- html-->view,
- stylus-->css
- rem-->rpx
1. First fork project and then clone project to local
git clone git@github.com:<your github>/stylus-converter.git
2. Enter the project directory
cd stylus-converter
3. Installation project depends
npm install
4. Go to line 581 of the `node_modules/stylus/lib/lexer.js` file.
5. Modify the code below.
// before modification
if ('/' == this.str[0] && '/' == this.str[1]) {
var end = this.str.indexOf('\n');
if (-1 == end) end = this.str.length;
return this.advance();
// After modification
if ('/' == this.str[0] && '/' == this.str[1]) {
var end = this.str.indexOf('\n');
const str = this.str.substring(0, end)
if (-1 == end) end = this.str.length;
return new Token('comment', new nodes.Comment(str, suppress, true))
// download stylus-converter
npm install -g stylus-converter
// Run the cli conversion file
stylus-conver -i test.styl -o test.scss
// Run the cli conversion directory
// cd your project
mv src src-temp
stylus-conver -d yes -i src-temp -o src
注意修改 1rem等于多少px!
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="../layui/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>
div#newCss {
border: 1px solid #999;
width: 504px;
height: 140px;
<textarea id="css" cols="60" rows="10"></textarea>
<br />
<input type="button" value="rem转换rpx" onclick="rem2rpx()" />
<div id="newCss"></div>
<input id="aaa">
<input id="bbb">
<script type="text/javascript">
function rem2rpx() {
var oldCss = document.getElementById("css").value.trim(); //".similar_recommend .title{margin:.3rem 0 0;padding-top:.4rem;color:#666;font-size:.28rem;}"
//拆分后的格式:[".similar_recommend{background:#fff;border-radius:.1", ";height:7.4", ";margin-top:-.3", "}"]
var newCssArr = oldCss.split("rem")
var newCss = "" //转换后新的样式变量
for(var i in newCssArr) {
if(i < newCssArr.length - 1) {
var str = newCssArr[i]
var idx = str.lastIndexOf(':')
var prevStr = str.substring(0, idx + 1)
var nextStr = "" //nextStr格式为 -.3 , -3 , 3 , .3
if(str.indexOf('-.') > -1) {
nextStr = str.substring(str.indexOf(':-') + 2, str.length)
if(nextStr.indexOf('.') > -1) {
nextStr = "0" + nextStr
nextStr = "-" + parseInt(nextStr * 200) + "rpx"
} else {
nextStr = str.substring(idx + 1, str.length)
//处理 nextStr="1px .2"的情况
var index = nextStr.indexOf(' ')
if(index >= 0) {
let str1 = nextStr.substring(0, index)
let str2 = nextStr.substring(index + 1, nextStr.length)
str2 = str2.indexOf('.') > -1 ? "0" + str2 : str2
str2 = parseInt(str2 * 200) + "rpx"
nextStr = str1 + ' ' + str2
} else {
nextStr = nextStr.indexOf('.') > -1 ? "0" + nextStr : nextStr
nextStr = parseInt(nextStr * 200) + "rpx"
newCss += prevStr + "" + nextStr
} else {
newCss += newCssArr[i]
document.getElementById("newCss").innerHTML = newCss
$("#bbb").keydown(function(event) {
if(event.which == 13) {