

餐饮业:catering business

白色经济:white economy 

金融理财:wealth management


资本账户capital account



劳动密集型企业labor-intensive enterprises

上海合作组织SCO(shanghai cooperation organization)

外资金融机构foreign financial institution

著作权法copyright law

投资性公司investment company

商业特许经营commercial franchise

折扣票discounted ticket

列车时刻表train schedules

实名购票real-name ticket purchasing

梯次退票方案tiered ticket refund policy

车票改签change a ticket

补票pay for ticket extension


碳减排carbon emission reduction

洗钱money laundering

钓鱼网站phishing website

政绩achievements in one’s official career

财务违规financial irregularity

应急预案emergency response plan

廉洁执政clean governance

剁手族hands-chopping people

学历造假fabricate academic credential; fake academic credential

存款保险制度deposit insurance system

报废机动车scrap vehicles


高污染排放车辆heavy-polluting vehicles

深化共建“一带一路”合作deepen cooperation in building the Belt and Road jointly

繁荣昌盛flourishing and prosperity

紧急着陆an emergency landing

被大火吞没be engulfed in flames


低碳排放low carbon emission

生物多样性biological diversity

出土文物unearthed relics

暂行条例interim regulations; provisional regulations

经营范围business scope

按揭贷款mortgage loan

第一产业primary industry

第二产业secondary industry

第三产业tertiary industry

法治国家legal state

停薪留职stop payment of sb’s salary but allow him to retain office; retain the job but suspend the salary

亏损企业enterprise running under deficit

老旧机动车obsolete vehicles

机动车拆解零件disassembled automobile parts


不可再生资源non-renewable resources

泡沫经济bubble economy


财政赤字fiscal deficit

参政议政participate in the administration and discussion of state affairs

人才流失brain drain

扶贫poverty alleviation

春蕾计划Spring Buds Program

按揭贷款mortgage loans


信息收集information collection

信息泄露information leak

隐私政策privacy policy

过度收集个人信息over-collect personal information


世界卫生组织WHO(World Health Organization)

中心商务区CBD(Central Business District)

中央处理器CPU(Central Processing Unit)

国际货币基金组织IMF(International Monetary Fund)

国际标准化组织ISO(International Organization for Standardization)

石油输出国组织OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

联合国教科文组织UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)

欧洲共同市场Euromart(European Common Market)

吉尼斯世界纪录Guinness World Records

人口负增长negative population growth

隐私威胁privacy threat

信息安全information security

身份认证identity authentication

网络诈骗cyber fraud


可持续性发展sustainable development

安居工程affordable housing project

特区政府Special Administrative Region Government(SAR Government)

全球变暖global warming

个人所得税individual income tax

知识产权intellectual property rights

弱势群体vulnerable groups; disadvantaged groups

应试教育exam-oriented education

内需domestic demand


银行卡支付card payment

现金支付cash payment

银行转账bank transfer

移动支付mobile payment


首席执行官:Chief Executive Officer(CEO)

国际货币金基组织:International Monetary Fund (IMF)

司法执行机关:judicial administrative organ

核心价值观:core values

产学研:Industry-University-Research (IUR)

普通语言学:general linguistics


农业生态工程:agro-ecological project

扩大内需:expand domestic demand ; boosting domestic demand

语篇结构分析:text structure analysis


无现金社会cashless society

金融工具financial instruments

实体店bricks and mortar store


种族隔离racial segregation

地区差异regional disparity

欢送仪式farewell ceremony

消费价格指数CPI(Consumer Price Index)

盛情邀请gracious invitation

手艺精湛exquisite workmanship

亚太经合组织APEC(the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)

乐不思蜀too delighted to be homesick

磁悬浮列车maglev(magnetic levitation)train

高原反应altitude stress/reaction

继位ascend the throne

皇室家族imperial family

社交媒体social media

好友申请friend request


泡沫经济bubble economy

逃避安检escape security checks

站台乱扔杂物litter on the platform

排队加塞jump the queue

脱口秀talk show

售后服务after-sale service

技术下乡spread technological knowledge to farmers

海峡两岸关系协会Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits

老字号a time-honored brand; an old and famous shop or enterprise

战略伙伴关系strategic partnership

留守儿童left-behind children; stay-at-home children

政府职能转变the transformation of government functions

第三产业tertiary industry

年号era name

亚洲文化嘉年华Asian culturecarnival

环太平洋国家the pacificrim countries

高层次、全方位的对话high-level and all-directional dialogue

多极世界multipolar world


吉尼斯世界记录Guinness World Records



青年奥林匹克运动会YOG(Youth Olympic Games)

中央处理器CPU(Central Processing Unit)

国际货币基金组织IMF(International Monetary Fund)

世界知识产权组织WIPO(World Intellectual Property Organization)

人口负增长negative population growth

共享单车bike sharing

在线叫车online car-hailing

分享经济sharing economy

押金管理deposit management


跨国界、跨时空、跨文明的交往活动cross-border, cross-time-and-space and cross-civilization exchanges


民生people’s livelihood

分期付款installment payment

政治体制改革political restructuring

社会转型期period of social transition

科教兴国rejuvenate/develop the country through science and education

双赢战略win-win strategy

落地签证visa on arrival

创业资金venture capital; startup capital

主流文化mainstream culture; dominant culture

科学发展观scientific outlook on development

打击市场操纵a clampdown on market manipulation

免押金deposit waiver

地方风味小吃local delicacy

环保模范城市a model city for environmental protection


高质量发展high-quality development

国民经济national economy

固定资产投资fixed-asset investment

供给侧结构性改革supply-side structural reform

物质文明和精神文明material and spiritual civilization

政治思想教育political and ideological education

综合国力overall national strength

与时俱进keep pace with the times

文科学院colleges of (liberal) arts

综合性大学comprehensive university

课外活动extracurricular activities

教学大纲teaching program; syllabus

必修课required/compulsory course

选修课elective/optional course





交通拥堵费congestion fee

闭关政策closed-door policy

走出去going global

环保意识environmental awareness


安居工程affordable housing project

不可再生资源non-renewable resources

多党合作制multiparty cooperation system

工业园区industrial park/zone

绿色食品green food

泡沫经济bubble economy

人才流失brain drain

售后服务after-sale service

技术下乡spread technological knowledge to farmers

可持续发展sustainable development

老字号time-honoured brands

学分制the credit system

独立关税地区separate customs territory


世界知识产权组织World Intellectual Property Organization

温室效应greenhouse effect

君子协定gentleman’s agreement

和平过渡peaceful transition

市场准入market access


工业园区industrial park

绿色食品green food

自行车专用道bike lane

公交车专用道bus lane

人行横道zebra crossing(斑马线)

人行道sidewalk pavement

被动吸烟passive smoking

二手烟second-hand smoke

禁烟令smoking ban



多极时代multipolar times

地区动乱(冲突)regional turmoil(conflicts)

事业单位public institutions(public services, government-sponsored institution)


Words have consequences人言可畏

two can play at that game那一套不只你会,我也会

People who cross a line of decency失去体面的人

A 50-50 deal一份平等的协议


The Chinese people rejected such treaties back then-and will do so today, as well

China will remain“the adult in the room”保持理性



绿色发展理念the vision of green development

迟日江山丽,春风花草香Spring scenery greets the eye, sweet blooms perfume the air

大众文化,通俗文化mass culture

无人售票self-service ticketing

货到付款cash on delivery


    货币回笼withdrawal of currency from circulation

战略伙伴关系strategic partnership

西部大开发China’s Western Development

打假crack down on counterfeit goods

戒烟quit smoking

水烟water pipes

老烟枪chain smokers

电子烟electronic cigarette/e-cigarette

基本医保basic medical insurance

大病医保critical illness insurance program




真人秀reality show

对口支援partner assistance

战略伙伴关系strategic partnership

可持续发展sustainable development

货到付款cash on delivery

社区医院community hospital

公转周期period of revolution

自转周期rotation period

课外活动extracurricular activities

应试教育exam-oriented education

不信任投票vote of no confidence

不记名投票secret ballot

中国传统文化traditional Chinese culture

中小微企业micro, small or medium-sized companies

雄安新区Xiongan New Area

长江经济带Yangtze Economic Belt

粤港澳大湾区Guangdong-Hong kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

海南自贸试验区Hainan Pilot Free Trade Zone


反腐倡廉combat corruption and build a clean government


和平过渡peaceful transition

市场准入market access


工业园区industrial park

绿色食品green food

泡沫经济bubble economy

脱口秀talk show

素质教育quality-oriented education; education for all-round development

补票pay for ticket extension

抢票插件ticket-buying plug-in


囤票hoard tickets

倒票ticket scalping

外来物种alien species

本地物种native species

外来入侵物种invasive alien species

濒危物种endangered species


大数据big data

人工智能artificial intelligence

人口负增长negative population growth

预期寿命life expectancy

死亡率mortality/death rate

出生率birth rate

热门景点tourist hot spots

网络实名购票real-name online ticketing

散客individual tourist

自由行independent travel

跟团游package tour

深度游in-depth travel

自驾游self-driving tour

红色预警red alert


中国国家旅游局(CNTA)China National Tourism Administration

第三产业tertiary industry

关税壁垒tariff wall

经济全球化economic globalization

网上交易平台online trading platform

义务教育compulsory education; voluntary education

知识产权intellectual property

转基因食品genetically modified food

科学发展观scientific outlook on development

可持续发展sustainable development

热门景点tourist hotspots

网络实名购票real-name online ticketing

乡村振兴rural revitalization

农业农村农民问题(“三农”问题)issues relating to agriculture, rural areas, and rural people


功能对等functional equivalence

收入分配制度income distribution system

第三方评估the third-party evaluation

可持续发展sustainable development

散客individual tourist

自由行independent travel

跟团游package tour

石油输出国组织OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

工商管理硕士MBA Master of Business Administration

增值税VAT Value Added Tax

非政府资本/民间资本non-government capital

混合所有制mixed ownership

反对享受主义oppose hedonism



福利彩票welfare lottery

连环恐怖袭击案serial terrorist attacks

按揭贷款mortgage loan

微商Wechat Business

西藏高原Tibetan Plateau

真人秀reality show

增值税value-added tax




货到付款(到付)cash on delivery

保价parcel insurance,value insurance


博鳌亚洲论坛BFA Boao Forum For Asia

美国联合通讯社AP Associated Press

亚太自由贸易协定FTAAP Free Trade Agreement of the Asia Pacific

联合国儿童基金会UNICEF United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund(United Nations Children’s Fund)

生态安全ecological security

生态足迹ecological footprint

美丽中国Beautiful China

乳制品dairy product

母婴用品maternal and child supplies


Maternal a.母亲的,母亲般的;母系的,母方的


Maternity n.母性;为母之道

Paternal. (象)父亲的;父方的

Paternity n.父系,父系后裔


二孩经济second-child economy

产后抑郁症postpartum depression

产后综合症postpartum complications


数学公式mathematical formula

社区养老community-based elderly care


诉讼代理人agent ad litem

出口退税制export tax refunding system

世界遗产名录World Heritage List

义务教育compulsory education


国家质检总局AQSIQ(国家质量监督检验检疫总局)(Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine检疫,隔离)

补:中国质量认证中心(CQC)(China Quality Certification Center)



海归overseas returnees

知识产权intellectual property

低碳经济low-carbon economy

刚性需求rigid demand

转会费transfer fee

足球强国football powerhouse

足球改革football reform

职业足球运动员professional football player


可吸入颗粒inhalable particle

磁悬浮列车maglev(magnetic levitation)train

反腐倡廉combat corruption and build a clean government

二维码QR(quick response)code

循环经济circular economy

环保产品environment-friendly products

无公害食物pollution-free food

股指期货stock index futures(和百度百科里的翻译稍有不同)

沪港通Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect program

埃博拉疫情The Ebola outbreak(埃博拉出血热疫情)

《论语》The Analects of Confucius


核威慑nuclear deterrent

收视率audience rating



边际收入/收益marginal revenue((大宗的)收入(益);税收,岁入)

公司/企业形象corporate image

报关单customs declaration

美洲国家组织[法]OAS Organization of American States

沿江沿海along the coast and the(Yangtze)River

生态文明ecological civilization

主体功能区main functional area

现场服务field service

政治中心political center

文化中心cultural center

旧城old town

中心城区central city

国际交往中心international exchange center

科技创新中心scientific and technological innovation center

森林覆盖率forest coverage


2010年上海世博会(World Exposition)Expo 2010 Shanghai China

突发公共卫生事件public health emergency

社保体系social security system

科学发展观Scientific Outlook on Development

交通银行Bank of Communications

待机时间standby time

垃圾邮件junk mail

联台公报joint communique

保险索赔insurance claim

对方付费电话collect call

独家代理sole agency

端午节Dragon Boat Festival

全国人民代表大会NPC(National People’s Congress)

吉尼斯世界纪录the Guinness World Records; the Guinness Book of Records

城镇居民人均可支配收入urban per capita disposable income

未成年人权益minor’s rights and interests

未成年人身心健康physical and mental health of youngsters

校园欺凌school bullying


无人机unmanned aerial vehicles

古装玄幻剧fantasy costume-drama


《水浒传》Water Margin

票房box office

生态补偿系统ecological compensation system

《诗经》The Book of Songs

《神曲》The Divine Comedy(意大利诗人但丁作品)

宽带速度broadband speed

传销pyramid selling

首席财务官CFO Chief Financial Officer

话语权discourse power

页眉page header

恩格尔系数Engel coefficient

超文本传输协议HTTP Hypertext transfer protocol

万维网WWW World Wide Web

AA制dutch treatment; go dutch

人大常委会the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress

学生减负reduce student’s excessive academic burden

课外活动extracurricular activities

学前教育preschool education


重症监护室ICU(Intensive Care Unit)

国际奥林匹克委员会IOC(International Olympic Committee)

空气质量指数AQI(Air Quality Index)

积极的财政政策proactive fiscal policy

固定汇率制fixed exchange rate system

合格的商业保险公司qualified commercial insurer

平等协议consultation on an equal footing

家庭和商业照明household and commercial lighting

外交豁免权diplomatic immunity

债务展期debt extension

WiFi蹭网族wifi squatter

来电显示caller ID

宏观调控系统macro-regulation system

欧洲一体化the integration process of Europe

乡村振兴rural revitalization

农业农村农民问题(“三农”问题)issues relating to agriculture, rural areas, and rural people

农业农村现代化modernization of agriculture and rural areas


品牌形象大使brand ambassador

品牌代言人brand spokesperson

财富论坛Fortune Forum

公益广告public benefit advertisement

国内市场domestic markets

以人为本put people first, people-oriented, people foremost

土豆泥mashed potato

清洁能源clean energy

老龄化人口aging population

与时俱进advance with the times; keep pace with the times; keep abreast(并列,并肩地)of the times

军备竞赛arm/military race

国际援助international aid/assistance

物以类聚人以群分birds of a feather flock together

有其父必有其子like father, like son

AA制go dutch, dutch treatment

航站楼terminal; airport terminal

凡人皆有得意时every dog has his day

五环路the Fifth Ring Road

一个中国原则One China Principle


中央商务区CBD(Central Business District)

首次公开招募IPO(Initial Public Offerings)

小题大做;杀鸡焉用牛刀break a butterfly on the wheel

企业所得税corporate income tax

机会成本opportunity cost

无风不起浪there is no smoke without fire

说曹操曹操到talk of the devil and he comes

京剧脸谱Peking Opera Make-up

温室效应green house effect

电脑动画computer animation

保税港区bonded port(area)

法人实体legal entity; corporate entity

文化交流cultural exchange

熊猫债券panda bond(境外和多边金融机构等在华发行的人民币债券)

熊猫外交panda diplomacy

倾斜政策preferential policy

民事诉讼法civil procedure act; civil procedure law

正当防卫justifiable defense; legitimate defense


过失杀人negligent homicide

间接证据;旁证circumstantial evidence


能源结构energy structure

月球探测仪,月球探测器moon probe

网上秘书处,虚拟秘书处virtual secretariat

执行程序the enforcement procedure

任命和授权appoint and empower

实时传输;现场直播live transmission

高新技术区;高新区High Tech Zone

科普活动activity to popularize scientific knowledge

劳逸结合balance between work and rest/leisure

控制人口数量control the population size

快递Express; Express delivery

空中交通管制air traffic control

量子通信quantum communication

大众创业,万众创新mass entrepreneurship and innovation


知识产权Intellectual Property Rights

极端天气事件extreme weather events

垃圾分类garbage classification/sorting

一次性餐具disposable cutlery


行政审批administrative examination and approval

农业特产税tax on agricultural speciality products

橙色预警orange alert

科技体制改革scientific and technical system reform

公共供暖系统public heating system

虚拟市场virtual market

价格听证会price hearing

现场直播live broadcast

人才流失brain drain

燃油税fuel oil tax

上市公司listed company

全球首映world premiere

电子眼electronic eye

留守儿童stay-at-home children

澳门特别行政区基本法Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region

学龄儿童school--age children

八国联军Eight-Power Allied Forces

家庭暴力domestic violence

民族凝聚力national cohesion

半封建社会semi-feudal society

定性分析qualitative analysis


务实合作practical cooperation; pragmatic cooperation

协同创新collaborative innovation;synergistic innovation

中国式过马路Chinese style of crossing road

幸福指数happiness index

“中国好声音”the voice of China

中央文献central literature; party literature of the central committee

机构改革institutional reform

视频点播video on demand


领土完整territorial integrity

博鳌亚洲论坛boao forum for Asia

空气污染指数air pollution index

黑社会性质组织mafia-like criminal gangs

和平共处五项原则the five principles of peaceful coexistence

翻译能力translation competence

翻译标准translation criterion; translation standard

经常账户current account


联邦储备系统federal reserve

出口津贴(补贴)export subsidy

资本净值net worth










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  • 那天,我揣着相机与录音,去河边找鬼。 笑死,一个胖子当着我的面吹牛,可吹牛的内容都是我干的。 我是一名探鬼主播,决...
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  • 序言:一个原本活蹦乱跳的男人离奇死亡,死状恐怖,灵堂内的尸体忽然破棺而出,到底是诈尸还是另有隐情,我是刑警宁泽,带...
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  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
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  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
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