Can you understand me while I read this passage?
Ok, so after I listen, I listened your article, I found in the website I found your article is mainly on the, on the what, on the connection of this two person, right?
So, while now I have just read this paragraph, it’s mainly at, also focus on, focus on the special, the special presentation of this movie. The same day they met with each other and they, they are experiencing their most important day of one year. Can you understand me?
You can, you can talk, you can say something.
This love movie, the most impressed, the most impressed of this movie is that their love story is so …. You know they met with each other one year after year and after many years they get together, too heart
You think it’s impossible for people to meet with each other every year in the same day
So they skipped, They skipped two or three years. Last night, I have deliberately write down the day they met with each other and I found in the 18 years they have skipped several years. They don’t met with each other in that year. You can’t remember it, right?
Yes, that maybe Emma had another boy friend?
Yeh, but I think the guy, Detric has too many girl friends
Yes, he is handsome.
Yeh, he is so handsome and I think he is a little bit look, looks like, em, the guy in the Downton. 唐顿庄园里面的那个大表哥. So, firstly, you can say something about yourself, you felt about this movie and talked about it.
Yes, about this movie, the first time I watch (wash) this movie, maybe six or seven years ago, you know, I first watched this movie I loved it very much and after that I watched it several times. And every time I watched it again, I have different feeling. I think it’s a little complicated. They are friends at begin.
Yeh. You have just said that you have watched it several times during the past six years.
So, but this is a second time I watched this movie, I also watched it about, in 2012. I graduated from high school and in that summer I watches, and I watched this loves, this loved film, and then after six years now. Last night, I watched it again. The first, you said that you loved it all the time, but I have to be frank, I , I found it’s its beauty last night. At first I , I am a little bit, how to say, I don’t like this kind of love story, I think they should, they should fall in love with each other, but they, but they stopped. They loved each other, but they got along with each other for more than, more than 12 years as best friends. I, I , so you just mentioned that word, complicated. I agreed with you.
Yes, I think it’s why, it’s so
It’s ok, you can think about it and you can say it slowly. It’s ok.
Yeh, so I think that’s why. Their relation is at that time I thought in really whether there is a relationship like me in our life. As you know, sometimes people also said, “ girl and boy can, can not be true friends. They are no true friendship unless there is one loved someone in deep heart.”
Yes, so in this relationship One Day, this film Emma loves, loved detrix. And I’m very moved about the last part about this film. It tells us the beginning of their, of their relationship. They, they climbed the mountain and they found they had a crush on each other. They chased each other and they planned to have a sex but detrix’s father and mother come early. So they, their relationship stops as best friends. Can you remember this?
Yes, I am very impressed about this part, because detrix watched Emma watched away. Detrix watched her still at her with a love in his eyes. But I, but they didn’t, they didn’t have the real relationship until 12 or even 13 years while detrix has experienced happiness and sorrow and he get back to Emma, finally. It’s like a little bit pity. What do you think?
Yes I think the man is handsome and there are many beautiful girls in his side. And these girl is cute but she is, why she can not more encourage, encouraged.
I think she should tell or she
Kill what she thought?
Care , care.
What do you think about Emma?
Emma, Emma, she loved dedex from beginning but she, she is afraid, she is afraid when she tell what her, what she, what her feeling. They can not be friends. So she want to, she wants to maintain their relationship and their connection in this way.
Yeh. I think she also, she is also not confident about her talent and her beauty and her charm. About while they graduated from their, from their university around three or four years. Detric and Emma had a conversation. He told her, “ I think if you want me to give you a gift for the rest of your life, I will give you confidence” and the boyfriend Emma’s boyfriend also told Emma that she is, she should be confident.
Yes, and you know the clothes about Emma in this film is changed a lot.
Yes, at first she has curled hair and black glasses and looks and looks, looks like a common girl but at last especially that she wore 旗袍 it’s amazing.
Beside this 旗袍, I think while Emma has a butch, the new hairstyle, the short, very short hairstyle and a blue dress, can you remember it? I think it’s very, very charming. It’s look like she is confident and she is, she is ready to, to hug with detrix
At that time, she is a writer? As a writer, I think she is confident than before.
Maybe detrix is too handsome, so she thought she way plain and too plain to dating with him. So what do you think, have you ever have a friend like that detrix?
Yes, there is a boy. We are, we are classmate at middle school. We always are good friends. And after, and after graduating from high school, about five or six years, one day my best friends told me that that boy loved me. I am surprised.
Yes, you should be surprised.
Yes, but I told my girlfriend, my best friends that I always treat him as best friends too. So I just want to maintain our friendship. So we are always friends ship.
So now you are both best friends as before?
Yes, it’s wonderful, yes.
Because he don’t know I know this thing.
You mean your best girlfriend told you this reality?
Yes, because my best friend, she told this a secret, then my best friend told me.
It’s very good. So has he has a girlfriend now?
So maybe he is waiting for you. It’s really fantastic. It’s really good. Because I, I thought it’s not about afraid or confidence, I think it’s about cherish. He cherish this relationship with you. And maybe the best one is to be best friends. You can be together for a long, long time, and you both of you will cherish it. Because once I have a good friend, I mean a good boy friend , it’s not about love, it’s about friendship. Before we graduated from middle school, he told me he wants to further the relationship but I rejected. So now so we get apart. If he never told me about this, maybe now we can maintain this relationship. So I think your best friend is,
Smart .
Yes , smart, brilliant. Very good. I got a cold.
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