Try these tips for refining your search[1]
- Common words are usually overlooked during a Google search,
so if a common word like "how" or "the" is essential to your search,
put a "+" in front of it. - If a set of words belongs together in a phrase, you should put quotes around words or dashes in between them. This is great for when you know a few song and want to search them to find the song's name. For example:
the-girl-in-the-mirror or "the girl in the mirror" - You can place a minus sign in front of a word that you want to omit from your results. For example, if you want to search "nano" and don't want result for iPod Nano to show up you can type "nano -iPod".
- If you're searching for a price range of an item, type the lowest range after a dollar sign and then type ".." followed by another dollar sign and the highest price in the range. For example: "Mattress $250..$400"
// It is supposed to be two periods rather than three according to the instruction in Google Advanced Search.^google advanced search
What's more, there are some hints to the right hand side of Google advanced search box in that page, it is very easy and intuitive, which is shown below:
Advanced Search Hint.PNG
define: [insert_word] , to get a meaning of a word
For language translation, type the word you want translated plus the word “translate” and the language you want words translated to.
"translate please help me Vietnamese"