We are the products of evolution, and not just evolution that occurred billions of years ago. As scientists look deeper into our genes, they are finding examples of human evolution in just the past few thousand years. People in Ethiopian highlands have adapted to living at high altitudes. Cattle-raising people in East Africa and northern Europe have gained a mutation that helps them digest milk as adults.
On Thursday in an article published in Cell, a team of researchers reported a new kind of adaptation not to air or to food, but to the ocean. A group of sea-dwelling people in Southeast Asia have evolved into better divers. The Bajau, as these people are known, number in the hundreds of thousands in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. They have traditionally lived on houseboats; in recent times, they've also built houses on stilts in coastal waters. “They are simply a stranger to the land,” said Redney CJubilado, a University of Hawaii researcher who studies the Bajau.
周四,在《细胞》杂志发表的一篇文章中,一组研究人员报告了一种新的适应方式,不是对空气或食物的适应,而是对海洋的适应。东南亚的一群海洋居民已经进化成更好的潜水员。这些人被称为巴夭人,在印度尼西亚、马来西亚和菲律宾有数十万人。他们传统上住在船屋里;最近,他们还在沿海水域建造了高跷房屋。夏威夷大学研究巴夭人的研究员Redney CJubilado说:“他们对这片土地简直是个陌生人。”
Dr. Jubilado first met the Bajau while growing up on Samal Island in the Philippines. They made a living as divers, spearfishing or harvesting shellfish. “We were so amazed that they could stay underwater much longer than us local islanders,” Dr. Jubilado said. “I could see them actually walking under the sea.”
In 2015, Melissa llardo, then a graduate student in genetics at the University of Copenhagen, heard about the Bajau. She wondered if centuries of diving could have led to the evolution of physical characteristics that made the task easier for them, “'it seemed like the perfect chance for natural selection toact on a population," said Dr. llardo. She also said there were likely a number of other genes that help the Bajau dive.