名人Stan Lee周四要来漫画书店做签售,大家很期待。Howard在Sheldon抽屉里找创可贴时意外发现他有很多工资支票没去兑现,还发现一张法院传票,原来是Penny浴室滑倒那天Sheldon送她去医院时开车闯了红灯。Sheldon认为自己无责,准备去法庭据理力争。他让Penny陪着作证,然后还帮Penny设计了证词,凸显自己的伟光正形象。
成功脱身的Sheldon和Penny回到公寓,发现那三人正在嘚瑟拿到了签名,而且还和Stan Lee一起吃了冰淇淋。Sheldon顿时又怪罪起Penny。愧疚的Penny跑去跟Stuart打听到Stan Lee的住址,带着Sheldon前去拜访,被Stan Lee视为骚扰,他讽刺地说“你咋不进屋呢”,Sheldon就赶紧进去了,Penny见势不妙跑了。
这回Sheldon更得意了,他拿回了一份Stan Lee向法庭申请的禁止令,上面有着Stan Lee的签名,而且表示听证会时还有机会再次见到Stan Lee……
What is it about the word "unique" you don't understand? 你对独一无二这个词很难理解么
Why don't you keep that stuff in the bathroom? 这些东西不是该放在卫生间里吗
Can you give me a hint? 给点提示吧
Why don't you put it in the bank? 你干嘛不存银行里
They got you on a traffic camera. 你被路边的摄像头拍下来了
In fact, I'm going to begin preparing my defense right now. 我现在就着手准备辩护
Now you see what you've done? 看到你做的好事了吧
And yet you wound up in traffic court. 可是你却沦落到交通法庭
I'm not gonna talk to Stan Lee after you cheese him off. 免得他被你惹恼了我遭殃
That didn't occur to me. 你以为我没想过啊
Knock yourself out. 请自便
I was hoping you could do me a favor. 我希望你能帮我个忙
You're extorting a date out of me? 你是在逼我跟你约会吗
Do you think you can just ring my doorbell any time you want? 真以为只要自己高兴 随时都能按我家门铃
Would you just let it go? 你能不能消停会
Plus, I get to hang out with him again at the hearing. 还有 等听证会时 我还能再见到他