Companionship of Books (1)
Samuel Smiles
A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men.
知识点1:company VS companionship
(1) company:n.
your friends or the group of people you spend time with
the company of books: 喜欢看的书籍
the company of men: 喜欢结交的人,朋友圈子
(2) companionship: n.
the state of being with your friends and are not alone
a companionship of books:以书为伴
a companionship of men:以人为伴
companion n.
someone you spend a lot of time with, especially a friend
e.g. This bird became his closest companion.
知识点2: 介词短语的并列
(1) be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps
a companionship of books as well as of men
讲解:用as well as连接两个介词短语“by +名词1”和“by +名词2”,“of +名词1”和“of +名词2”,构成介词短语的并列,共同修饰和补充说明前文出现的动词或名词。
(2) whether it be of books or of men
讲解:用or连接两个介词短语“of +名词1”和“of +名词2”,表示it指代的事物可能存在的两种属性。
Love can be changed into dependence on your spouse as well as into control over him/ her.
塞缪尔·斯迈尔斯(1812-1904)是英国19世纪伟大的道德学家、著名的社会改革家和脍炙人口的散文随笔作家。他的一生阅历十分丰富,先后当过医生、商人、摄影师、随笔作家、历史学家、记者、编辑、社会改革家、铁路大臣、公众道德家、演说家。这种丰富的人生阅历为他观察人性的优劣、观察人生成败得失的原因、为他以后的创作,打下了非常坚实的功底。 塞缪尔·斯迈尔斯一生写过20多部著作,其中最受人喜爱的是有关人生成功与幸福、有关良知、信仰、道德、自由与责任等领域的随笔作品,这方面最著名的有:《自己拯救自己》、《与书为友》、《品格的力量》、《金钱与人生》和《人生的职责》。