当前正处于新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控特殊时期,虽然全国人民都在积极响应国家号召,春节期间做到不出门、不聚会,甚至连传统的民俗活动也取消了。转眼又是一年元宵佳节,这个春节,人虽未聚,心却更近。因为我们相信:♥️心在一起就是团圆♥️At present, the outbreak of new coronavirus pneumonia is under special prevention and control. People all over the country are actively responding to the call of the state, they do not go out or have any parties during the Spring Festival, and even traditional folk activities are cancelled. How time flies, it comes to the Lantern Festival. During the whole the Spring Festival, although people have not gathered, their hearts get closer. We believe: reunion comes from hearts.
这次突如其来的疫情影响了这个春节的气氛、阻止了走亲访友的步伐,同时也影响了我们正常开学。但在教育局与学校的指导下,全体教师的努力下,我们充分利用网络平台满足了我们期盼已久相聚和互诉衷肠的时刻。The sudden outbreak affected the atmosphere of the Spring Festival, stopped people visiting friends and relatives, and affected the normal start of school. However, under the guidance of the education bureau and school, with all efforts of teachers, we have made full use of the network to meet the moment we have been looking forward to meeting and confiding in each other for a long time.
线上家访,我们依旧很暖很暖……Online visits, we are still warm.
线上会议,我们的执行力依旧很强很强……Online meeting, our execution is still very strong
家校联动:孩子们的问题,我们一起探讨着、思索着……We have pondered over the children's problems.
家校联动:关于疫情,我们一起关注着、祈祷着……Together, we watch and pray for the epidemic.老师:孩子们,特殊时期,停课不停学。照顾好自己,保护好身边人,我们一起共抗疫情,为武汉加油,为中国加油!为我们更好的重逢!Dear kids, at this special moment, take good care of yourselves and protect people around you. Let us fight against the epidemic together and cheer for Wuhan and China. We will get better reunion.