Q1:In your opinion,what are the characteristics of Chinese parenting?
A1:Chinese parents place a greater demand on their children than westerns',hoping doing this can make their children prodigies.
1)They attach great importance to schoolwork
2)It is happened that they coincide with each other on "academic success reflects successful parenting and request their children to behave in a fixed way, like:to do as teachers tell, learn a musical insteument, never play games for too long.
Q2:What do you like and don't you like about Chinese parenting?
A2:Generally speaking, Chinese parenting contains both advantages and disavantages.It has an effect on improving our self control and make good use of our childhood,learning a lot of things to enrich our lives.Conversely, it may limit our imagination as well as creativity, which will let us fall behind western childrens in a way. It's better to make a conbination for Chinese and western's parenting.