To be honest, I am glad that guy likes my moment massage. Strange friend (real friend hopefully) 说实话,这个同学点赞了,我很开心。
This is the copy from an article I saw today: 婚姻就是牺牲激情换取安稳。婚姻是个复杂的东西,爱情则要纯粹的多。婚姻一直和财产有着密切的关系,因此属于律法和道德的范畴。但爱情既跟律法无关,也跟道德无关。最深的欲望,其实很难用道德去评价。I look forward love but not marriage, and now I got the reason after the passage help me distinguish love from marriage.
Finally finish the introduction of the project in English. But got to get up early to finish the homework.
Two roommates from EF dorm came to visit me this noon. Grad to see them. Thank her for caring about the business of the club. I have been try hard not to disturb her. It is very kind of her to talk about it with me. They bet that I didn't keep going to bed early and getting up early only because my facial skin. So sad... 两个ef的舍友来西苑吃饭,顺便来找我。她们在ef过上了健康安详的空巢老人生活,每天竟然十二点熄灯七点起床,还去跑步散步。还是那么会吹水,那么搞笑。谢谢对床还在关心社团的事。竟然一看我脸的皮肤就知道我没坚持早睡早起:-(。
Kind of surprised when I saw the list of the needy students(including me) in front of the elevator. Though it was put in public till Tuesday. It is kind of strange and embarrassing. I think it is ok to public it online. But here the place is so frequent-visited. Not a perfect way~看到家庭经济困难学生的名单公布在电梯口,感觉有点突兀,之前似乎有公布在办公自动化,想看便打开文件看。而直接公布在楼梯口,不管关不关心这件事,几乎整层楼的同学等电梯时都可以看到。一点点难为情。就像在大学把全班的学业成绩都公开一样。
I feel difficult to communicate with them...I think it is that they don't really respect me as the leader. Since I didn't act as a leader.大家对我是不是很不满呢……我提出问题是对事不对人,可能他们也是对事不对人, I take it too seriously。
儿童文学讲M a ti l da,有电影版,b站有,挺好看的。
这是个富有争议的儿童故事。很有趣,电影版中的故事情节很刺激。爸爸的台词:I am big, you are little. I am right, you are wrong.
1. 在故事里面,通常坏人变好。然而matilda的父母还有校长并没有变好。
故事里面通常有对比,皇上平民,最好的和最坏的。坏的最后变好,跟之前成对比,体现forgiveness。但这个故事重点是小孩kicking back大人。作者这样写可能是为了反传统or 个人believing system
2. 成人可以看出其中的讽刺,儿童呢?3. matilda的角色:inbetween 特殊儿童和普通儿童(智力超人,孩子般表达情绪)给孩子启发:要读书才能像matilda一样打败大人。还有when need help, go ask for help or try to get through it.
4. 父亲排斥matilda看书,说她是mistake,但又让她family time一起看电视,因为那样才像一家人。他心中的理想家庭是?
6. 这个故事MAKE fun of people in power, questioning and challenging the authority, 让人想起中国美猴王,还有美国的政客漫画。
7.not physical child in the pictures,故事图片中小孩体型极其小。
confining(for safe, control of the body) and soiling(大人认为body mean to be clean, 小孩没做到会被惩罚,女主也利用这个点报复大人,比如倒水到成人校长身上)
contrast between the body of the principle and the children(control of their body)映射 大人给小孩的physical experience, physical pain
7. Matilda was called person instead of child.
subvert-subvertive 颠覆性
8. education
•bad parents: too much\\little
•social control--Trunchbull
•good teacher---Miss Honey