By Steven Chong (IN Transition Pte Ltd).
Career Management
Job hunting process
- Discovering yourself
- Finding a right job
- Applying for the job
- Acing the selection process
- Excelling on the job
Basic needs
- Power (authority, achievement)
【managers, researchers, consultant, etc.】 - Fun (variety, lively)
- Love & belonging (cooperation, understanding) -> networking
【teachers】 - Freedom (independence, risk)
【consultant, entrepreneurs】 - Survival (stability, security)
- Networking is important.
- Practice networking, interview, etc.
- Talk with international friends
- task
- people
- place(geographical / convenience / ambience / industry)
- value
- obstacles(age)
Resume Writing
Steps: requirement -> research -> job -> company
Resume Formet
- Address include: name, headphone(voice mail), email; do not include: address, photo
- Education add abbr. for university name; add GPA of it is decent; add expected graduation year
- Work experience avoid to use responsible, help, assist, try,general verbs; use lead, manage, test, evaluate, etc. (use shift + F7 -> Thesaurus to get synonyms)
- others keep the format consistent; font: Times New Roman(12 pt)/Aria(11pt)/Goramond(12pt); file format: docx > PDF; file name: include applicant name and date; hardcopy: sign; print: 80 gram paper, single sided, B/W;
Cover Letter
- exactly one page, 3-4 paragraphs;
- left alignment
- add add photo to top right
- address of the receiver: Dear Ms. Tan/ Dear Ms. Tan Tong Tong/Dear Senior HR Manager/Dear Hiring Manager
- include when and where to find the job to void unsolicited letter
- when sent in email, combine the cover letter and Resume into one file
- Use control + shift + [space]/[hyphen] to make people name or organization name appears in the same line