Traveller,must you go? 行人,你一定要走吗?
The night is still and the darkness swoons upon the forest.夜是静寂的,黑暗在树林上昏睡。
The lamps are bright in our balcony, the flowers all frall, and the youthful eyes still awake.我们的露台上灯火辉煌,繁花鲜美,青春的眼睛还醒着。
Is that time for your parting to come?到了你离开的时间了么?
Traveller, must you go?行人,你一定要走吗?
We have not bound your feet with our entreating arms. 我们不曾用恳求的手臂来抱住你的双足。
Your doors are open.Your horse stands settled at the gate.你的门开着,你立在门外的马,也已上了鞍鞯。
If we have tried to bar your passage it was but with our songs.如果我们想拦住你的去路,那也只是用我们的歌曲。
Did we ever try to hold you back it was but with our eyes. 如果我们想挽留你,那也只是用我们的眼睛。
Traveler, we are helpless to keep you. We have only our tears.行人,我们没有希望留住你,我们只有眼泪。
What quenchless fire glows in your eyes?在你眼里发光的是什么样的不灭之火?
What restless fever runs in your blood?在你血液中奔流的是怎样不平的狂热?
What call from the dark urges you?从黑暗中怎样的召唤在催促着你?
What awful incatation have you read among the stars in the sky, that with a sealed secret message the night entered your heart, silent and strange?你从天上的星星中读到怎样可怕的咒语,带着那个密封的秘密消息,在黑夜静默而异样地进入你的心中?
If you do not care for merry meetings, if you must have peace, weary hewear, we shall put our lamps out and silence our harps.如果你不喜欢那热闹的集会,如果你需要安静,疲惫的心呵,我们就吹灭灯火,止息琴声。
We shall sit still in the dark in the rustle of leaves and the tired moon will shed pale rays on your window.我们将在风叶声中静坐在黑暗里,疲倦乏的月亮将在你窗上洒下苍白的光辉。
O traveler, what sleepless spirit has touched you from the heart of the midnight?哦,行人,是什么不眠的精灵从午夜的心中触摸了你呢?