1. 图表并列实现方法
1.1. (表的caption在上,图的caption在下)代码:
{\caption{A caption for a figure in a figure and a table side by side}\label{fig:test}}
column1a & column2a \\
column1b & column2b \\
column1c & column2c \\
{\caption{A caption for a table in a figure and a table side by side}\label{tab:test}}
1.2. 图表并列效果:
1.3. (图表的caption均在下)代码:
\usepackage{capt-of}% or \usepackage{caption}
\begin{tabular}[b]{ l r r r }
Student & Hours/week & Grade \\
Ada Lovelace & 2 & A \\
Linus Thorvalds & 8 & A \\
Bruce Willis & 12 & F \\
Richard Stallman & 10 & B \\
Grace Hopper & 12 & A \\
Alan Turing & 8 & C \\
Bill Gates & 6 & D \\
Steve Jobs & 4 & E \\
\usebox\tmpbox &
\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{image} \\
\caption{Student Database}
\captionof{figure}{2-D scatterplot of the Student Database}
1.4. 图表并列效果: