演说者一次次回忆起自己痛苦的经历演说传播的观点,因为她认为许多人需要帮助,许多人会因为这一次聆听从而获得勇气做自己,保护自己。话题虽然略尴尬,没有人愿意在公开场合谈论,但这样的尴尬如若深埋内心,则会产生极大的危险。正如Jill Tolles所言:Oftentimes,any real change for an individual,for an organization,or for a culthure,starts with an uncomfortable conversation.
据研究表明,有1/4的女孩,1/6的男孩在他们成年之前都曾经遭遇过child sex abuse。也许外国的数字让人感觉到不可思议,不管事实如何,我们应该选择相信,从而采取行动去保护我们的儿童们,让他们深信自己有权利安全的生活着,相信自己会被相信被保护,能够意识到危险的信号,或者在遭受危险之后懂得如何求助如何保护自己,也有能力走出阴影,重新拥抱美好生活。
我特别喜欢演说者最后一段话,“Learn about healthy relationships,and trust,and boundaries,and listening to my gut, I forgave ”,她在遭受性虐之后得到了来自母亲坚实的支持,她的母亲相信她,并且坚定地站在她这一边,那一刻母亲是她的英雄。
“If any boy,or any girls that is listening to this,you have a right to be safe. and there is anyone who is harming you ,on doing things that make you uncomfortable and making you keep unsafe screets. it's not your fault, you can have curage,you can have curage to be a hero for yourself,and maybe someone else. Find a safe adult,find a counselor,or a teacher,or a safe family member.And if the first person doesn't listen, then have curage to keep trying,until you find someone can get you to help that you deserve. And to the safe adult on the other end of the conversation,have the curage to listen,to believe,and to get that child to help that they need.”
这样的伴随着自己痛苦回忆的演说,自己能在说中获得自愈,而听的人能够获得勇气同时也将得到治愈,这样的观点真的很值得传播。我希望我们每一个看到过这个视频,或者这篇感想的人,能够别再不好意思,别再害怕,要相信,You have the right to safe.同时,你还要有智慧和勇气。