一 10月英语学习目标:
1 复习巩固上月阅读的两本书 7 habits of highly of effective people, Guns, Germs ans Steel.
2 Magoosh GRE word list ,包含1000个生词,争取完成600个生词理解和记忆。
二 总结
1 总体情况
本周10月9日-14日,历时六天,完成了5个半common list,每个包含生词50。完成质量仅仅是粗略理解和视频下载,用自己的老dell电脑运行速度有点慢,用老袁的电脑速度明显提升,最快的周五上午(10月14日)就完成了一个list,所以要选择下速度超快的代理很重要,同时搭配运行速度快的电脑。两本书的复习是利用晚上闺女睡觉以后,或者早上赶班车的路上用有声书来复习。因为除了能把书中内容学以致用(7H)外,我还想学习书中的写作方式,现在阅读已无障碍,需要多去模仿原文写作和输出。
2 视频学习GRE生词
小何鼓励我去好好学学GRE的生词,她说会提升我的英语功力,反正本来也要去应对这个考试,索性就直接上了,不过方式方法上肯定不能走老路,不然事倍功半、耗尽功力、收效甚微,正好结合从7月开始坚持的以纪录片开拓知识和词汇的方法,加上自己对于Youtube的了解,直接从Quora阅读了10个左右攻克GRE单词的经验分享,下载了Magoosh GRE APP,而且在Quizlet上也有免费的词卡分享,我也果断收入囊中。周五又在百度文库上下载了全部的word list,通过六天的视频下载和学习,效果很不错,继续坚持。对于视频整理要统一上传到自己的百度网盘上,以后再将文件名与word list保持一致,便于搜索。
3 视频学习单词远景规划
三 Common list 3 单词表
1 ostracize
If you banish someone or ignore him, youostracizehim. When the Iranian president claimed that the Holocaust was a hoax, he wasostracizedby the international community.
2 foment
Stand outside the school cafeteria passing out flyers with nutritional details on school food, and you may foment a revolution––foment means stirring up something undesirable, such as trouble.
3 lionize
The lion is the king of beasts. To lionize someone is to see them as important as a lion. Republicans continue to lionize Ronald Reagan as their ultimate hero
4 vacillate
Vacillate means to waver back and forth, unable to decide. You might vacillate between ordering waffles and pancakes at your favorite diner — it’s hard to pick just one when both are so tasty!
5 rescind
If get a call saying a company has decided torescind your job offer, it's back to the classifieds for you.Rescind is an official reversal.
6 ravenous
A ravenous person feels like they haven't eaten in days and could probably finish off 10 pizzas without help. So ravenous is not a good state to be in when you go grocery shopping.