1. 第一次上线
2019年5月28日 上午11:12
发件人 Apple
- 1 Safety: Objectionable Content
- 3 Performance: Accurate Metadata
- 2 Design: Minimum Functionality
Guideline 1.1.6 - Safety - Objectionable Content
Your app's metadata contains misleading content or content that is intended to deceive users.
Please note that adding a disclaimer to the app description is not sufficient if the rest of the metadata and the app are misleading.
The next submission of this app may require a longer review time, and this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until this issue is resolved.
Next Steps
- Review the Objectionable Content section of the App Store Review Guidelines.
- Ensure your app is compliant with all sections of the App Store Review Guidelines and the Terms & Conditions of the Apple Developer Program.
- Once your app is fully compliant, resubmit your app for review.
Submitting apps designed to mislead or harm customers or evade the review process may result in the termination of your Apple Developer Program account. Review the Terms & Conditions of the Apple Developer Program to learn more about our policies regarding termination.
Guideline 2.3.3 - Performance - Accurate Metadata
We noticed that your screenshots do not sufficiently reflect your app in use.
Specifically, your 5.5-inch iPhone screenshots only display a login screen.
Next Steps
To resolve this issue, please revise your screenshots to ensure that they accurately reflect the app in use on the supported devices. For example, a gaming app should feature screenshots that capture actual gameplay from within the app. Marketing or promotional materials that do not reflect the UI of the app are not appropriate for screenshots.
For iPhone, screenshots for 6.5-inch iPhone Xs Max and 5.5-inch devices (iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8 Plus) are required. These screenshots will scale down for smaller device sizes.
For iPad, screenshots for 12.9-inch iPad Pro (2nd generation) and 12.9-inch iPad Pro (3rd generation) are required. These screenshots will scale down for smaller device sizes.
App Store screenshots should accurately communicate your app’s value and functionality. Use text and overlay images to highlight your app’s user experience, not obscure it. Make sure app UI and product images match the corresponding device type in App Store Connect. This helps users understand your app and makes for a positive App Store experience.
For resources on creating great screenshots for the App Store, you may want to review the App Store Product Page information available on the Apple Developer website.
Please ensure you have made any screenshot modifications using Media Manager. You should confirm your app looks and behaves identically in all languages and on all supported devices. Learn more about uploading app previews and screenshots in App Store Connect Help.
Guideline 4.2.2 - Design - Minimum Functionality
We noticed that your app only includes links, images, or content aggregated from the Internet with limited or no native iOS functionality. Although this content may be curated from the web specifically for your users, since it does not sufficiently differ from a mobile web browsing experience, it is not appropriate for the App Store.
Next Steps
We encourage you to review your app concept and work towards creating an app that offers customers an engaging and lasting experience that also meets the App Store’s high expectations for quality and functionality.
Apple Developer includes a variety of design and development resources. Download iOS templates from Apple UI Design Resources, learn more about crafting intuitive, well-designed apps with the Design Video collection, and review the iOS Human Interface Guidelines for best practices to follow when designing apps for the App Store.
Please see attached screenshot for details.
- 1 Safety: Objectionable Content
- 3 Performance: Accurate Metadata
- 2 Design: Minimum Functionality
- 2 Design: Minimum Functionality
1.更好logo, 修改宣传文本和描述,尽力和app内容相关。
2019年6月14日 上午9:12
发件人 Apple- 1 Performance: App Completeness
Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed
This type of app has been identified as one that may violate one or more of the following App Store Review Guidelines. Specifically, these types of apps often:
1.1.6 - Include false information, features, or misleading metadata
2.3.0 - Undergo significant concept changes after approval
2.3.1 - Have hidden or undocumented features, including hidden "switches" that redirect to a gambling or lottery website
3.1.1 - Use payment mechanisms other than in-app purchase to unlock features or functionality in the app
3.2.1 - Do not come from the financial institution performing the loan services
4.3.0 - Are a duplicate of another app or are conspicuously similar to another app
5.2.1 - Were not submitted by the legal entity that owns and is responsible for offering any services provided by the app
5.2.3 - Facilitate illegal file sharing or include the ability to save, convert, or download media from third party sources without explicit authorization from those sources
5.3.4 - Do not have the necessary licensing and permissions for all the locations where the app is usedBefore we can continue with our review, please confirm that this app does not violate any of the above guidelines. You may reply to this message in Resolution Center or the App Review Information section in App Store Connect to verify this app’s compliance.
Given the tendency for apps of this type to violate the aforementioned guidelines, this review will take additional time. If at any time we discover that this app is in violation of these guidelines, the app will be rejected and removed from the App Store, and it may result in the termination of your Apple Developer Program account.
Should you choose to resubmit this app without confirming this app’s compliance, the next submission of this app will still require a longer review time. Additionally, this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until we have received your confirmation.
Since your App Store Connect status is Metadata Rejected, we do NOT require a new binary. To revise the metadata, visit App Store Connect to select your app and revise the desired metadata values. Once you’ve completed all changes, reply to this message in Resolution Center and we will continue the review.
Thanks for review.
Actually, our app do not violate any of guidelines from list above.
for given 1.1.6 , our app did correctly show our contents.
for given 2.3.0 , we did not design any significant concept changes after approval,if we wanted to change something,wo actually provided a new version of this app.
for given 2.3.1, we never hided any ’switch’ in app that may redirected to a illegal website
for given 3.1.1, we did not design any feature that must be paid for use in our app. so we did not choose in-app purchase.
for given 3.2.1, we do not have the loan services from financial institution performing.
for given 4.3.0, we will update this app always , so ,this app can be different from any of other apps in AppStore.
for given 5.2.1, we have responsibilities for providing users service. and our entity is legal.
for given 5.2.3, we don't have the ability to facilitate illegal file sharing or include the ability to save, convert, or download media from third party sources
for given 5.3.4, we are locate in beijing of China, who have our rights for using our app. it is legal, it is compliance
we hope you can continue review as as soon as possible. and sincerely thank you !
有人说,不用再次提交审核,但本人手贱,还是重新提交了审核。结果呵呵呵 直到6-22日才再次审核,等了7天大概,上线了.