Leon and Amy:
早上起床,wake up in the morning.
刷牙洗脸,brush teeth and wash face.
吃早餐,have breakfast.
收拾房间,clean up the room.
出去走走,go out for a walk.
购物,go shopping.
和朋友聚聚,meet some friends.
吃午餐,have lunch.
午睡一下,take a break,或者get some sleep, take a rest.
和一个美女(帅哥)约会, have a date with a pretty girl(guy).
吃晚餐,have dinner.
看一场电影,watch a movie in the cinema.
道别,晚安。Goodbye and good night.
睡觉,做个好梦。Go to sleep, have a nice dream.