

deflection 偏离

the deflection of light as it passes through the slits in the grating.

In sports, the deflection of a ball, kick, or shot is when the ball hits an object and then travels in a different direction. 转向


artillery shell/fire 炮弹/炮火  artillerist 炮兵

1.N-UNCOUNT Artillery consists of large, powerful guns that are transported on wheels and used by an army. 大炮


Using tanks and heavy artillery, they seized the town.



N-SING-COLL The artillery is the section of an army that is trained to use large, powerful guns. 炮兵部队


From 1935 to 1937 he was in the artillery.


it was as though an had bounced back off tissue paper

Aether /ˈiːθər/ 乙醚

Cathode rays

N-PLURAL a stream of electrons emitted from the surface of a cathode in a valve 阴极线

Pythagoras 毕达哥拉斯
Empedocles 恩培多克勒(公元前490~前430,古希腊哲学家、修辞学家、诗人、医生)

2.(地球、月球上的)陨石坑,撞击坑[亦称作impact crater, meteorite crater,参较astrobleme]
3.(月球表面上的)环形山[参较walled plain]

He also took his followers up to the volcanic crater of ...

Supernova 超新星

ADJ Something that is ingenious is very clever and involves new ideas, methods, or equipment. 灵巧的; 新颖的
...a truly ingenious invention.

Astrolabe 星盘
Distillation   distillating adj.  distillate V


Numeral 数字

N-COUNT Numerals are written symbols used to represent numbers. 数字
例:...a flat, square wristwatch with classic Roman numerals.

Anatomist 解剖学家

corpse   [kɔ:ps]

walking corpse 骨瘦如柴的人


1.V-T If a court or someone in authority quashes a decision or judgment, they officially reject it. 撤销; 废止

The Appeal Court has quashed the convictions of all eleven people.
2.V-T If someone quashes rumours, they say or do something to demonstrate that the rumours are not true. 澄清 (谣言)
Graham attempted to quash rumours of growing discontent in the dressing room.
3.V-T To quash a rebellion or protest means to stop it, often in a violent way. 镇压; 平息
Troops were displaying an obvious reluctance to get involved in quashing demonstrations.

Thereby quashing forever earlier theories that dated back 1400 years

Alchemy 炼金术
Phlogiston   /flɒˈdʒɪstɒn, -tən/

1.N a hypothetical substance formerly thought to be present in all combustible materials and to be released during burning 燃素; 旧时人们认为所有可燃物中存在的一种假想物质,燃烧时被释放

Palaeontology  / ˈpeɪliːəˌntɒlədʒɪ/古生物学

Genome  基因组,染色体组

      From proposing an seemingly rational conclusion to giving evidence by experiment,  this first step has an significant meaning more than ever. For so long, as the Average Joe, we've been observing the extinct phenomena but never  look deep into the scientific knowledge behind them. Hence,  scientists like Galileo, Rutherford , lead us to a brand new world that built upon bold hypothesis and rigorous verification. Also ,  the ongoing advancement of science makes some people like me ,who is weak in understanding the abstract principles and the fog of thousands of numerals as well as equations ,tend to be so grateful, because it is  their achievements that gives us hope to address various mysteries that we can never figure out.

      Science has always been an obscure topic .I can feel that I lost interest in it since 4th grade in primary school when the fist nature and science class was learned by us.  And science,as a subject in school, really troubles me till finally I choosed to learn literature and art in senior high school. However, as time goes by, I find that getting away from science did release me at first , yet the pay of my escape is so costly that I need to start all over again to learn science, especially the logic thinking. Speaking,writing, hearing, all this ,if not comprehend in  a scientific way, can never be done satIsfyingly. So after the twist and turn, science get back into my daily life,and I am appreciate that I understand the importance of it.

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