这是我学习quartz composer,Origami,看官方文档翻译下来的,每天一篇,有不准确的地方希望能指出,一起交流进步。转载请与我联系,擅自转载视作侵权。
Layer 层
Display image on screen and adjust how it shows up.
Enable 启用
Turn on to display the layer.
Anchor Point 锚点
A point within the Layer’s container (current Layer Group or Device patch) that you would like to position the layer relative to.
你想要移动的层相对于层的容器 (当前Layer Group或Device模块)的一个点,
Options for positioning are:
1.Top Left 顶部左侧
2.Top Center 顶部中间
3.Top Right 顶部右侧
4.Center Left 中间左侧
5.Center 正中心
6.Center Right 中间右侧
7.Bottom Left 底部左侧
8.Bottom Center 底部中心
9.Bottom Right 底部右侧
X Position X轴坐标
Number of pixels to the right of the position specified in the Anchor Point.
Y Position Y轴坐标
Number of pixels up from the position specified in the Anchor Point.
Z Position Z轴坐标
Depth component of a layer’s position in 3D space. Units are in pixels as with Width / Height
X Rotation X轴旋转
Rotate a layer in 3D space along a horizontal line centered on the Anchor Point.
Y Rotation Y轴旋转
Rotate a layer in 3D space along a vertical line centered on the Anchor Point.
Z Rotation Z轴旋转
Rotate a layer in two dimensions, or the Z component of a 3D rotation
Width 宽度
The width on screen in pixels the Layer’s Image will be shown. The width is also affected by Scale and the transform of the current Layer Group.
If a value of 0.0 is passed in, the layer will take on the size of the current value of its Image input.
Height 高度
The height on screen in pixels the Layer’s Image will be shown. The eventual height is also affected by Scale and the transform of the current Layer Group.
If a value of 0.0 is passed in, the Layer will take on the size of the current value of its Image input.
Image 图片
An Image to show on screen
Mask Image 遮罩图片
An Image that will be used when compositing the Layer on screen to mask off certain areas so that they do not display. This is similar to a layer mask in Photoshop.
Color 颜色
A color with which the Image will be tinted before display. You can use this with a pure white image to display the same shape in different colors.
Opacity 透明度
Controls the visibility of a Layer.
Scale 缩放
How much to increase or decrease the size of the Layer. A value of 0.0 will make it invisible, whereas 2.0 will make it twice the normal size.