2018年11月8日 星期四
The willpower instinct
Chapter 1: I will, I won’t, I want : what willpower is and why it matters
My questions:
Do I need the willpower? To what extent do I need it?
In which aspect can I use the willpower?
Willpower is actually three powers - I will, I won’t and I want - that help us to be a better version of ourselves.
“I will” power - the ability to do what you need to do, even if part of you doesn’t want to.
针对 “I will”,其实有三种选择,“I will do it”; “I won’t do it”; “I delay doing it”. 做事情和做作业通常都有deadline。我自己的心路历程通常是:“我马上就会完成了,” “哎,有件好玩的事情,再等等吧”。“我真不想做这件事,时间太短了,做不完呀”,“限制时间到了,赶紧做吧,先交差再说”。然后就不了了之。
自制力是同人的prefrontal cortex息息相关的。
The prefrontal cortex controls physical movement, what you pay attention to, what you think about, what you feel and even what you do.
Under the microscope
What is the harder thing?
Imagine yourself facing your willpower challenge, and doing the harder thing. What makes it hard?
Meet your two minds.
For your willpower challenge, describe your two competing selves. What does the impulsive version of you want? What does the wiser version of you want?
首先“回看自己的行为”这一个举动能够难倒一批人,其次冷静分析自己的优缺点,也是一不留神就会偏向一端。流水账式的记日记并不能够帮助人们改变困境。但是反过来看,按照书上说的方法实验,一直一直做,就能够在某个点有质的飞跃。也就能够使自己的大脑结构有所改变。下面两个方法就很及时了。作者将时间缩短到track your willpower choices at least one day, meditate 5 minutes。回看自己的行为—一天;冥想—5分钟。先做起来,再说其他。
Willpower experiments
Track your willpower choices. For at least one day, try to notice every decision you make related to your willpower challenge.
Five-minute brain-training meditation. Focus on your breath using the words “inhale” and “exhale” in your mind. When your mind wanders, notice, and bring it back to the breath.