20220410听了Englishpod 35
The dialogue talked about something very common in our life. The woman managaer found a job for her cousin as a customer support representative. While in first days the cousin had a great attitude, not before long, he was cought browsing websites and checking his MSN & Facebook by a male manager. The male manager was not satisfied with his performance, but he couldn’t decide whether the cousin is employed by himself.
1,高效的/低效的 productive/unproductive
3,职业道德(best/good/poor)work ethic——catch the new employee on MSN, Facebook, Wechat, and Microblog.
4,适合 a good fit( for our company)
5,晨会迟到早退 45 minutes late for our morning meeting—— have a perfectly/pretty good reason
底线 bottomline
my bottomline for marriage is no domestic violence and no derailment.