“add oil”,是人们常挂在嘴边的词语“加油”的英文直译。如今,这样的中式英语(Chinglish)已被《牛津英语词典(Oxford English Dictionary)》所承认,并在最近一次发布的一批新词新义更新中,将“add oil”列入其中。
In a major victory for Chinglish speakers everywhere, the phrase “add oil!” has been officially added to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED).
“Add oil” is a direct English translation of the Chinese phrase “jiāyóu” (加油), an exclamation used frequently across China to express encouragement or support for someone else.
表示(因吃惊、害怕、喜悦等而发出的)“呼喊,惊叫”,英文解释为“something you say or shout suddenly because of surprise, fear, pleasure, etc.”,举个🌰:
an exclamation of delight
Despite the phrase being one of the most widely used in the Chinese language, it's always been difficult to come up with an appropriate way to translate it into English, because of the expression's versatility, leading some to go with the jokey literal translation.
名词,表示“用途广泛,万用,多才多艺”,英文解释为“the quality of being versatile (= able to change easily or to be used for different purposes)”,其形容词形式为:versatile 同样表示“多才多艺的;有多种用途的,多功能的,万用的”,举个🌰:
Never before has computing been so versatile.
This happens mostly in Hong Kong. The entry in the online version of the OED says that the phrase originates chiefly from Hong Kong English, giving the definition as “expressing encouragement, incitement, or support: go on! go for it!”
OED官方的介绍是,add oil一词源自香港英语,用以表达鼓励、激励或者支持,相当于go on!或go for it!
Hong Kong media outlets have widely reported on the phrase's inclusion in the OED with the city's net users cheering their contribution to the world's “most authoritative and comprehensive record of the English language.”
outlet/outlets一词经常出现。media outlet/ news outlets 都可以表示媒体/新闻机构;
a fast-food outlet 快餐店
a retail outlet 零售店
此外,也可以指“廉价经销店,〔尤指销售某公司或某类型产品的〕折扣店”,英文解释为“a shop that sells things for less than the usual price, especially things from a particular company or things of a particular type”
It was Hugo Tseng, an English professor at Taiwan's Soochow University, who first noticed the entry, penning a gleeful column about his finding in Apple Daily. Tseng said that for more than a decade he had been regularly checking for the phrase following each OED quarterly update, indicating that “add oil!” likely came in the latest batch of new words.
首先是被台湾东吴大学(Soochow University)英文系副教授曾泰元(Hugo Tseng)老师发现的。
你可能还不知道pen可以作动词?此处就是表示“写,撰写”,英文解释为“If someone pens a letter, article, or book, they write it.”,举个🌰:
I really intended to pen this letter to you early this morning.
此外,作为动词,pen还可以表示“关 (人或动物)”,英文解释为“If people or animals are penned somewhere or are penned up, they are forced to remain in a very small area.”,举个🌰:
The cattle were penned for the night.
而作名词也有“〔围养家畜的〕栏,圈,棚”,如:a sheep pen 羊圈
此处表示“〔报纸或杂志的〕专栏(文章)”,英文解释为“an article on a particular subject or by a particular writer that appears regularly in a newspaper or magazine”,举个🌰:
He writes a weekly column for ‘The Economist’.
·“支柱,柱,圆柱”:a tall solid upright stone post used to support a building or as a decoration.
·“〔数字或单词的〕列”:a line of numbers or words written under each other that goes down a page (与“行”row相对)
·“〔报纸或书页上的〕栏”:one of two or more areas of print that go down the page of a newspaper or book and that are separated from each other by a narrow space(如:Page 5, column 2 第5页第2栏)
However, the phrase isn't actually listed in the most recent update of 1,400 new terms, which includes words and phrases like: nothingburger, fam, not in Kansas anymore, eeny-weeny, dunnit, assless, and Pooh-sticks. In a 2016 blog post, OED editors did at least say that they were researching the expression.
· nothingburger:Something that is or turns out to be insignificant or lacking in substance.
例句: a seemingly endless series of nothingburger speeches
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