Ancient animal
. tyrannosaurus: ti,raene's)res 霸王龙
I think that's why the tyrannosaurus res went extinct.
. dinosaur
Amphibian: aem'fibien
. crocodile: cr)cedail
. frog
. turtle ur-3
. penguin: p3ngwin
Live in water
. Shrimp: frimp
A naughty dolphin.
. turtle
. octopus: a:ktepes
How many leg do octopus have
Live in solid
. predator: 'pr3dete
. tortoise: t)rtes 陆龟
. chimpanzee: tfim'paenzi:
. Toucan
- tu:kaen 巨嘴鸟
. rhino: raino
. giraffe: d3i'raf
. leopard: l3ped
. chameleon: kaemi'lien
Reptile: r3ptail
- 爬虫类是由两栖类演化而来
. creep: crip
- 比较猥琐 刻意
. crawl
- 比较自然
. snake
. lizard: [ˈlɪzərd] 蜥蜴
. boar: b(r (wild pig)
Wild boars are numerous(nu:meres) in the valley.
. hens
. rooster: oo-u:
A rooster is an adult male chicken
. sheep
. deer
. goat: gout
. goose: gu:s 鹅
. swan: swa:n 天鹅
Swan lake
Live in sky
. mosquito: o-) i-i o-ou
A mosquito stung my face. And my face swelled up.
A Eagle is prey on smaller bird.
. pigeon : pigen
. roach: rouch (蟑螂)
There are lots of rats and roach in his dormitary.
. cockroach: ka:kroutf
. hamster: haemste ( small mouse )
. parrot: p3ret ( bird can sing )
Natural enemy
. poacher
- poutfe
. defenseless
- The poachers always wanna hunt the defenseless animals