There are brilliances in this world. More than we could imagine.
I’d like to think that each one of us is trying our best to make the world a better place, or trying to make their own life better day after day.
And that just like it so happens in the game Civilization, once every so often a great man spontaneously appears in your capital city. That he or she brings about the change of your life, possibly the change to all men that follows.
Steve is one of those great man. True greatness is not measured by the amount of wealth one can amass though it is a measurement, it is neither measured by how many great ideas one can come up with though I believe in Steve’s case, this is gonna be quite a lot.
True greatness, to me, is that for all of us to benefit from one’s life’s work. And boy have we benefitted from Steve’s work.
For him, normal is not in his dictionary, neither are failure, mediocre or stereotype. If there is a scale to his lunacy, it would be 11 out of 10, just a tad bit too much for any people to consider complete madness. Yet it is exactly in that 1 too much, stands greatness.
Steve Paul Jobs, for a man who would move mountain and sea, just so that his wildest dreams would be something for everyone to enjoy. That his surgically precise vision seems, to the rest of us made him a prophet, that he knew before us what we wanted.
No rule is too much to behold, and certain no rule can rule him. On the contrary, he ruled them all.
The tree of life brought Adam the apple, and wisdom blossomed. Steve brought us the Apple, and our life forever changed.
Thank You Steve. For you will be missed by all of us dearly.