The Technology
tags:pattern, startup
Paul Buchheit 老师在一个 Startup School 上的演讲稿,道中有术,将几条 pattern 娓娓道来,真喜欢这种真诚平实、不卑不亢的文风。关于做有趣的事情和成为独立有价值的人,that's it.
Interestingness is a sign of unexplored or under-explored territory. If I already know what the outcome is going to be, that's not very interesting. If it's completely random, like gambling, that's also not interesting. But I find that great startups exist in a space of productive uncertainty. Regardless whether they succeed or fail, I'm likely to learn something interesting.
As Richard Feynman said, "The worthwhile problems are the ones you can really solve or help solve, the ones you can really contribute something to." Don't be discouraged by people who dismiss your efforts as trivial just because you aren't curing cancer or traveling to Mars. The patterns I've presented today are about developing an independent mind, unburdened by the limitations of other people's thinking. Then you can judge for yourself what is worthwhile, and move forward with the conviction necessary to do something great. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
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2016 年最引人注目的包装设计,都能说明哪些消费趋势?
有着包装界“奥斯卡”之称的国际包装设计奖 Pentawards 刚颁发了 2016 年度奖项,看着那些精妙的设计,心情也会变得美丽起来。认真生活的感觉真好:)