【赏析】18-THE HARD TRUTH这个题目太巧妙,影射了人们对于truth的孜孜追求..the pursuit of truth did not satisfy their skepticism; it led them to deeper questions about who they wanted to be and whom they wanted to believe. 另一方面,发展是硬道理,这个hard truth带给我们太多的思考,经济快速发展的同时,我们是不是遗落了什么?物质的丰富,收入的提高似乎并没有带来幸福和满足,焦虑失望的背后,我们怎么了?The most common feeling in china today …disappointment. This feeling comes from the insufficient improvement in lives amid rapid economic growth. …是出生决定地位的无奈 birth determines class 是对社会流动性低的叹息 china had one of the world’s lowest levels of social mobility. 是后来者对先到者望其项背的失落 the longer I lived in china ,the more it seemed that people had come to see the economic boom as a train with a limited number of seats … but they would only be able to watch the caboose shrink into the distance.是从最初物质富裕带来的满足,到与富人比较后内心的失落 the first generation of assembly-line workers had been grateful to be off the farm ,but this generation compared themselves to wealthier peers. ….一种奇怪的心理在作祟people had a surprisingly high tolerance for the rise of the plutocracy, what they resented were the obstacles that prevented them from joining it: weak courts, abuses of power, a lack of recourse .内心的焦虑压抑,耗尽心力却也难以追赶,我们每个人何尝不是过着“双生”double life –the willingness to say one thing in public and another in private, because of fear or interest or a combination of the two. Eventually that double life became untenable. 谁不是在夹着尾巴做人,只是做的好辛苦………
1、 to file for divorce
2、 the charge made national news
3、 to elbow their way into the Middle-Income stratum
4、 Gini coefficient 基尼指数:不平均分配的那部分收入所占全部居民收入的比例。实际数值介于0~1之间,基尼系数越小收入分配越平均,基尼系数越大收入分配越不平均。国际上通常把0.4作为贫富差距的警戒线,大于这一数值容易出现社会动荡。
5、 Sweatshop血汗工厂
6、 He is a self-made man.他是个白手起家的人/...a self-made millionaire....一位白手起家的百万富翁。
7、 I pedaled down to ..骑车骑到
8、 The muckraking editor Hu Shuli 揭露丑闻的=exposure of scandal ,especially about public figures
9、 The gap between the society’s meritocratic myth and its oligarchic reality 精英管理的理想与寡头治理的现实之间的差距