downhill作副词意为“向山下”“走下坡路地;每况愈下;恶化地”(=toward a worse state),一般与 go 连用,英英释义:if a situation goes downhill, it gets worse 。当我们想表达一件事情变得越来越糟的时候,除了说 get/become worse, worsen, deteriorate, go from bad to worse 之外,还可以用 go/slide/head downhill 来替代。
It has been a tough year for many companies. Many went downhill before going bankrupt.
② 东北三省的经济最近几年来每况愈下,有的省份甚至出现了负增长,就可以说:
The economy of the northeastern provinces has headed downhill in recent years.
③ 前不久法国发生了大规模的游行示威,情况急转直下,给法国经济带来了很多的打击。我们就可以说:
The wave of protests sweeping through France started a month ago went downhill and caused France a fortune.
Some celebrity couples seemed to have an enviable marriage, but their relationships slided downhill and ended in divorce.
1)翻译下面的句子: 情况正在每况愈下。我们不得不做点什么了。
Things are going downhill. We have to do something about it.
We have to do something or things will go more downhill.
例子: Winning the election was Obama's high point, and one could argue it has been downhill since
场景 : 赢得选举时奥巴马最辉煌的时刻,从那以后就开始走下坡路
例子:Some people believe that life begins at 40, but the others especially health campaigners, consider that everything starts to go rapidly downhill after 40, such as physical conditions.