科技的影响广泛且正在加速。专家预测十年或者不到十年之内90%的人口都会使用上网络。发展科技成了不可阻挡的力量, 重塑了我们的社会,忽略了国家的界线,并且连接起了经济体。似乎没有任何办法可以控制它。然而,一个事实是肯定的: 我们的孩子正处于它的中心。
The impact of technology is widespread and accelerating. Experts predict that 90% of the world's population will connect to the Internet within ten years or less. Envolving technology has become an unstoppable force, reshaping our society, ignoring national borders, and interconnecting economies. There doesn't seem to be any way to control it. However, one fact is certain: our kids are at the center of it.
今天的孩子生于一个电子时代。他们自会走路起就开始使用科技和媒体。他们有时候难以分清虚拟与现实世界。事实上,孩子们沉醉于科技的时间比与人在一起的时间还要多, 包括他们的父母。有估算称他们每天在各种电子设备前面的时间平均达到7个小时。
Today's kids are born into a digital world. They use technologies and media from the time they begin to walk. Sometimes they have difficulty distinguishing between the virtual and the real worlds. In fact, children spend more time immersed in technology than they do with people, including their parents. It is estimated that they spend an average of 7 hours a day in front of some sort of digital device.
随着前所未有增长的信息流, 数据熟练程度可能成为下一项求生技能。 因此关键的是孩子们学习如何发展这项技能的同时不在这个过程中迷失。指导他们是我们需要面对的一项挑战。首先,我们需要认识到大量暴露的内容中, 有机遇也有危险。 何物何时对孩子来说是合适的,又在什么年龄呢? 谁来规定? 媒体如此普及又触手可得, 但对什么才是合适的缺没有共识。人们有不同的观点,不仅仅针对内容,还包括如何管控途径。政府也必须决定哪些控制是必要的。 决策必须落实, 标准必须制定。无论决策是怎样的,影响都会是巨大的。
With the ever increasing amount and flow of information, digital proficiency may be the next survival skill. Therefore it is essential that children learn how to develop that skill without losing themselves in the process. Guding them is a challenge we need to face. First, we need to realize that with so much exposure to content, there are both opportunities and dangers. What and when is something appropriate for children, and at what age? Who decides? Media is so pervasive and accessible, yet there is no consensus about what is suitable. People have diffeeret perspectives, not only about content, but also about how to gorven access. Governments must also decide what controls are necessary. Policies must be put into place and standards set. What ever the decisions, the consequences will be enormous.
袖手旁观让孩子自己做决定,自己去探索任何吸引住他们的东西,这种想法未免幼稚。 所以科技呈现给了我们一个会决定未来的两难境地。毫无疑问的是,这是一个父母和政府将需要解决的问题。不仅仅是孩子需要开发一种数据智能, 我们中的每一个人都需要。
It seems naive to sit back and let children make their own decisions and explore whatever cpatures their fancy. So technology has presented us a huge dilemma that will shape the future. Without a doubt, it is an issue that parents and governments will need to address. Not only children need to develop a digital intelligence, but so do each and every one of us.
V-ERG (使)加快;(使)增速If the process or rate of something accelerates or if something accelerates it, it gets faster and faster.
Growth will accelerate to 2.9 per cent next year...
The government is to accelerate its privatisation programme.
VERB (运动中的车辆)加速When a moving vehicle accelerates, it goes faster and faster.
Suddenly the car accelerated...
She accelerated away from the kerb.
VERB 使沉浸(于);使专心(于);使深陷(于)If you immerse yourself in something that you are doing, you become completely involved in it.
Since then I've lived alone and immersed myself in my career.
VERB 使浸没(于液体中)If something is immersed in a liquid, someone puts it into the liquid so that it is completely covered.
The electrodes are immersed in liquid.
N-COUNT (进退两难的)窘境,困境A dilemma is a difficult situation in which you have to choose between two or more alternatives.
He was faced with the dilemma of whether or not to return to his country...
The issue raises a moral dilemma.