- gee examples
- gee Beginner's Cookbook
Defining the GEO-function
######### computing pixel offsets
# Need to get pixel offsets from the upper
# left corner for specific coordinates x,y
# index from 0 to n-1
def get_xy(coordinate, ori_x, ori_y, pixel_width, pixel_height):
get image x,y index by GIS coordinate
coordinate: pandas DataFrame, (Latitude - y, Longitude - x)
ori_x: geotransform[0], left-upper longitude in GEOTiff, origin x coordinate
ori_y: geotransform[3], left-upper latitude in GEOTiff, origin y coordinate
pixel_width: geotransform[1], pixel width
pixel_height: geotransform[5], pixel height (negative)
coordinate_xy: pandas, (x, y)
x_offset = ((coordinate['lon'].to_numpy() - ori_x) / pixel_width).astype(int)
y_offset = ((coordinate['lat'].to_numpy() - ori_y) / pixel_height).astype(int)
coordinate_xy = coordinate.copy()
coordinate_xy['x'] = x_offset
coordinate_xy['y'] = y_offset
return coordinate_xy[['lat', 'lon', 'x', 'y']]
def get_value(data, xy):
xy_copy = xy.copy()
value_list = []
y, x = xy['y'].to_numpy(), xy['x'].to_numpy()
for i in range(len(x)):
#value = np.mean(data[y[i]-1:y[i]+2 , x[i]-1: x[i] + 2])
value = data[y[i], x[i]]
xy_copy['value'] = value_list
return xy_copy[['lat', 'lon', 'x', 'y','value']]
def GEO_resample(data, x, y, kernel = 3):
minus = kernel//2
return np.mean(data[y - minus: x + kernel - minus , x - minus: x + kernel - minus ])
def make_raster(in_ds, fn, data, data_type, nodata=None):
"""Create a one-band GeoTIFF.
in_ds - datasource to copy projection and geotransform from
fn - path to the file to create
data - NumPy array containing data to write
data_type - output data type
nodata - optional NoData value
driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff')
out_ds = driver.Create(fn, in_ds.RasterXSize, in_ds.RasterYSize, 1, data_type)
out_band = out_ds.GetRasterBand(1)
if nodata is not None:
return out_ds