2. The Two Component LSM-Tree Algorithm(2)
The operation of inserting an index entry into the memory resident C0 tree has no I/O cost.
However, the cost of memory capacity to house the C0 component is high compared to disk, and this imposes a limit on its size.
We need an efficient way to migrate entries out to the C1 tree that resides on the lower cost disk medium.
To achieve this, whenever the C0 tree as a result of an insert reaches a threshold size near the maximum allotted, an ongoing rolling merge process serves to delete some contiguous segment of entries from the C0 tree and merge it into the C1 tree on disk.
Figure 2.2 depicts a conceptual picture of the rolling merge process.
The C1 tree has a comparable directory structure to a B-tree, but is optimized for sequential disk access, with nodes 100% full, and sequences of single-page nodes on each level below the root packed together in contiguous multi-page disk blocks for efficient arm use;
this opti- mization was also used in the SB-tree [21].
Multi-page block I/O is used during the rolling merge and for long range retrievals, while single-page nodes are used for matching indexed finds to minimize buffering requirements.
Multi-page block sizes of 256 KBytes are envisioned to contain nodes below the root; the root node is always a single page by definition.