Undertale Battle System
This is a plugin that replicates the Bullet-hell system from Undertale.
Skill Notetags
Place these notetags into the notebox of a Skill to customize the qualities
of the UTB attack!
For a Skill to use the Undertale Battle System, place this notetag in it:
<Use Undertale Attack>
<UTB Duration: x>
Set this to the amount of frames the UTB attack will last.
60 frames = 1 second.
<UTB Mode: 0>
Set’s this Skill to use the default mode.
<UTB Mode: 1>
Set’s this Skill to use the blue mode (gravity mode).
Can also use:
1.2 = Gravity to the left
1.3 = Gravity to the right
1.4 = Gravity to the up
<UTB Mode: 2>
Set’s this Skill to use green mode (shield mode).
<UTB Mode: 3>
Set’s this Skill to use purple mode (trap mode).
<UTB Mode: 4>
Set’s this Skill to use yellow mode (shooter mode).
<UTB Invincibility: x>
Set this to the amount of frames of invincibility that the player should
get when they’re hit with an attack.
60 frames = 1 second.
<UTB Delete Outside Frame>
If this Notetag is in the Notebox of the Skill, then the “attacks” will
be deleted if they exit the battle frame.
If this isn’t present, then attacks will be seen everywhere.
<UTB Code>
</UTB Code>
This allows you to customize JavaScript code for the overall Skill.
You can use ‘f’ and ‘p’ which are variables representing the current frame
and player object respectively.
Here’s some examples:
– How to change Player’s mode to 1 at frame 100:
<UTB Code>
if(f === 100) {
</UTB Code>
– How to show a message at frame 300:
<UTB Code>
if(f === 300) {
this.message(“Hello \\!This is a message.”);
</UTB Code>
– How to have a 1 in 100 chance for an instance of Attack 1 to
spawn every frame:
<UTB Code>
if(Math.randomInt(100) === 1) {
</UTB Code>
<UTB Initial Code>
</UTB Initial Code>
This is code that is run once at the start of the Skill.
It is mainly used to initialize variables and spawn preparation attacks
if it is necessary.
Here’s some examples:
– Creates a number variable called “count”:
<UTB Initial Code>
this._count = 0;
</UTB Initial Code>
– Spawns Attack 1 on the first frame only:
<UTB Initial Code>
</UTB Initial Code>
– Sets the frame’s Width to 500 and substract 50 from the frame’s X:
<UTB Initial Code>
this.window.width = 500;
this.window.x -= 50;
</UTB Initial Code>
<UTB Attack x>
</UTB Attack x>
Now, each Skill can have 9 individual “UTB attacks”.
You can customize one of them by using the tags above.
Then, you can customize the qualities of the attack by
using notetags inside of the UTB attack tags.
You may have to use this online tool to make the creation convenient:
For example:
<UTB Attack 1>
Initial X: this.x + 220
Initial Y: this.y + 5
Collision Type: Rect
Width: 160
Height: 20
X Speed: 0
Y Speed: 0.5
X Accel: 0
Y Accel: 0
Color: green
Spawn Rate: 100
Spawn Delay: 0
</UTB Attack 1>
<UTB Attack 2>
Initial X: this.x
Initial Y: this.y
X Speed: 1
Y Speed: 1
X Accel: 0
Y Accel: 0
Collision Type: circle
Radius: 15
Spawn Rate: 100
Spawn Delay: 20
Delete Distance: 50
Destructible: true
<Direct Code>
if(this.x > width) this.xspeed = -1;
</Direct Code>
</UTB Attack 2>
###Actor Notetags
Use these to customize the Image and Collision of the Actor:
<UTB Sprite: filename>
请注意文件路径为 img/SumRndmDde/utb/
Use this to set the file of the image of what you want the Actor to look
like. The image must be stored in img/SumRndmDde/utb/
Example: <UTB Sprite: heart>
<UTB Speed: speed>
Set this to the speed the Actor should move in the frame.
Simply set this to a number.
Example: <UTB Speed: 4>
<UTB Speed: 6>
<UTB Shape: shape>
Set this to the shape of this Actor’s collision box.
You can use: “circle” or “rect”.
Example: <UTB Shape: circle>
<UTB Shape: rect>
In order to customize the size of the shapes, use:
<UTB Radius: number>
For the “circle” collision.
<UTB Width: number>
<UTB Height: number>
For the “rect” collision.
###Misc JavaScript Eval Info
####Undertale Attack Evals
Here are the following variables for Undertale Attacks to be used in
“Direct Code”:
Image – this.image
Animation Frames – this.aniFrames
Animation Speed – this.aniSpeed
Type – this.type
Initial X – this.x
Initial Y – this.y
Collision Type – this.shape
Radius – this.radius
Width – this._mywidth
Height – this._myheight
X Speed – this.xspeed
Y Speed – this.yspeed
X Accel – this.xaccel
Y Accel – this.yaccel
X Scale – this.scale.x
Y Scale – this.scale.y
Opacity – this.opacity
Rotation – this.rotation
Visibility – this.visibility
Color – this.color
Delete Distance – this.deleteDistance
Destructible – this.destructible
Direct Code – this.directCode
Initial Code – this.iniCode
Window – this.window
####Window Frame Evals
For the “Direct Code” and “UTB Code” notetags, you can use the this.window
variable to reference various positions on the frame.
this.window.x – The X position of the Window
this.window.y – The Y position of the Window
this.window.width – The width of the Window
this.window.height – The height of the Window
this.window.left – The X position of the left side of the Window
this.window.right – The X position of the right side of the Window
this.window.top – The Y position of the top side of the Window
this.window.bottom – The Y position of the bottom side of the Window
this.window.x_middle – The X position of the middle of the Window
this.window.y_middle – The Y position of the middle of the Window
####Message Bubble Text Save
In order to “save” text to be shown in the next Undertale attack, use
the following Script Call:
$gameMessageBubble.saveText(Insert the text you wish to use in here!